
Terms for subject Microsoft containing mode | all forms | exact matches only
active/active modeAktiv/Aktiv-Modus (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two or more servers to achieve both high availability and scalability)
active/passive modeAktiv/Passiv-Modus (The mode in which Application Request Routing is deployed on two ARR servers that process requests and that together act as a failover server. This configuration can achieve high availability, but is still limited by the maximum capacity of one ARR server)
Admin Approval ModeAdministratorgenehmigungsmodus (A security feature of Windows that allows administrators to perform normal day-to-day tasks while running with a standard user token. If administrator privileges are needed for an operation, the administrator will be notified and asked to provide either consent or credentials, depending on system policy settings)
Administration Center modeVerwaltungscentermodus (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Administration Center user interface. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode does not permit specifying multiple domains per file)
administrator modeVerwaltungsmodus (The mode of a Surface unit when the Windows operating system is available. In administrator mode, administrators can administer the Windows operating system and developers can develop and test applications while running the Surface Input application)
advisory modeBeratungsmodus (An option for Active Directory replication that specifies that lingering objects should be displayed, but not deleted)
airplane modeFlugzeugmodus (A setting that allows a user to turn off cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth on the phone simultaneously. Often required during takeoff and landing in an aircraft)
alphanumeric modealphanumerischer Modus (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
ANSI SQL query modeANSI SQL-Abfragemodus (One of two types of SQL syntax: ANSI-89 SQL (also called Microsoft Jet SQL and ANSI SQL), which is the traditional Jet SQL syntax; and ANSI-92 SQL, which has new and different reserved words, syntax rules, and wildcard characters)
answer modeAntwortmodus (A setting that allows a modem to answer an incoming call automatically. It is used in all fax machines)
APPC modeAPPC-Modus (A collection of session properties used by LU 6.2-type logical units (LUs) during a session. A mode can be used by many LU pairs at the same time)
APPC mode nameAPPC-Modusname (The name used to represent a set of characteristics used in an APPC LU-LU session)
Append modeAnfügemodus (An editing mode in which data is added as an attachment to the end of a file or database or by extending a character string)
application modeAnwendungsmodus (The mode of a Surface unit when an application is running. Only one application appears on a Surface screen at a time. The application displays on the entire screen)
asynchronous transfer modeasynchroner Übertragungsmodus (A high-speed, connection-oriented, virtual circuit-based packet switching protocol used to transport many different types of network traffic. ATM packages data in 53-byte, fixed-length cells that can be switched quickly between logical connections on a network)
asynchronous transfer modeasynchroner Übertragungsmodus (A high-speed, connection-oriented, virtual circuit-based packet switching protocol used to transport many different types of network traffic. ATM packages data in 53-byte, fixed-length cells that can be switched quickly between logical connections on a network)
Attract ModeBlickfangmodus (The mode that a Surface unit enters when the unit is not being used. Attract Mode is designed to attract users to the unit, entice them to interact with the unit, and then access Launcher through the access points)
audit modeÜberwachungsmodus (The stage of the preinstallation process used to test a manufactured computer before it is delivered to the end user)
auto style application modeAutomatische Anwendung von Formatvorlagen (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be used on a page level as well as on an inline style level. The style application mode can also be set to manual)
autocommit modeAutocommitmodus (The default transaction management mode for the Database Engine. The Database Engine automatically starts a transaction for each individual Transact-SQL statement. When the statement completes, the transaction is committed or rolled back based on the success or failure of the statement)
away modeModus "Abwesend" (A power mode in which a Media Center PC appears off, but can still perform functions such as recording a TV program. In away mode, the monitor appears blank, the audio is muted, the input devices are locked, the power LED changes from green to amber, and the system fans turn down)
background graphics modeHintergrundgrafikmodus (A mode that defines how background colors are mixed with window or screen colors for text and bitmap operations)
Ball ModeBallmodus (" A type of thumbnail view that allows the user to navigate through the thumbnails as if they were displayed around a sphere; user can use the direction keys or mouse to "rotate" the thumbnails. This is an option on the View/Thumbnails menu of the XPS Viewer.")
