
Terms for subject Microsoft containing call | all forms | exact matches only
Add a Person to the CallPerson in das Gespräch einbinden (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
add callAnruf hinzufügen (A button that appears during an active phone call, allowing a user to add another person to his/her conference call)
Add Person to CallPerson in Gespräch einbinden (An item on the right-click menu for a conversation participant. Clicking it opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box)
API callAPI-Aufruf (A transition from user to kernel mode)
asynchronous callasynchroner Aufruf (A method call that returns to the caller immediately regardless of whether processing has completed. The results of processing are returned through another call on another thread. Asynchronous methods free the caller from having to wait until processing has finished)
asynchronous method callasynchrone Methode (A method call that returns to the caller immediately regardless of whether processing has completed. The results of processing are returned through another call on another thread. Asynchronous methods free the caller from having to wait until processing has finished)
asynchronous procedure callasynchroner Prozeduraufruf (A function call that executes separately from an executing program when a set of enabling conditions exist. After the conditions have been met, the operating system's kernel issues a software interrupt and directs the executing program to execute the call)
audio callAudioanruf (A call for transmitting audio data, including but not limited to speech)
automatic call distributorautomatischer Anrufverteiler, Automatic Call Distributer (A system that automatically routes and queues incoming phone calls and generates reports to an agent or a set of agents, e.g., in a call center such as for customer service)
bypass callUmgehungsanruf (A call that bypasses the Mediation Server)
call admission controlAnrufsteuerungsdienst (A service that manages media quality over a wide area network (WAN) connection by either rerouting traffic or by denying connection requests when bandwidth is approaching saturation)
call answeringMailboxansage (A voice mail application that answers a call so that a message can be left)
call barringAnrufsperre (A feature that can block incoming and/or outgoing calls)
call barring passwordKennwort für die Anrufsperre (A password that enables access to the Call Barring feature settings)
Call BrowserAufrufbrowser (A window that enables you to search for function calls, and then browse the search results and navigate to the function references in your source code files)
call centerCallcenter (A facility in which an organization's telephone calls are answered and made, including helpdesk and service lines. Call centers usually use some amount of computer automation)
call contextAnrufkontext (Information about the options that a caller selects that is collected and provided to the agent who receives the call)
call detail recordingAufzeichnung von Kommunikationsdatensätzen (A function of the Monitoring Server for collecting information such as when a user signs in or out; starts, joins, leaves, or ends a conference or IM session; transfers a file; or places or answers a VoIP call. CDR captures only usage data; it does not archive the content of any communication activity)
call detail recordsKommunikationsdatensätze (An Office Communications Server Archiving Service feature for capturing and reporting on events associated with users logging on and off, IM conversations, and conferences)
Call forwardingAnrufweiterleitung (A group of options in the Options dialog box, on the Phone tabs, that controls the automatic forwarding of incoming phone calls)
Call Forwarding OffAnrufweiterleitung deaktivieren (The menu item that turns off the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
Call Forwarding OnAnrufweiterleitung aktiviert (The menu item that displays a menu of options that the user can select to turn on the automatic forwarding of incoming calls)
call graphAufrufdiagramm (The graph of method calls and the points in the program that call them)
call-handling rulesAnrufbehandlungsregeln (A set of features used for call answering and forwarding)
call historyAnrufliste (A record of the date, time, caller, subject, and so forth, of a call or IM)
Call HistoryAnrufliste (A User Interface (UI) element that provides access to a list of dialed, received, and missed calls)
call-home TrojanCall Home-Trojaner (A type of Trojan malware that connects to a remote server through a stealth connection and that notifies the server that the malware has been installed)
call iconAnrufsymbol (An icon tapped to initiate a voice conversation between two people)
call-level interfaceCall-Level-Interface (The interface supported by ODBC for use by an application)
Call Level InterfaceCall-Level-Interface (The interface supported by ODBC for use by an application)
