
Terms for subject Environment containing cover | all forms | exact matches only
dense sky coverdichte Wolkendecke
European Topic Centre on Land CoverETC/Landbedeckung
European Topic Centre on Land CoverETC/Bodenbedeckung
forest cover destruction Destruction of forests is carried out in many countries in order to provide new land for agricultural or livestock purposes. It is often done without factors such as climate and topography having been sufficiently studied and on lands where slope nature of the soil or other physiographic characteristics clearly indicate that the land involved is suitable only for forest. Although these practices may lead to a temporary increase in productivity, there are also many indications that in the long run there is usually a decrease in productivity per unit of surface and that erosion and irreversible soil deterioration often accompany this process. Many factors contribute to forest cover destruction: timber production, clearance for agriculture, cutting for firewood and charcoal, fires, droughts, strip mining, pollution, urban development, population pressures, and warfareZerstörung der Waldbedeckung
forest cover destructionZerstörung der Waldbedeckung
forest cover destructionRodung von Wäldern
forest cover destructionEntwaldung
forest cover destructionAbholzung
green coverVegetationsdecke
ground coverBodenflora
ground coverlebende Bodendecke
land coverLandressourcen
land cover Land cover is the physical state of the land surface. It is the combination of vegetation, soil, rock, water and human-made structures, which make up the earth's landscape. The land cover is the interface between the earth's crust and the atmosphere, influencing the exchange of energy and matter in the climatic system and biogeochemical cyclesLandbedeckung
land coverBodennutzung
land coverBodendecke
land coverBodenbedeckung
Land cover projectLand-Cover-Programm
meadows with some tree coverDehesa-Flächen
natural covernatürliche Vegetationsdecke
natural covernatürlicher Bewuchs
natural covernatürliche Bewachsung
plant coverPflanzenbewuchs
plant coverVegetationsdecke
plant coverPflanzendecke
snow coverSchneedecke
spontaneous coverSelbstbegrünung
top soil coverOberbodenabdeckung
travelling exhibition certificate shall cover only one specimenWanderausstellungsbescheinigung gilt jeweils nur für ein Exemplar
vegetation coverVegetationsdecke
vegetation coverPflanzenbewuchs
vegetation cover Number of plants growing on a certain area of landVegetationsdecke