
Terms for subject Microsoft containing machine | all forms | exact matches only
automatic virtual machine activationAutomatische Aktivierung virtueller Maschinen (Activation of a guest operating system or application based on properties of a host system or parent partition, including but not limited to the license state of the host)
32 bit machine32-Bit-Computer (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
expired virtual machineabgelaufene virtuelle Maschine (A virtual machine that can no longer be managed by the self-service user who owns it because the virtual machine's expiration date has passed)
host machineHostcomputer (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
local machinelokaler Computer (The computer that you are currently logged on to as a user. More generally, a local computer is a computer that you can access directly without using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network adapter or a modem)
Local Machine Zone LockdownSperrung der Zone des lokalen Computers (A Windows security feature for Internet Explorer that secures the Local Machine Zone by tightening restrictions on several URL actions. Any time one of these URL actions is attempted, a new security user interface (UI) element, called the Information Bar, appears. The user can click the Information Bar to remove the lockdown from the restricted content)
physical machinephysischer Computer (A hardware-based computer, as opposed to a software-based virtual machine)
physical-to-virtual machine conversionPhysical-to-Virtual-Konvertierung (" The process by which a functioning physical computer is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine.")
primary virtual machineprimärer virtueller Computer (A virtual machine hosted on the primary server and replicated to the machines on the Replica server)
Replica virtual machinevirtueller Replikatcomputer (A virtual machine running on the Replica server that receives changes that are detected on the corresponding primary virtual machine)
state machineZustandsautomat (A graph of states and transitions that describes the response of an object of a given class to the receipt of outside stimuli. A state machine is attached to a class or method. A statechart diagram represents a state machine)
state machineAutomat (A graph of states and transitions that describes the response of an object of a given class to the receipt of outside stimuli. A state machine is attached to a class or method. A statechart diagram represents a state machine)
stored virtual machinegespeicherte virtuelle Maschine (An inactive virtual machine that has been saved to the Virtual Machine Manager library. The virtual machine's virtual hard disks (.vhd files) and virtual machine configuration file (.vmc file) are stored on a library share)
virtual machinevirtueller Computer, virtuelle Maschine (A software implementation of a computer that emulates a complete hardware system, from processor to network card, in a self-contained, isolated software environment, enabling the simultaneous operation of otherwise incompatible operating systems)
virtual machine-based desktop deploymentauf virtuellen Computern basierende Desktopbereitstellung (A deployment that allows users to run multiple client operating systems on a single server hosted on Hyper-V)
virtual machine busBus des virtuellen Computers (A communications line used in Hyper-V by virtual machines and certain types of virtual devices. The virtual devices that use virtual machine bus have been optimized for use in virtual machines)
virtual machine configurationKonfiguration des virtuellen Computers (The configuration of the resources assigned to a virtual machine. Examples include devices such as disks and network adapters, as well as memory and processors)
virtual machine configuration fileKonfigurationsdatei der virtuellen Maschine (An XML-based file that stores the configuration of the virtual machine)
Virtual Machine ConnectionVerbindung mit virtuellen Computern (A feature of Hyper-V that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely through an interactive session)
virtual machine deploymentBereitstellung der virtuellen Maschine (The process of moving the configuration files for a virtual machine from the Virtual Machine Manager library to a virtual machine host)
virtual machine expirationAblauf von virtuellen Maschinen (A feature of Virtual Machine Manager that enables an administrator to set the number of days after the created date when a virtual machine is retired from use by self-service users. Expired virtual machines no longer appear in the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. However, the Virtual Machine Manager administrator still can manage the expired virtual machines. Expiration settings are applied transparently through the virtual machine templates with which self-service users create their virtual machines)
Virtual Machine Helper serviceHilfsdienst für virtuelle Computer (A service of Virtual Server that allows you to run a virtual machine in the context of a specified user account. The virtual machine is started in that user account's context, and uses it for accessing network resources. Virtual machine scripts also run in this user account's context)
virtual machine hostHost für virtuelle Maschinen (A physical computer that is running virtualization software, such as Hyper-V, on which virtual machines can be deployed)
virtual machine identityIdentität der virtuellen Maschine (The virtual machine name in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, which uniquely identify a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system running inside the virtual machine)
Virtual Machine Management serviceVerwaltungsdienst für virtuelle Computer (The Hyper-V service that provides management access to virtual machines)
Virtual Machine Manager Administrator ConsoleVirtual Machine Manager-Administratorkonsole (The console that provides access to the administrative functions of Virtual Machine Manager)
Virtual Machine Manager agentVirtual Machine Manager-Agent (Software that is installed on either a virtual machine host or a library server, which enables Virtual Machine Manager to monitor and manage hosts, virtual machines, and library resources. An agent is also installed on the source machine during a physical-to-virtual machine conversion.)
