
Terms for subject Microsoft containing computers | all forms | exact matches only
Active Directory Users and ComputersActive Directory-Benutzer und -Computer (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
agentless managed computerohne Agent verwalteter Computer (A computer without an agent that is monitored by a management server or a proxy agent)
agent-managed computermit Agent verwalteter Computer (A computer that has an agent installed on it and that reports to a management group)
analog computerAnalogcomputer (A computer that measures data varying continuously in value, such as speed or temperature)
bare-metal computerBare-Metal-System (A computer that does not have an operating system installed)
client computerClientcomputer (A computer or program that connects to or requests the services of another computer or program)
compliant computerkompatibler Computer (A computer that meets the NAP health requirements of a network. Only NAP-enabled computers can be compliant)
compliant computerrichtlinienkonformer Computer (A computer that meets the NAP health requirements of a network. Only NAP-enabled computers can be compliant)
Computer Browser serviceComputersuchdienst (A service that maintains an up-to-date list of computers that share resources on your network and that supplies the list to programs that request it. The Computer Browser service is used to view a list of available network resources)
computer build reportComputerbuildbericht (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
computer callComputer-Anruf (A function that allows a user to call a computer)
computer grouping ruleComputergruppierungsregel (A rule that combines computers with common attributes into a group to be similarly managed and monitored)
computer telephony integrationComputer-Telefonie-Integration (The practice of using a computer to control one or more telephone and communications functions)
computer-to-computer networkComputer-zu-Computer-Netzwerk (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
destination computerZielcomputer (The computer that will be distributed to customers on which you install Windows. You can either run Windows Setup on the destination computer or copy a master installation onto a destination computer)
foreign computerFremdcomputer (A computer that uses another message queuing system but, through a connector application, can exchange messages with computers that run Message Queuing)
full computer namevollständiger Computername (A fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The full computer name is a concatenation of the computer name (for example, client1) and the primary DNS suffix of the computer (for example, reskit.com))
home computerHeimcomputer (A personal computer designed and priced for use in the home)
homegroup computerHeimnetzgruppen-Computer (A computer that belongs to a homegroup)
host computerHostcomputer (A computer that acts as a source of information or signals. The host computer provides services, such as news, mail, or data, to computers that connect to it. The term can refer to almost any kind of computer, from a centralized mainframe that is a host to its terminals, to a server that is host to its clients, to a desktop PC that is host to its devices, such as printers and scanners)
hub computerHauptcomputer (The computer that manages the OneCare settings for all computers in a OneCare circle)
Intel Architecture Personal ComputerIntel-PC (Any computer built with a processor that conforms to the architecture defined by the Intel processor family based on the 486 instruction set and has an industry-standard computer architecture)
local computerlokaler Computer (The computer that you are currently logged on to as a user. More generally, a local computer is a computer that you can access directly without using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network adapter or a modem)
Maintenance Mode ComputerComputer im Wartungsmodus (The title of a column or data field for a Computer Groups view that specifies the number of computers in a computer group that are in maintenance mode and were changed from managed to unmanaged computers)
managed computerverwalteter Computer (A computer that has been discovered, on which a SCE agent is installed, and which is monitored and managed by SCE)
Managed ComputersVerwaltete Computer (The default host group, which contains all host groups managed by Virtual Machine Manager)
Managed Computers listListe verwalteter Computer (A list of computers matching the Managed Computer rule for an Agent Manager)
master computerMastercomputer (A fully-assembled computer containing a master installation)
multihomed computermehrfach vernetzter Computer (A computer that has multiple network adapters or that has been configured with multiple IP addresses for a single network adapter)
multiprocessor computerMehrprozessorcomputer (A computer that contains two or more connected and roughly equal processors that can each carry out one or more processes (programs or sets of instructions) in tandem)
My ComputerArbeitsplatz (A standard Windows icon that represents a user's private, usually local, storage)
noncompliant computernicht kompatibler Computer (A computer that does not meet the NAP health requirements that are defined for a network)
noncompliant computernicht richtlinienkonformer Computer (A computer that does not meet the NAP health requirements that are defined for a network)
physical computerphysischer Computer (A hardware-based computer, as opposed to a software-based virtual machine)
portable computertragbarer Computer (Any computer designed to be moved easily)
primary client computerPrimärcomputer (A client computer on which synchronization takes place)
RD Gateway-managed computer groupdurch das RD-Gateway verwaltete Computergruppe (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
remote computerRemotecomputer (A computer that you can access only by using a communications line or a communications device, such as a network card or a modem, and a remote access software (such as Remote Desktop Connection))
secondary client computerSekundärcomputer (A client computer on which synchronization does not take place)
sequencing computerSequenzcomputer (The computer used to perform sequencing and create a sequenced application package)
Show me as away when my computer is idle for this time period:Meinen Status als "Abwesend" anzeigen, wenn mein Computer für diesen Zeitraum inaktiv ist: (The option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab, that changes the user's status to Away after the computer has been idle for the selected time period)
small computer system interfaceSCSI-Schnittstelle (A standard high-speed parallel interface defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A SCSI interface is used for connecting microcomputers to peripheral devices, such as hard disks and printers, and to other computers and local area networks (LANs))
SQL Server computerSQL Server-Computer (A computer running Microsoft SQL Server with a configured database)
target computerZielcomputer (The computer that will be distributed to customers on which you install Windows. You can either run Windows Setup on the destination computer or copy a master installation onto a destination computer)
target computerBereitstellungszielcomputer (A client computer that receives a Configuration Manager advertisement or an Installer executable file)
technician computerReferenzcomputer (The computer on which you install the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit (Windows OPK) or Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK), and where you create answer files, build configuration sets, and build custom Windows PE images. Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) is the primary tool used to create and modify answer files and configuration sets. The technician computer typically contains your distribution share, a folder structure that contains the source files necessary to install your Windows installation)
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding theBenutzername
Warning ComputersComputer mit Warnungen (The label in the row of the Results pane that displays the number of instances where a computer has unresolved alerts with a severity level of Warning)