
Terms for subject Agriculture containing gram | all forms | exact matches only
fertilizer consumption,100 grams per hectare of arable landDüngemittelverbrauch in 100 g pro Hektar landwirtschaftlich genutzter Fläche
golden gramJerusalembohne (Phaseolus aureus)
golden gramMungbohne (Phaseolus aureus)
gram blightAnthraknose der Kichererbse (Mycosphaerella rabiei, Phyllosticta rabiei)
gram blight of chickpeaPhyllosticta rabiei (Mycosphaerella rabiei)
gram blight of chickpeaAnthraknoseder Kichererbse (Mycosphaerella rabiei)
Gram negativeGram negativ
Gram positiveGram positiv
green gramJerusalembohne (Phaseolus aureus)
green gramMungbohne (Phaseolus aureus)