
Terms for subject Optics branch of physics containing central | all forms | exact matches only
central areazentrale Fläche
central beamMittelstrahl
central beamMittelpunktsstrahl
central cameraVertikalkammer (trimetrogon camera)
central cameramittlere Kammer (trimetrogon camera)
central circlezentrischer Kreis
central definitionMittenschärfe
central fiducial crossMarkenkreuz im Bildmittelpunkt
central focussingMitteltrieb
central forcesZentralkräfte
central fringemittlerer Ring
central fringeMittelstreifen
central lossVerlust in der Mitte
central maximumzentrales Maximum
central normalMittelsenkrechte
central obscurationZentralabschattung (of a catoptric objective)
central peakHauptmaximum
central planeZentralebene
central positive elementmittlere Sammellinse
central rayHauptstrahl (the ray from any oblique object point passing through the centres of the iris and pupils of a lens, the ray midway between the extreme upper and lower rim rays, or the ray through the centre of the aperture)
central sectionMittelteil
central diaphragm shutterZentralverschluß
central slit pointzentraler Spaltpunkt
central stopMittelblende
central wavelengthSchwerpunktwellenlänge