Virtual Machine Manager databaseVirtual Machine Manager-Datenbank (The SQL Server database that holds all Virtual Machine Manager configuration information)
Virtual Machine Manager libraryVirtual Machine Manager-Bibliothek (The catalog of resources that can be used to create virtual machines in Virtual Machine Manager)
Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service PortalVirtual Machine Manager-Self-Service-Portal (The Web site that users with the needed permissions and settings can use to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment. The Virtual Machine Manager administrator configures self-service policies to determine which users can use the self-service portal and what they can do)
Virtual Machine Manager serverVirtual Machine Manager-Server (A physical computer running Virtual Machine Manager)
Virtual Machine Manager serviceVirtual Machine Manager-Dienst (The software component that runs Virtual Machine Manager)
Virtual Machine Manager toolbarVirtual Machine Manager-Symbolleiste (A toolbar in the main Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console that includes commands for hiding or displaying the Actions pane, customizing columns in the current view, opening the Job Tracking Status Window to monitor the status your own jobs, and opening Virtual Machine Manager Help)
virtual machine migrationMigration der virtuellen Maschine (The process of moving a deployed virtual machine from its current virtual machine host to another host)
virtual machine nameName der virtuellen Maschine (The name that, in combination with the computer name of the virtual machine's host, uniquely identifies a virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager. The virtual machine name is a different property from the computer name of the guest operating system)
virtual machine ownershipBesitz von virtuellen Maschinen (The ownership under which an owner can operate and manage a designated virtual machine through the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal. If a self-service policy is created for a group, the group can have either per user ownership of virtual machines or shared ownership of virtual machines)
virtual machine permissionsBerechtigungen für virtuelle Maschinen (Permissions that determine which actions self-service users can perform on their own virtual machines. The permissions allow users to create, delete, start, stop, pause, and resume their own virtual machines, serve as a local administrator on their virtual machines, and access their virtual machines remotely by using Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC))
virtual machine placementPlatzierung der virtuellen Maschine (The process of selecting the most suitable host to deploy a virtual machine on)
virtual machine preservationBeibehaltung virtueller Maschinen (The process of updating a host operating system, maximizing uptime of the virtual machine(s) that it hosts)
Virtual Machine QueueWarteschlange für virtuelle Computer (A feature that uses hardware packet filtering to deliver packet data from an external virtual machine network directly to virtual machines, which reduces the overhead of routing packets and copying them from the management operating system to the virtual machine)
virtual machine quotaQuote für virtuelle Maschinen (A limit that is placed on the number of deployed virtual machines for a user or group in virtual machine self-service. Each virtual machine can add zero or more quota points toward a virtual machine quota that is set for a self-service policy. If the self-service policy is associated with a group, the quota either can be shared by all group members (under shared ownership) or can apply to each group member individually (under per user ownership). The quota does not apply to stored virtual machines)
Virtual Machine Remote ControlVirtual Machine-Remotesteuerung (A feature of Virtual Server that allows a running virtual machine to be managed remotely)
virtual machine self-serviceSelf-Service für virtuelle Maschinen (The Virtual Machine Manager feature that enables users to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment)
virtual machine snapshotMomentaufnahme des virtuellen Computers (A file-based snapshot of the state, disk data, and configuration of a virtual machine at a specific point in time)
virtual machine templateVorlage für virtuelle Maschinen (A library resource consisting of a guest operating system profile, a hardware profile, and one or more virtual hard disks (.vhd files), which can be used to create a new virtual machine. Computer identify information must have been removed from the .vhd file that contains the operating system files by using the System Preparation tool (Sysprep). Self-service users must use designated templates to create their virtual machines)
Virtual MachinesVirtuelle Computer (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
Virtual Machines viewAnsicht "Virtuelle Maschinen" (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator monitors, operates, migrates, clones, and creates checkpoints for virtual machines that are deployed on a virtual machine host)
virtual-to-virtual machine conversionVirtual-to-Virtual-Konvertierung (" The process by which a functioning virtual machine created in VMware is "converted" to an identical, or nearly identical, virtual machine in Virtual Machine Manager.")
Windows Azure Virtual MachinesWindows Azure-Virtuelle Computer (The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offer in Windows Azure that allows customers to deploy persistent virtual machines with nearly any server workload they want)
Windows PowerShell - Virtual Machine Manager command shellWindows PowerShell - Virtual Machine Manager-Befehlsshell (The command shell, based on Windows PowerShell (Powershell.exe), that makes available the cmdlets that perform all functions in Virtual Machine Manager)