call logsAnruflisten (A list of incoming calls and outgoing calls, showing information such as the name of the caller or call recipient, the date and the time of the call)
Call ManagerAnruf-Manager (A software component that establishes, maintains and terminates a connection between two computers)
Call MeRückruf (A feature of Communicator Web Access in which a user can join a conference by requesting that Office Communications Server call a specified phone number instead of the user placing a call to a conferencing service)
call noteAnrufnotiz (A note with general information about the call, such as subject, that is generated by the ACD to potentially be forwarded or transferred along with the call)
Call ParkAnruf parken (An application that lets an Enterprise Voice user put a call on hold from one telephone, and then later, retrieve the call from any telephone. It also manages Call Park orbits)
Call Park orbitNummer des geparkten Anrufs (A number assigned to a parked call by the Call Park application)
call recipientAngerufener (The person whom, or place that, a caller is calling)
call signSenderkürzel (The identifying code letters or numbers of a radio or television transmitting station, assigned by a regulatory body)
Call Someone...Anrufen... (An item on the Actions menu that calls the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
call stackAufrufliste (The series of method calls leading from the beginning of the program to the statement currently being executed at run time)
Call StatusAnrufstatus (A softkey option available when a call is in progress that switches from the Home Screen back to the phone user interface screen)
Call TimersAnrufdauer (A menu item that provides access to various call timers and call durations)
call treeAufrufstruktur (All modules that might be called by any procedure in the module in which code is currently running)
Call Via Conferencing ServiceAnruf über den Konferenzdienst ausführen (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant. In a conference, this command requests that the conferencing service call the selected participant)
Call via WorkGeschäftlich anrufen (A callback option whereby an outgoing call can be made by using the work number. The person who is receiving the call will see the work number of the caller, in their caller ID)
call waitingAnklopffunktion, Anruf wartet, anklopfen (A service that notifies a user that a call is coming in while the user is in a call)
click to callAnruf per Mausklick (The feature with which a mobile phone user can place a voice call by clicking a contact's single phone number or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI)
Communicator callCommunicator-Anruf (A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) call that is routed to all of a contact's devices that are running Office Communicator 2007. A contact can receive a Communicator call on his or her computer or on a telephony device that is configured for Office Communicator 2007)
computer callComputer-Anruf (A function that allows a user to call a computer)
conference callTelefonkonferenz (A telephone conversation between three or more people)
Control call forwarding from CommunicatorSteuerung der Anrufweiterleitung durch den Communicator (An item the user can select in the Options dialog box, Phones tab. When the user selects this option, Communicator controls automatic forwarding of incoming calls using the call-forwarding settings the user selects)
data callDatenanruf (A phone connection to a service provider or a corporate server, for the purpose of viewing the Web, or transmitting data)
delayed group callverzögerter Gruppenanruf (A group call that first rings the group owner, and then after a specified number of seconds rings the call group in addition to the group owner)
emergency callNotruf (A call made to an emergency number)
end a callGespräch beenden (To end a phone call)
end callAnruf beenden, Beenden (An infotip for the button on the phone and video controls that ends the conversation)
End the callGespräch beenden (An infotip for the Hang Up button. The Hang Up button is a button on Phone Controls and Audio Controls)
Enter remote call control URIURI für die Remoteanrufsteuerung eingeben (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
fax callFaxanruf (An attempt to send a fax to a computer (or to an external fax modem) via an analog phone line)
function callFunktionsaufruf (A program's request for the services of a particular function)
group callGruppenanruf (A call to a call group that rings the group owner and call group simultaneously. When a member of the group answers the call, the other members get a notification with the status of the call)
in a callam Telefon (Pertaining to a user engaged in a phone conversation)
in call volumeGesprächslautstärke (The volume that can be changed during a call)
incoming calleingehender Anruf (A current attempt by a second party to establish communication with a user)
