
Terms for subject Environment containing enhancement | all forms | exact matches only
image enhancement In remote sensing, the filtering of data and other processes to manipulate pixels to produce an image that accentuates features of interest or visual interpretationBildverbesserung
Joint Work Programme on the Conservation and Enhancement of Biological and Landscape Diversity in Forest Ecosystemsgemeinsames Arbeitsprogramm zum Schutz und zur Aufwertung der biologischen und landschaftlichen Vielfalt in den Ökosystemen der Wälder
precipitation enhancement Increase of precipitation resulting from changes in the colloidal stability of clouds. This can be either intentional, as with cloud seeding, or unintentional, as with air pollution, which increases aerosol concentrations and reduces sunlightNiederschlagserhöhung
precipitation enhancementNiederschlagserhöhung