
Terms for subject Medical containing coated | all forms | exact matches only
adventitial coatBindegewebshülle (tunica adventitia)
adventitial coatTunica adventitia (tunica adventitia)
adventitious coatBindegewebshülle (tunica adventitia)
adventitious coatTunica adventitia (tunica adventitia)
adventitious coatAdventitia (tunica adventitia)
albugineous coatTunica albuginea (tunica albuginea)
antibody-coated red blood cellantikörperumhülltes rotes Blutkörperchen
buffy coatSpeckhaut (corium phlogisticum, crusta phlogistica)
buffy coatCrusta inflammatoria (corium phlogisticum, crusta phlogistica)
buffy coatGerinnungsoberhäutchen (corium phlogisticum, crusta phlogistica)
buffy coatEntzündungshaut (corium phlogisticum, crusta phlogistica)
buffy coatCrusta phlogistica (crusta phlogistica)
cell coatGlykokalyx
cell coatZellhülle
clathrin coatClathrinhülle
clathrin coated pitClathrin-beschichtete Vertiefung
clathrin coated pitClathrin-beschichtete Grube
clathrin coated vesicleClathrin-beschichtete Vesikel
coat of the tonguebelegte Zunge
coat of the tongueZungenbelag
coat of the ureterUreterscheide
coat promoterCoatomer
coat proteinCOP
Coat's diseaseexsudative Netzhautentzündung
Coat's diseaseRetinitis exsudativa
coated glassvergütetes Glas
coated glassreflexfreies Glas
coated glassentspiegeltes Glas
coated pitbedeckte Vertiefung
coated pitbeschichtete Vertiefung
coated pitbeschichtete Grube
coated tabletdragierte Tablette
coated tabletDragée
coated tongueGipszunge
coated vesiclebeschichtete Vesikel
conjunctival coatBindehaut (conjunctiva, tunica conjunctiva)
conjunctival coatAugenbindehaut (conjunctiva, tunica conjunctiva)
conjunctival coatTunica conjunctiva (conjunctiva, tunica conjunctiva)
conjunctival coatConjunctiva (conjunctiva, tunica conjunctiva)
contrast-enhancing coats applied with a metal ion beamBeschattung
contrast-enhancing coats applied with a metal ion beamBedampfung
COP-I-coated vesicleCOP-I-beschichtete Vesikel
dartos coatFleischhaut des Hodens (tunica dartos)
dartos coatTunica dartos (tunica dartos)
enteric coatdarmlöslicher Überzug
enteric-coated preparationsaüreresistentes Präparat
enteric-coatingdarmlöslicher Überzug
fibrous coatFaserhaut
fibrous coatMembrana fibrosa
fibrous coatBindegewebshaut
film coated tabletFilmtablette
internal elastic coatinnere elastische Gefäßmembran (elastica interna, membrana elastica interna, tunica elastica interna)
limiting coat of hepatic lobuleGrenzplatte
mouse coat color spot testMäusefleckentest
mouse coat color spot testTest an der Maus
mouse coat color spot testFellfleckentest der Maus
mucous coatMucosa (tunica mucosa)
mucous coatTunica mucosa (tunica mucosa)
mucous coatMukosa (tunica mucosa)
mucous coatSchleimhaut (tunica mucosa)
muscular coatMuskelhaut (tunica muscularis)
muscular coatMuskelschicht (tunica muscularis)
muscular coatTunica muscularis (tunica muscularis)
oblique fibres of muscular coat of stomachGavard Muskel
oblique fibres of muscular coat of stomachFibrae obliquae ventriculi
olfactory part of the mucous coat of the nosePars olfactoria tunicae mucosae nasi
Palavit-coated wire splintSchuchardt Drahtpalavitverband
plaster coated fracture bandageGipsbinde
preparation with protective coatingPräparat mit Schutzüberzug
proper coatTunica propria
proper coatStratum reticulare
proper coat of coriumStratum reticulare cutis (stratum reticulare corii, stratum reticulare dermidis)
sclerotic coatAugenlederhaut (sclera)
sclerotic coatLederhaut (sclera)
sclerotic coatSklera (sclera)
seed coatSamenmantel
seed coatSamenhülle
seed coatSamenschale
seed coatSamenoberhaut
seed coatSamendecke
serous coatSerosa (tunica serosa)
serous coatTunica serosa (tunica serosa)
serous coatseröse Haut (tunica serosa)
spore coatSporenhülle
submucous coatTela submucosa
tablet with a protective coatingTablette mit Schutzumhüllung
to coatbedecken
to coat with sugarzuckern
vascular coat of the eyeTunica vasculosa oculi
vascular coat of the eyeTunica vasculosa bulbi
vascular coat of the eyeTunica media oculi
vitelline coatDottermembran
vitelline coatVitellinschicht
vitelline coatDotterhaut
vitelline coatVitellinmembran
wax coatedwachsbeschichtet