BitLocker disabled modeBitLocker-Modus "Deaktiviert" (A mode in which the disk volume is still encrypted by BitLocker Drive Encryption, but security is effectively disabled because the full-volume encryption key that is used to encrypt the operating system volume is accessible by using a clear key to access the volume master key)
BitLocker enabled modeBitLocker-Modus "Aktiviert" (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption is turned on and the data on the volume is transparently encrypted by BitLocker as it is written and decrypted as it is read)
BitLocker off modeBitLocker-Modus "Ausgeschaltet" (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption protection is turned off on a disk volume and the disk volume is not encrypted. This leaves the disk volume with a standard clear text file format)
blend modeFüllmethode (A method of determining how an object should appear when placed over another object)
boxed modeKästchenmodus (A Tablet PC input mode that provides a restrictive writing surface with a boxed guide that shows users where they can write each character. In boxed mode, user's ink is recognized and converted to text when the user starts writing the next character)
break modeUnterbrechungsmodus (A temporary suspension of program execution while in the development environment. In break mode, you can examine, debug, reset, step through, or continue program execution)
bridge modeBrückenmodus (A router configuration in which data passes directly through the router without the protection of network address translation)
browse modeDurchsuchenmodus (A function that lets you scan database rows and update their values one row at a time)
browser-compatible modebrowserkompatibler Modus (A mode that displays the necessary ribbons, tools and filitered functionality so that the resulting application is Web-compatible)
burst modeBurstmodus (A method of data transfer in which information is collected and sent as a unit in one high-speed transmission. In burst mode, an input/output device takes control of a multiplexer channel for the time required to send its data. In effect, the multiplexer, which normally merges input from several sources into a single high-speed data stream, becomes a channel dedicated to the needs of one device until the entire transmission has been sent. Burst mode is used both in communications and between devices in a computer system)
Cached Exchange ModeExchange-Cache-Modus (A feature that lets a Microsoft Outlook user who has a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account work offline, either by choice or due to a connection problem. A copy of the user's mailbox is stored on their computer and is frequently updated from the mail server. Any changes that are made while a connection to the server is not available are synchronized automatically when a connection becomes available)
character modeZeichenmodus (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
cipher modeVerschlüsselungsmodus (The method used to encrypt data. The stream cipher mode encodes data one bit at a time. The block cipher mode encodes data one block at a time. Although it tends to execute more slowly than stream cipher, block cipher is more secure)
classic modeklassischer Modus (A view or appearance of a form that was used in CRM 2011 and earlier versions)
Classic modeklassischer Modus (A compatibility mode for managed content. When an application pool is configured to use classic mode, IIS processes requests for managed resources by using separate IIS and ASP.NET request-processing pipelines)
cofunctional mode setkofunktionale Modusgruppe (The set of modes that are available for a particular source or target, given the constraints (for example, topology, modes pinned on other sources and targets) of a VidPN)
collection modeAuflistmodus (The frequency at which data is collected and uploaded to the management data warehouse)
compatibility modeKompatibilitätsmodus (A feature of a computer or operating system that allows it to run programs written for a different system)
conference modeKonferenzmodus (A Groove talk tool option that allows all members who select it to do audio-chat at once instead of one at a time)
consume-first modeConsume-First-Modus (One of the two statement completion modes that are provided by IntelliSense. Consume-first mode is used when classes and members are used before they are defined)
Contributor modeMitwirkungsmodus (A feature that gives the user controlled access to features based on a given group role)
cooked modeCooked-Modus (" One of two forms (the other being raw mode) in which an operating system such as UNIX or MS-DOS "sees" the handle, or identifier, for a character-based device. If the handle is in cooked mode, the operating system stores each character in a buffer and gives special treatment to carriage returns, end-of-file markers, and linefeed and tab characters, sending a line of data to a device, such as the screen, only after it reads a carriage-return or end-of-file character. In cooked mode, characters read from standard input are often automatically echoed (displayed) on the screen.")