local callOrtsgespräch (A call made in a customer's geographic area that does not carry any additional toll charges. The local call area can be a neighborhood, a city or even a country)
long distance callFerngespräch (A call made outside a customer's immediate geographic/service area that may carry additional toll charges)
malicious call reportingMissbrauch durch Anrufer melden (A feature that enables phone users to report disturbing calls to the system administrator. When the user selects to report a malicious call, data from the last call received is captured and sent to the system administrator)
missed callAnruf in Abwesenheit (A telephone call the user has failed to answer)
missed call notificationBenachrichtigung über verpasste Anrufe (An e-mail message that is sent to a Unified Messaging subscriber that indicates that someone called but did not leave a message)
mount callMOUNT-Aufruf (A call to the mount function in UNIX. The mount function requests that a removable file system contained on the block special file identified by spec be mounted on the directory identified by dir. The spec and dir arguments are pointers to path names. After a successful call to mount, all references to the file dir refer to the root directory on the mounted file system. The mounted file system is inserted into the kernel list of all mounted file systems. This list can be examined through the mounted file system table)
outgoing callgetätigter Anruf (A call that originates from your mobile device)
outgoing callausgehender Anruf (An attempt by a user to originate communication with a second party)
PC CallPC-Anruf (A feature that enables customers to make voice calls from one computer to another)
phone callTelefonanruf (An activity to track a telephone call)
procedure callProzeduraufruf (In programming, an instruction that causes a procedure to be executed. A procedure call can be located in another procedure or in the main body of the program)
remote call controlRemoteanrufsteuerung (The ability to send and receive calls on a desktop phone by using a computer-supported telecommunications application, such as Lync or Communicator)
remote call control URIRemoteanrufsteuerungs-URI (An identifier for a telephone, typically a telephone number or a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) address)
remote procedure callRemoteprozeduraufruf (A communication mechanism that allows computers to communicate with one another over a network. An RPC consists of a procedure identifier, parameters passed to the procedure, and a value returned to the caller (client computer) after the procedure has executed on the remote system (server computer))
Retrieve Call From HoldAnruf aus der Warteschleife fortsetzen (A button on in the Transfer Call dialog box that reconnects the user to the call that is currently on hold)
semisynchronous callhalbsynchroner Aufruf (A method call that returns immediately and allows the application or script to enumerate the returned objects as a collection. A semisynchronous method call does not require setting up an object sink, but an asynchronous method call does require setting up an object sink)
semisynchronous method callhalbsynchroner Methodenaufruf (A method call that returns immediately and allows the application or script to enumerate the returned objects as a collection. A semisynchronous method call does not require setting up an object sink, but an asynchronous method call does require setting up an object sink)
system API callSystem-API-Aufruf (A transition from user to kernel mode)
Team CallTeamanruf (The feature that forwards a call from a team leader to an entire team according to a hunt group algorithm)
team-call groupTeamanrufgruppe (A group of people who can answer calls on behalf of someone else)
video callVideounterhaltung (In Windows Live Messenger and Windows Live Mail desktop, a video exchange through instant messages between two or more people)
video callVideoanruf (A call that connects Lync users with peer-to-peer capabilities. Users can start a video call by pointing to a contact in the Contacts view and then clicking the video call icon)
voice callAnruf (A telephone call where the human voice, rather than data or video, is transmitted (that is, an ordinary telephone call))
voice callSprachanruf (A telephone call where the human voice, rather than data or video, is transmitted (that is, an ordinary telephone call))
waiting callAnruf in Warteschleife (A new call (i.e., a call that has not yet been accepted) or a call returned from a prior transfer. After a timeout, unsuccessfully connected transferred calls are listed again as waiting calls)
Waiting for CallWarten auf Anruf (A telephony signal that Network Connections has put the modem in Listen mode and is waiting for incoming calls)
will callAbholung (A shipping method that indicates an order will be picked up instead of being shipped)
Windows CallWindows-Videogespräch (An app for making video calls)
Windows CallWindows-Gespräch (An app for making video calls)