
Terms for subject Microsoft containing fixes | all forms
break-fixProblemlösungs- (Pertaining to a service agreement which provides for the repair or replacement of multiple types of in-warranty or out-of-warranty broken IT equipment)
buddy fixBuddy Fix (An unofficial hotfix which may not be fully tested or packaged. It is released to the customer to verify that it solves the problem before final testing and packaging)
compatibility fixKompatibilitätspatch (A small piece of code that intercepts API calls from applications, transforming them so that Windows Vista will provide the same product support for the application as previous versions of the operating system)
Fix paneBereich "Reparieren" (An area in Windows Photo Gallery that includes an assortment of picture editing tools for common editing tasks. The Fix pane is opened by clicking the Fix button on the toolbar in Photo Gallery)
private fixprivater Fix (An unofficial hotfix which may not be fully tested or packaged. It is released to the customer to verify that it solves the problem before final testing and packaging)