
Terms containing kilocalorie | all forms | exact matches only
meas.inst.kilocalorie per cubic metreKilokalorie je Kubikmeter (unit of calorific value of gas; 1 kcal/mp = 4186, 8 J/mp)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per hourKilokalorie je Stunde (unit of heat flow; 1 kcal/h = 1, 163 W)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per hour • centigradeKilokalorie je Stunde • Grad (unit of heat capacity; 1 kcal/h cent = 1, 163 W/cent)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per kilogrammeKilokalorie je Kilogramm (unit of specific enthalpy, specific heat of vaporization, heating value and specific inherent energy; 1 kcal/kg = 4, 1868 J/g)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per kilogramme x degree KelvinKilokalorie je Kilogramm x Grad Kelvin (unit of specific entropy; 1 kcal/kg °K = 4186, 8J/kg • °K)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per metre x hour x centigradeKilokalorie je Meter x Stunde x Grad (unit of heat conductivity; 1 kcal/m • h • cent = 1, 163 W/m • cent)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per square metre x hourKilokalorie je Quadratmeter x Stunde (unit of heat flow density; 1 kcal/m2 • h = 1, 163 W/m2)
meas.inst.kilocalorie per square metre x hour x centigradeKilokalorie je Quadratmeter • Stunde • Grad (unit of heat transfer coefficient; 1 kcal/m2 • h • cent = 1, 163 W/m2 • cent)
meas.inst.x Grad kilocalorie per kilogramme x centigradeKilokalorie je Kilogramm (unit of specific heat capacity; 1 kcal/kg • cent = 4186, 8J/kg • cent)