
Terms for subject Microsoft containing length | all forms | exact matches only
burst lengthBurstlänge (The mean duration, expressed in milliseconds, of the burst periods that have occurred since the beginning of reception)
field lengthFeldlänge (In bulk copy, the maximum number of characters needed to represent a data item in a bulk copy character format data file)
focal lengthBrennweite (The distance between the camera's lens and the image plane)
gap lengthLückenlänge (The mean duration, expressed in milliseconds, of the gap periods that have occurred since the beginning of reception)
iteration lengthIterationslänge (The length of the fixed period of time that comprises an iteration. The iteration length usually stays constant over the entire project)
prefix lengthPräfixlänge (The number of prefix characters preceding each noncharacter field in a bcp native format data file)
Type-Length-ValueTyp-Länge-Wert (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
Type, Length, ValueLänge (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
Type, Length, ValueWert (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
Type, Length, ValueTyp (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
zero-length stringleere Zeichenfolge (A string that contains no characters)
zero-length stringZeichenfolge der Länge NULL (A string that contains no characters)