
Terms for subject Measuring instruments containing degree | all forms | exact matches only
accuracy degreeGenauigkeitsgrad
Celsius degreeCelsiusgrad
degree CelsiusGrad Celsius (unit of temperature)
degree centigradeGrad Celsius (unit of temperature)
degree FahrenheitGrad Fahrenheit (unit of temperature)
degree KelvinKelvin-Grad (unit of temperature)
degree KelvinGrad Kelvin (unit of temperature)
degree of accuracyGenauigkeitsklasse
degree of accuracyKlasse
degree of accuracyFehlerklasse
degree of amplificationVerstärkungsgrad
degree of amplificationVerstärkungsziffer
degree of amplificationVerstärkungsfaktor
degree of dampingDämpfungskonstante (attenuation)
degree of dampingDämpfungsgrad (attenuation)
degree of dampingDämpfungsfaktor (attenuation)
degree of enclosureSchutzgrad (electrical equipment)
degree of filtrationFiltrationsgrad
degree of modulationAussteuerungsgrad
degree of modulationAussteuerung
degree of qualityGütegrad
degree of sensibilityEmpfindlichkeitsgrad
degree-of-polymerization detectorMeßfühler für den Polymerisationsgrad
degree per minuteAltgrad je Minute (unit of angular velocity; 1°/min = 17,453- 10-3rad/min)
degree per secondAltgrad je Sekunde (unit of angular velocity; 1°/s = 17,453 • 10-3 rad/s)
degree per square minuteAltgrad je Quadratminute (unit of angular acceleration; 1°/min2= 17,453 10-3 rad/min2)
degree per square secondAltgrad je Quadratsekunde (unit of angular acceleration; 1°/s2 = 17,453 10-3 rad/s2)
Engler degreeGrad Engler (unit of kinematic viscosity)
Engler degreeEngler-Grad (unit of kinematic viscosity)
Fahrenheit degreeFahrenheitgrad
joule per kilogramme x degree KelvinJoule je Kilogramm x Grad Kelvin (unit of spectific entropy, ; 1 J/kg • °K = 2, 388 • 10-4kcal/kg • °K)
Kelvin degreeKelvin-Grad
kilocalorie per kilogramme x degree KelvinKilokalorie je Kilogramm x Grad Kelvin (unit of specific entropy; 1 kcal/kg °K = 4186, 8J/kg • °K)
kilojoule per kilogramme x degree KelvinKilojoule je Kilogramm x Grad Kelvin (unit of specific entropy; 1 kJ/kg • °K = 2, 388 10 cal/g • °K)
relative degree ofStabilitätsgrad (stability)
single-degree-of-freedom systemSystem mit einem Freiheitsgrad
square degreeQuadratgrad (unit of solid angle; 1 sq d = 3 0462 • 10-4sr)