
Terms for subject Medical containing canine | all forms | exact matches only
canine cuspCuspis dentis (cuspis coronae dentis)
canine cuspCuspis coronae dentis (cuspis coronae dentis)
canine distemperHundekrankheit
canine distemperHundestaupe
canine dystopiaEckzahnverlagerung
canine dystopiaEckzahndystopie
canine fossaFossa canina
canine fossaFossa suborbitalis
canine fossaFossa maxillaris
canine fossaEckzahngrube (fossa canina)
canine gapEckzahnlücke
canine kala-azarLeishmaniosis infantilis
canine kala-azarKinder-Kala-Azar
canine kala-azarMittelmeer-Kala-Azar
canine laughsardonisches Lachen (risus sardonicus)
canine laughRisus sardonicus (risus sardonicus)
canine laughteuflisches Grinsen (risus sardonicus)
canine madnessTollwut
canine madnessLyssa
canine madnessWutkrankheit
canine madnessRabies
canine rudimentSignum canini
canine rudimentEckzahnzeichen
canine snareEckzahnschleife
canine spasmsardonisches Lachen (risus sardonicus)
canine spasmteuflisches Grinsen (risus sardonicus)
canine teethDentes angulares (dentes canini)
canine teethDentes cuspidati (dentes canini)
canine teethDentes laniarii (dentes canini)
canine teethDentes canini (dentes canini)
canine teethConoides
canine teethEckzähne (dentes canini)
canine toothDens caninus (dens caninus)
canine toothDens cuspidatus (dens caninus)
canine toothDens angularis (dens caninus)
canine toothAugenzahn (dens caninus)
canine toothEckzahn (dens caninus)
canine toothHundszahn (dens caninus)
canine toothZahnhöcker
canine tooth ruleOrbital-Eckzahngesetz
canine wire snareEckzahnschleife
lateral surface of incisor and canine teethFacies lateralis dentium incisivorum et caninorum
lateral surface of incisor and canine teethFacies distalis dentum
medial surface of incisor and canine teethFacies medialis dentium incisivorum et caninorum
protrusion of caninesEckzahnhochstand
protuberance and subsidence of caninesEckzahntiefstand
protuberance and subsidence of caninesEckzahnaußenstand
protuberance of caninesEckzahnaußenstand
protuberance of caninesEckzahntiefstand