create modeErstellungsmodus (The mode in which certain information is not available for edit on the page until the page is saved after creation. An example of this would be the opportunity record pages, where the opportunity has to be saved before products can be added)
debugging modeDebugmodus (The operational state of the tool during which problems within the selected application are detected and transferred to a debugger)
default capture modeStandarderfassungsmodus (The capture mode that specifies whether capture variables that were not explicitly specified by the user are captured by value or by reference)
deferred enforcement modezurückgestellter Erzwingungsmodus (The enforcement mode in which client computers immediately receive NAP notifications if they are not in compliance with network health requirements, but do not have their access restricted until the specified time and date)
design modeDesignmodus (The InfoPath design environment in which you can create or modify a form template)
dictation modeDiktiermodus (A speech mode that converts your dictated words into typed text, and then inserts the text into a program)
direct response modeDirektreaktionsmodus (The default mode in which SQL Server statistics are gathered separately from the SQL Server Statistics display)
Directory Services Upload modeVerzeichnisdienste-Uploadmodus (The method of adding new users to an organization's service. There are three upload modes: Administration Center mode, Directory Synchronization Tool mode, and Secure FTP mode)
Directory Synchronization Tool modeVerzeichnissynchronisierungstool-Modus (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Directory Synchronization Tool. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. It automatically synchronizes the on-site e-mail address list with the organization's hosted services)
discoverable modesichtbarer Modus (A mode in which a Bluetooth device will let any other Bluetooth device discover and connect with it)
display modeAnzeigemodus (The mode in which a Web Parts page can be displayed. It enables users to modify a page in specified ways. The states that ship with the Web Parts control set are: catalog, connect, design, edit, and browse. The default or normal mode for a Web page is browse. Developers can extend this display mode feature by adding custom display modes, which requires extending the WebPartManager class)
edit modeBearbeitungsmodus (A mode that provides full functionality for creating or editing a file)
Edit modeBearbeitungsmodus (A mode that provides full functionality for creating or editing a file)
Emergency Callback ModeNotfallrückrufmodus (A mode the phone goes into after a user calls an emergency number (ex: 911) and the call ends. When the phone is in this mode, only the emergency operator can call the person on their phone, so that the emergency operator can call back or determine where the user is at. The phone is in this mode for about 5 minutes or until the user cancels out of the mode)
enforcement modeErzwingungsmodus (A mode determined by the level of network access granted to noncompliant computers. There are three available enforcement modes: reporting mode, deferred enforcement, and full enforcement)
factory modeHerstellermodus (A mode of running Sysprep that postpones the first-run experience and enables OEM and corporations to install additional drivers and applications, incorporate build-to-order customer information, and test the Windows installation. To run Sysprep in factory mode, use the command line b>Sysprep -factory/b>)
fast page mode DRAMFast-Page-Mode-DRAM (An older form of DRAM, used in personal computers before EDO RAM was introduced, with typical clock timings of 6-3-3-3)
fast page-mode RAMFPM RAM (A specially designed dynamic RAM that supports access to sequential memory locations with a reduced cycle time)
fiber modeFibermodus (A situation where an instance of SQL Server allocates one Windows thread per SQL scheduler, and then allocates one fiber per worker thread, up to the value set in the max worker threads option)
file modeDateimodus (The mode -Input, Output, Append, Random, or Binary- that determines which methods can be used to read and write files)
Form ModeFormularmodus (The option that lets users choose, be default, what mode they will view records in forms in)
full enforcement modevollständiger Erzwingungsmodus (The enforcement mode in which client computers immediately have their network access restricted if they are not in compliance with network health requirements)
full modeVollmodus (The default operational state of Windows Media Player in which all of its features are displayed. The Player can also appear in skin mode)
full-screen modeVollbildmodus (A display mode that shows as much content as possible by hiding elements such as navigation and toolbars)
Global modeDualmodus (A network selection mode that enables the phone to bounce between CDMA and GSM network types)
Guest ModeGastmodus (An account attribution that allows users to use the computer in the exploratory mode which will automatically discard changes and actions upon logoff. Guest Mode can be applied to the standard user account in Windows 7 enabling PC owners to safely share the computer with guests, children, or other family member, with a peace of mind knowing no damaging changes or unauthorized disk writes will be made to their computer)
Headphone Virtualization modeKopfhörervirtualisierungsmodus (An audio effect setting that allows users with stereo headphones to experience stereo and multi-channel content without the need to set up an extensive multi-channel speaker system)
