
Terms for subject Microsoft containing credit | all forms | exact matches only
credit adviceGutschriftsanzeige (An official notice of a bank credit transaction)
credit balance transactionGuthabenbuchung (A transaction with an unapplied balance that decreases the customer's or supplier's balance. Examples include credit memos, returns, payments, and receipts)
credit cardKreditkarte (A type of payment card where the supplier is paid by the card issuer. The card holder then pays the card issuer)
credit card authorizationKreditkartenautorisierung (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled)
credit card captureKreditkartenerfassung (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness when a sales order is fulfilled)
credit card preauthorizationKreditkartenvorautorisierung (The process of verifying the credit card holder's identification and credit worthiness before a sales order is processed and fulfilled. The merchant asks the credit card company to reduce the customer's credit line by the invoice amount without charging the account. The preauthorization usually expires after a fixed period of time defined by the credit card processor)
Credit holdKreditsperre (A field name on the account form. The user can set this field to Yes or No depending on whether there is a hold on the account)
credit holdKreditsperre (A restriction placed by the vendor that prevents a business or customer from charging for work or goods)
credit limitKreditlimit (A limit placed by a vendor on the monetary amount that a business or customer can charge)
Credit limitKreditlinie (A field name on the account form. The user enters the amount in dollars that represents the maximum limit of the account)
credit limitKreditlinie (A limit placed by a vendor on the monetary amount that a business or customer can charge)
credit limit checkKreditlimitprüfung (A calculation to determine whether a customer's outstanding balance is within the maximum credit allowed for that customer)
credit noteGutschrift (An invoice with a negative amount)
provisioned credit card processing accountbereitgestelltes Konto zum Abwickeln von Kreditkartentransaktionen (An account that has been set up and activated for processing credit card payments and which was set up by using Dynamics Live)
song creditSongguthaben (Credits used to download songs with a Xbox Music Pass subscription)