
Terms for subject Medical containing greatest | all forms | exact matches only
abductor muscle of great toeAbduktor hallucis zu (musculus abductor hallucis)
abductor muscle of great toeMusculus abductor hallucis zu (musculus abductor hallucis)
adductor muscle of great toeGroßzehenanzieher (musculus adductor hallucis)
ball of the great toeBallen (thenar)
Chaussier great muscular arteryChaussier Ader
corrected transposition of great vesselskorrigierte Transposition
disease of great socio-economic impactKrankheit von weitreichender sozioökonomischer Bedeutung
great adductor musclegroßer Schenkelanzieher (musculus adductor magnus)
great auricular nerveNerv auricularis magnus
great cardiac plexusPlexus cardiacus profundus (plexus cardiacus profundus)
great cardiac veinVena cordis magna (vena cordis magna)
great cardiac veingroße Herzvene (vena cordis magna, vena cardiaca magna)
great cerebral veinGalen-Vene (vena magna cerebri)
great cerebral veingroße Gehirnvene (vena magna cerebri)
great cerebral vein of GalenGalen-Vene (vena magna cerebri)
great cerebral vein of Galengroße Gehirnvene (vena magna cerebri)
great cisternCisterna magna (cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior)
great foramengroßes Hinterhauptsloch (foramen magnum)
great horizontal fissureSulcus horizontalis cerebelli (sulcus horizontalis cerebelli)
great occipital foramengroßes Hinterhauptsloch (foramen magnum)
great palatine nerveNerv palatinus anterior
great palatine nerveNerv palatinus major
great phrenic arteriesuntere Zwerchfellarterien (arteriae phrenicae inferiores)
great sacrosciatic foramenForamen ischiadicum majus
great sacrosciatic ligamentLigamentum sacrotuberosum
great sacrosciatic ligamentLigamentum sacrotuberale
great saphenous veingroße Rosenader (vena saphena magna)
great saphenous veingroße Rosenvene (vena saphena magna)
great superficial petrosal nerveNervus petrosus major (nervus petrosus superficialis maior)
great toeGroßzehe (digitus primus pedis, hallux)
great toegroße Zehe (hallux)
great toe reflexBabinski-Zehenreflex
great toe reflexBabinski-Zeichen
great toe reflexBabinski-Zehenphänomen
great toe reflexGroßzehenreflex
great toe reflexBabinski-Reflex
great vein of GalenGalen-Vene (vena magna cerebri)
great vein of Galengroße Gehirnvene (vena magna cerebri)
great vessels of the thoraxgrosse Gefaesse des Brustkorbes
greater calycesCalyces renales majores
greater circulationgroßer Kreislauf
greater circulationKörperkreislauf
greater curvature of stomachCurvatura ventriculi major
greater hornCornu majus (cornu majus ossis hyoidei)
greater horngrosses Zungenbeinhorn (cornu majus ossis hyoidei)
greater hornCornu branchiale
greater horn of hyoid bonegrosses Zungenbeinhorn (cornu majus ossis hyoidei)
greater horn of hyoid boneCornu branchiale
greater omentumgroßes oder Darmnetz (omentum majus)
greater omentumOmentum majus (omentum majus)
greater omentumOmentum colicum (omentum majus)
greater palatine foramenForamen palatinum majus
greater sciatic foramenForamen ischiadicum majus
greater sciatic notchIncisura ischiadica superior
greater sciatic notchIncisura sacroischiadica
greater sciatic notchIncisura ischiadica major (incisura ischiadica major)
greater supraclavicular fossaTrigonum omoclaviculare
greater supraclavicular fossaSalznäpfchen
greater supraclavicular fossaFossa supraclavicularis major
greater sweat glandsGlandulae sudoriferae majores
greater sweat glandsDuftdrüsen
greater trochanterTrochanter major (trochanter major)
greater vestibular glandGlandula Cowperi muliebris
greater vestibular glandGlandula vestibularis major Bartholini
greater vestibular glandTiedemann Drüse
greater vestibular glandGlandula vulvovaginalis
greater vestibular glandDuverney Drüse
greater vestibular glandBartholin Drüse
greatest gluteal musclegroßer Gesäßmuskel (musculus gluteus maximus)
hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerveHiatus canalis nervi facialis
hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerveHiatus spurius canalis Fallopii
hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerveHiatus canalis nervi petrosi majoris
hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerveFissura petrosa superficialis
hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerveFerrein Foramen
hiatus for greater superficial petrosal nerveApertura spuria canalis facialis
long extensor muscle of great toelanger Großzehenstrecker (musculus extensor hallucis longus)
long flexor muscle of great toelanger Großzehenbeuger (musculus flexor hallucis longus)
long flexor of great toelanger Großzehenbeuger (musculus flexor hallucis longus)
short extensor muscle of great toekurzer Großzehenstrecker (musculus extensor hallucis brevis)
transposition of great vesselsTransposition der großen Gefäße
transposition of the great vesselsTransposition der großen Gefäße
upper part of greater sciatic foramenForamen suprapiriforme