hubbed modeHubmodus (A mode in which the Address Resolution Protocol/multicast address resolution service (ARP/MARS) provides asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) addresses to requesting clients in the form of a multicast server (MCS) list value. In this mode, ARP/MARS acts as a multicast server, providing active forwarding of all multicast and broadcast traffic destined for IP addresses contained within the ranges specified in the list)
ink collection modeFreihanderkennungsmodus (The collection mode that determines whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes)
ink entry modeFreihandeingabemodus (The environment in which you can fill out a form by writing in ink)
Inspection ModeÜberprüfungsmodus (The mode in which Page Inspector provides instantaneous visual mapping between the integrated browser, Source view, and CSS. Selecting an element in the browser shows the exact lines of code or markup that generated the element that was selected)
Install and Configure ModeInstallations- und Konfigurationsmodus (A mode that enables administrators to configure User Account Control to run in auto-elevation mode (i.e. "auto-approval") for specific times)
Integrated modeintegrierter Modus (A compatibility mode for managed content. When an application pool is configured to use Integrated mode, the server will use the integrated, request-processing pipelines of IIS and ASP.NET to process the request)
kernel modeKernelmodus (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
kernel-mode driverKernelmodustreiber (A driver for a logical, virtual, or physical device)
kernel mode exceptionKernelmodusausnahme (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
kiosk modeKioskmodus (A display mode in which a single window takes over the whole screen, the toolbar and menu bar are not displayed, and the desktop is inaccessible)
laptop modeLaptopmodus (A mode on a convertible Tablet PC that enables you to type comfortably on the keyboard while viewing the screen)
license server discovery modeLizenzserver-Suchmodus (A mode that is configured on the terminal server that determines which method to use to find ("discover") a Terminal Services license server in order to request Terminal Services client access licenses (TS CALs))
lined modeZeilenmodus (A Tablet PC input mode that provides a non-restrictive writing surface with a lined guide that enables users to write freeform (i.e. cursive, print, or a mix of these). In lined mode, user's ink is continuously recognized and converted to text as soon as the user starts writing the next word)
locked modegesperrter Modus (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption prevents access to the encrypted drive, either because the system components have changed or because it needs an authentication key. In this circumstance, the user investigates why BitLocker triggered recovery mode and can either repair the system or enter the recovery password to exit recovery mode)
logging modeProtokollierungsmodus (The operational state of the tool during which all of the output generated by the selected application is entered into a text log file for later review)
login security modeAnwendungssicherheitsmodus (A security mode that determines the manner in which an instance of SQL Server validates a login request)
Maintenance ModeWartungsmodus (A status indicator informing that the server is being maintained)
Maintenance Mode ComputerComputer im Wartungsmodus (The title of a column or data field for a Computer Groups view that specifies the number of computers in a computer group that are in maintenance mode and were changed from managed to unmanaged computers)
management modeVerwaltungsmodus (The status of a computer that specifies whether the computer is agent-managed, unmanaged, etc)
manual style application modemanuelle Anwendung von Formatvorlagen (A mode in which the default style settings defined in Page Options > CSS tab will be not be used, but rather the styles defined in the Manage Styles task pane for the entire page or for individual items on a page will need to be applied by the user. The style application mode can also be set to auto)
migration modeMigrationsmodus (A mode in SharePoint Online that defines whether file metadata is allowed to be edited after migration. When migration mode is enabled, the site collection administrator can edit the audit-specific metadata (created by, created date, modified by and modified date) for the migrated files)
mini Player modeMiniplayermodus (The operational state of Windows Media Player in which the Player is minimized to the Windows taskbar while still providing access to playback controls and the ability to view visualizations and information about the currently playing item)
mixed modegemischter Modus (An operating mode setting that allows interoperability between versions)
Mode SwitcherModusumschaltung (A button that allows you to quickly toggle between Player Mode and Library Mode in Windows Media Player)
Move modeVerschiebmodus (The mode in which you can move columns in Datasheet view by using the left and right arrow keys)
Multi Line Modemehrzeiliger Modus (A text box mode that allows data entry on multiple lines)
multiple column sort modeSortiermodus für mehrere Spalten (The state of a header control in which two or more header columns can participate in a sort)
