
Terms for subject Microsoft containing copy | all forms | exact matches only
analogue copy protectionAOD (A form of rights management based on technology developed by Macrovision, which prevents analogue output to be played back from VHS tape)
backup copySicherungskopie (A duplicate of a program, a disk, or data, made either for archiving purposes or for safeguarding files)
backup shadow copySicherungsschattenkopie (A shadow copy of a replica created by the DpmBackup command-line tool. In DPM, backup shadow copies are used to archive replicas to tape)
blind carbon copyBcc (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done)
blind courtesy copyBcc (A feature of e-mail programs that allows a user to send a copy of an e-mail message to a recipient without notifying other recipients that this was done)
bulk copyMassenkopieren (An action of copying a large set of data)
Bulk Copy ProgramMassenkopierprogramm (A command prompt bulk copy utility that copies SQL Server data to or from an operating system file in a user-specified format)
carbon copyCc (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
copy areaKopiebereich (The cells that you copy when you want to paste data into another location. After you copy cells, a moving border appears around them to indicate that they've been copied)
copy backupKopiesicherung (A backup that copies all selected files but does not mark each file as having been backed up (in other words, the archive attribute is not cleared). Copying is useful if you want to back up files between normal and incremental backups because copying does not affect these other backup operations)
Copy NumberNummer kopieren (The button that enables the user to copy the retrieval number of a parked call)
copy on writeKopie bei Schreibvorgang (Page protection that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy, which allows the virtual memory manager to save memory and execution time)
copy-on-write page protectionSchutz durch Kopie bei Schreibvorgang (A concept that allows multiple applications to map their virtual address spaces to share the same physical pages, until an application needs to modify the page and have its own instance copy)
copy protectionKopierschutz (A software lock placed on a computer program by its developer to prevent the product from being copied and distributed without approval or authorization)
copy setKopiensatz (A duplicate of the media master that Remote Storage copies to a different tape or disk. Copy sets are typically used for backup purposes)
courtesy copyCc (A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. The use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. In a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients)
deep copytiefe Kopie (A copy of the contents of a data structure, including all its substructures)
false-positive submission copyKopie einer falsch positiv übermittelten Nachricht (" The capability for users to enter a specific e-mail address to receive a copy of every message submitted as a "false positive," a message that is identified as spam when it is not. ")
file copyDateikopiervorgang (The first of the three stages of Setup, where the Windows program files and any additional files specified are copied to the computer's hard disk)
hard copyAusdruck (Printed output on paper, film, or other permanent medium)
local copylokale Kopie (A copy of a file stored in a user's working folder on the local computer. The local copy differs from the master copy if the local copy is changed since the last checkout, or if the master copy is changed by another user while the local copy is checked out)
master copyMasterkopie (The most recently checked-in version of a file or project stored in a Visual SourceSafe database)
server copyServerexemplar (A copy of a file that has been saved to a server)
Shadow Copies for Shared FoldersSchattenkopien für freigegebene Ordner (A Windows feature that provides access to point-in-time copies of files that are located on shared resources, such as a file server)
shadow copySchattenkopie (A static image of a set of data, such as the records displayed as the result of a query)
shadow copy client softwareSchattenkopie-Clientsoftware (Client software that enables an end user to independently recover data by retrieving a shadow copy)
Shadow Copy reportSchattenkopiebericht (A DPS report that provides information on how well data is being protected by the shadow copies)
shallow copyflache Kopie (A copy of the contents of a data structure that does not include all its substructures)
single copy clusterEinzelkopiecluster (A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server)
synchronized copysynchronisierte Kopie (A copy of a department that you create on a new page of a large organization chart, so that you can determine how your chart breaks across pages. When you create a synchronized copy, any changes you make appear in both)
Volume Shadow Copy ServiceVolumeschattenkopie-Dienst (A Windows Server 2003 technology that supports creation of single point-in-time shadow copies - also known as snapshots - of single or multiple volumes without impacting file server performance. Volume Shadow Copy Service also supports backups of open files)
working copyArbeitskopie (The copy of a file that is currently being modified)