
Terms for subject Law containing has not | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a State which has not deposited its instruments of ratification and accessionein Staat,der seine Ratifikations-und Beitrittsurkunden nicht hinterlegt hat
as long as the defect has not been curedbis zur Behebung des Mangels
insurer who is not domiciled in the Community but has a branch or agency thereVersicherer,der in der Gemeinschaft keinen Wohnsitz,wohl aber eine Zweigniederlassung oder Agentur hat
it seems that the Commission has not exercised all the diligence required of itdie Kommission scheint nicht die erforderliche Sorgfalt an den Tag gelegt zu haben
principle whereby proceedings may not be brought unless an administrative act has been infringedVerwaltungsakzessorietät
right to have windows not shut off from lightFensterrecht
the proprietor has not put the Community trade mark to genuine useder Inhaber hat die Gemeinschaftsmarke nicht ernsthaft benutzt