native modeeinheitlicher Modus (In Windows2000 domains, the domain mode in which all domain controllers in a domain are running Windows2000 and a domain administrator has switched the domain operation mode from mixed mode to native mode. Native mode supports universal groups and nesting of groups. In native mode, domain controllers running WindowsNT4.0 or earlier are not supported. In Windows Server2003 domains, native mode is referred to as 'Windows2000 native', and it is one of three domain functional levels available)
Navigation modeNavigationsmodus (The mode in Microsoft Access in which an entire field is selected and the insertion point is not visible. In Navigation mode, you can move between fields by using the arrow keys)
nonhubbed modehubloser Modus (A mode in which (ATM) Address Resolution Protocol/multicast address resolution service (ARP/MARS) does not forward multicast and broadcast traffic for multicast group clients. In this mode, the service returns a dynamic listing of ATM hosts currently registered for the multicast group address to requesting clients. Clients then use this list to initiate and establish their own point-to-multipoint virtual connections with each of the members in the multicast list)
offline modeOfflinemodus (The state in which users fill out forms when working offline)
OS upgrade modeBetriebssystem-Upgrademodus (The options for applying guest OS upgrades to the VMs. Available options are automatic, in which the OS is upgraded whenever a new guest OS is released in Windows Azure, and manual, in which the user chooses when to upgrade the VMs and what guest OS version to upgrade to)
overtype modeÜberschreibmodus (A setting in which existing characters are replaced with newly typed characters)
owner draw modeOwnerdrawn-Modus (A rendering mode in which you take responsibility for drawing a control, rather than relying on the control's default rendering behavior)
page-mode RAMPage-Mode-RAM (A specially designed dynamic RAM that supports access to sequential memory locations with a reduced cycle time)
panning modeVerschiebemodus (A mode that enables the user to move a document by dragging it. Panning mode is available when a Word document is displayed on a preview pane)
Pass Through modeDurchleitungsmodus (The option on the Accounts page that lists user addresses that will be filtered by the Message Switch. E-mail to all SMTP addresses not on the Pass Through list is delivered directly, without passing through the message filtering system)
Per Device licensing modeLizenzierungsmodus "Pro Gerät" (A mode in which the remote desktop server requests an RDS Per Device client access license (RDS Per Device CAL) from a Remote Desktop license server so that a device can connect remotely to the remote desktop server)
Per User licensing modeLizenzierungsmodus "Pro Benutzer" (A mode in which the remote desktop server requests an RDS Per User client access license (RDS Per User CAL) from a Remote Desktop license server so that a user can connect remotely to the remote desktop server)
phone modeHandymodus (A selector that determines which cellular network type a phone will use)
pipeline modePipelinemodus (An application pool setting that determines how to process requests that involve managed resources. The options are integrated mode or classic mode)
protected modegeschützter Modus (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
quiet modestiller Modus (The mode of a command-line application where it does not display confirmation messages or any other user interface items that normally appear on screen. The switch for quiet mode is typically '/q')
raw modeRohmodus (" A way in which the UNIX and MS-DOS operating systems "see" a character-based device. If the identifier for the device indicates raw mode, the operating system does not filter input characters or give special treatment to carriage returns, end-of-file markers, and linefeed and tab characters.")
RD Session Host server running in redirection modeRD-Sitzungshostserver im Umleitungsmodus (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
Read modeLesemodus (A mode that is optimized for reading or viewing content and does not support edit functionality)
real modeRealmodus (An operating mode in the Intel 80x86 family of microprocessors. In real mode, the processor can execute only one program at a time. It can access no more than about 1 MB of memory, but it can freely access system memory and input/output devices. Real mode is the only mode possible in the 8086 processor and is the only operating mode supported by MS-DOS. In contrast, the protected mode offered in the 80286 and higher microprocessors provides the memory management and memory protection needed for multitasking environments such as Windows)
recovery modeWiederherstellungsmodus (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption prevents access to the encrypted drive, either because the system components have changed or because it needs an authentication key. In this circumstance, the user investigates why BitLocker triggered recovery mode and can either repair the system or enter the recovery password to exit recovery mode)
redirection modeUmleitungsmodus (A mode that is configured on the remote desktop server by using the Remote Desktop Server Configuration tool. A remote desktop server in redirection mode is required to provide clients access to virtual machines in virtual desktop pools or to personal virtual desktops by using RemoteApp and Desktop Connection)
Reduced Functionality ModeModus mit eingeschränkter Funktionalität (A mode which prevents users from logging on to the computer until Windows is activated)
reference modeReferenzmodus (A word, number, or abbreviation used to identify a unique instance of an entity object type)
