
Terms for subject Microsoft containing good | all forms | exact matches only
consumer goodKonsumgut (A good that is created for consumer user rather than business use)
cost of goods soldWareneinsatz (An accounting category used to sum the financial consequences of manufacturing products and carrying inventory)
durable goodlanglebiges Gut (An good that is not consumed completely at first use, but yields service over time)
finished goodFertigartikel, Gutmenge fertig melden (An item assembled for sale using a bill of materials)
Good Automated Manufacturing PracticeLeitfaden zur Validierung automatisierter Systeme (Guidelines, originally developed for the pharmaceutical industry and used in the healthcare industry, for validating that automated systems meet agreed-upon specifications and comply with regulations)
good clinical practicegute klinische Praxis (A standardized set of best practices and principles for the design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analysis, and reporting of clinical trials)
good laboratory practicegute Laborpraxis (A standardized set of best practices and principles for conducting non-clinical laboratory studies)
good manufacturing practicegute Herstellungspraxis (Current good manufacturing practices for the manufacture, packaging, and holding of finished pharmaceuticals and drugs)
Goods and Services TaxSteuern auf Waren und Dienstleistungen (A value-added tax levied in some countries/regions)
goods in transitWaren in Zustellung (Items that have been dispatched from the shipping location but have not yet arrived at the delivery location)
make-goodWiedergutmachung (Placements to make up for placements that were ordered but not run or that were run improperly)