
Terms for subject Environment containing central | all forms | exact matches only
Central Africa A geographic region of the African continent close to the equator that includes Cameroon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of CongoZentralafrika
Central America A narrow continental region of the Western hemisphere, existing as a bridge between North and South America, often considered to be the southern portion of North America, and including countries such as Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and PanamaZentralamerika
Central American pumaCosta-Rica-Puma (Puma concolor costaricensis)
Central American river turtleTabasco-Schildkröte (Dermatemys mawii)
Central American squirrel monkeygelbes Totenkopfäffchen (Saimiri oerstedii)
Central and Eastern EuropeMittel- und Osteuropa
Central and Eastern European CountriesMittel- und osteuropäische Länder
Central Asia A geographic region of the Asian continent between the Caspian Sea on the west and China on the east, extending northward into the central region of Russia and southward to the northern borders of Iran and Afghanistan, and comprised of independent former republics of the Soviet Union, including Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and TajikistanZentralasien
central collection pointzentrale Sammelstelle
Central Council on Environmental ProtectionZentralrat für den Umweltschutz
central data acquisition systemzentrales Datensammlungssystem
central government A system in which a governing or administrative body has a certain degree of power or authority to prevail in the management of local, national and international mattersZentralregierung
Central HighlandsZentrales Mittelgebirge
Central Laboratory for Air Pollutionzentrales Labor für Luftverschmutzung
Central Laboratory for Environmental MonitoringZentrallabor für Umweltüberwachung
central park areaZentraler Parkbereich
central park area The core area of a park or of a reserve where there can be no interference with the natural ecosystemZentraler Parkbereich
Central plainsZentrales Flachland
Central thick-tailed ratDickschwanzratte (Zyzomys pedunculatus)
Co-operation of Central and Eastern European CountriesZusammenarbeit oder Kooperation mit mittel- und Osteuropa
Countries of Central Europemitteleuropäische Staaten
Environmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern EuropeAktionsprogramm für den Umweltschutz in Mittel-und Osteuropa
ETS central clearing accountzentrales EHS-Clearing-Konto
green central rategrüner Leitkurs
Integrated Coastal Management Demonstration Programme for Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent StatesDemonstrationsprogramm für die integrierte Verwaltung der Küsten für die Länder Mittel- und Osteuropas und die neuen unabhängigen Staaten
interim storage at a central siteZwischenlagerung in einem Sammellager
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europeregionales Umweltzentrum
Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern EuropeRegionales Umweltzentrum für Mittel- und Osteuropa
Strategic Partnership on Water between the EU and the States of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asiastrategische Partnerschaft zwischen der EU und den Staaten Osteuropas, des Kaukasus und Zentralasiens zum Thema Wasser