Remote Desktop licensing modeRemotedesktop-Lizenzierungsmodus (A mode that determines the type of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that a remote desktop server will request from a license server on behalf of a client that is connecting to the remote desktop server)
renewal only modeNur-Erneuerungen-Modus (A configuration mode for the Certificate Enrollment Web Service in which it will only process renewal requests)
reporting modeBerichterstellungsmodus (The enforcement mode in which all non-compliance issues are recorded for reporting purposes only. Client computers do not have their access restricted)
safe modeabgesicherter Modus (A method of starting Windows using only basic files and drivers. Safe mode is available by pressing the F8 key during startup. This allows you to start the computer when a problem prevents it from starting correctly)
Secure FTP modesicherer FTP-Modus (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via Secure FTP (SFTP). This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode permits specifying multiple domains per file)
sharing modeFreigabemodus (The client view that the presenter sees when he or she is presenting a Sharing slide)
single-user modeEinzelbenutzermodus (A state in which only one user can access a resource)
skin modeDesignmodus (An operational state of Windows Media Player in which its user interface is displayed as a skin)
sleep modeEnergiesparmodus (A power-saving state that allows the computer to quickly resume full-power operation (typically within several seconds) when you want to start working again. All open documents and programs are saved to memory before the computer enters the low-power state)
Snap modeSnap-Modus (Reduced screen mode in Bing apps. Not in use in UI yet, but it could appear in UI or UA messages eventually)
standard modeStandardmodus (The standard statement completion mode that is provided by IntelliSense. Standard mode is used when classes and members are used after having been defined)
stealth modegeschützter Modus (An option in firewall software that hides your presence information and makes your computer invisible to others while logged on to the Internet)
strict modeStrict-Modus (A state that applies a set of restrictions to JavaScript code)
supervisor modeSupervisormodus (A highly privileged mode of operation where program code has direct access to all memory, including the address spaces of all user-mode processes and applications, and to hardware)
Test modeTestmodus (A Directory Services option on the Accounts page. When a customer is running in Test mode, all e-mail for recipients who are not on the user list is redirected to a separate e-mail address after filtering (thus this mail is not rejected))
Test Mode/Live ModeTestmodus/Livemodus (The modes on the Accounts page for a custom spam filter policy rule to run in. A rule can be run in test mode to monitor what would happen if rule were deployed, or in live mode, where the rule is actually deployed)
text modeTextmodus (" A display mode in which the monitor can display letters, numbers, and other text characters but no graphical images or WYSIWYG ("what-you-see-is-what-you-get") character formatting (italics, superscript, and so on).")
text-mode SetupTextmodusinstallation (The second of the three stages of Setup, where the basic hardware of the computer (CPU, motherboard, hard disk controllers, file systems, and memory) is determined, the base operating system necessary to continue is installed, and specified folders are created)
theater modeKinomodus (A feature in Internet Explorer whereby the object's main window fills the entire screen and displays a toolbar with a minimal set of navigational buttons. A status bar is also provided in the upper right-hand corner of the screen)
Time Attack ModeZeitspiel (A menu item on the Purble Place menu that allows the user to select a timed mode for their game)
unrestricted modeuneingeschränkter Modus (A state that does not apply a specific set of restrictions to JavaScript code)
user modeBenutzermodus (The nonprivileged processor mode in which application code, including protected subsystem code, executes. User-mode applications cannot gain access to system data except by calling subsystem-supplied functions, which, in turn, call system services)
user mode accountBenutzermoduskonto (The user account that the software uses to log on user mode)
user mode exceptionBenutzermodusausnahme (An exception that occurs while executing a normal application (in Word, Excel, etc))
verbose modeausführlicher Modus (A mode that presents the user with additional or more detailed information)
virtual-mode data bindingDatenbindung im virtuellen Modus (A type of data binding in which a data-bound control retrieves only as many rows from the database as the user will be able to see on the screen)
Virtualization ModeVirtualisierungsmodus (An audio effect setting that allows users with stereo headphones to experience stereo and multi-channel content without the need to set up an extensive multi-channel speaker system)
visibility modeSichtbarkeitsmodus (A mode in which SharePoint Server is the primary source for all the project details. Project Server scheduling, time and status, and advanced functionality are disabled)
voice command modeStimmbefehlmodus (A speech mode that you can use to give commands to a program)
worker process isolation modeArbeitsprozess-Isolationsmodus (The Web process model for IIS 6.0)
write modeSchreibmodus (In computer operation, the state in which a program can write (record) information in a file. In write mode, the program is permitted to make changes to existing information)