
Terms containing deprive of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
lawto deprive a treaty of its objectden Zweck eines Vertrages vereiteln
lawto deprive by declaration of court a prodigal or lunatic of the control over his property and establishing a guardianship wardshipjemanden entmündigen
lawto deprive by declaration of court a prodigal or lunatic of the control over his property and establishing a guardianship wardshipjemanden unter Vormundschaft stellen
lawto deprive by declaration of court a prodigal or lunatic of the control over his property and establishing a guardianship wardshipjemanden bevormunden
gen.deprive ofjdn. einer Sache berauben (sth.)
gen.deprive ofberauben
gen.deprive ofjdm etw. vorenthalten (sth.)
lawdeprive smb. of a rightjdm ein Recht aberkennen (entziehen)
gen.deprive of a rightjdm. ein Recht absprechen
notar.deprive smb. of citizenshipjdm die Staatsangehörigkeit aberkennen
law, ADRdeprive smb. of his nationalityjdm die Staatsangehörigkeit aberkennen
gen.deprive of his powerentmachten
gen.deprive of his powerentmachte
f.trade.deprive smb of his rightsjdm seine Rechte vorenthalten
polit., lawto deprive of officeseines Amtes entheben
polit., lawto deprive of officeseiner Funktion entheben
gen.deprive someone of a rightjdm. ein Recht absprechen
gen.deprive someone of a rightjemandem ein recht absprechen
gen.to deprive the article of its practical effectivenessdie praktische Wirksamkeit des Artikels nehmen
gen.deprived of his powerentmachtete
gen.deprives of his powerentmachtet
gen.depriving of his powerentmachtend
lawlegal decision depriving a spendthrift or a lunatic of control over his estateEntmündigungsurteil
lawlegal decision depriving a spendthrift or a lunatic of control over his estateVerbotsurteil
lawlegal decision depriving a spendthrift or a lunatic of control over his estateEntmündigungsbeschluß