
Terms for subject Medical containing by | all forms | exact matches only
abortion directed by legislationgesetzlich geregelte Abtreibung
abrasion by clothesSchürfung durch Kleidung
accompanied by comedonescomedoniensis
administration by inhalationVerabreichung durch Inhalation
affected by hyperthyroidismhyperthyreotisch
agranulocytosis by antibodiesAntikoerperagranulozytose
agranulocytosis by medicineArzneimittelagranulozytose
aleukocytosis by benzolBenzolaleukie
amaurosis caused by filix drugsFilixamaurose
amotio retinae by aphakiaAphakie-Amotio
antibiotics produced by StreptomycesStreptomyces-Antibiotika
antibody which inhibits acceptance of growth factors by receptorsrezeptorhemmender Antikörper der Wachstumsfaktoren
aplastic anemia caused by benzolBenzolanämie
apparent death caused by carbon monoxide poisoningKohlenoxidscheintod
appendicitis by occlusionAppendicitis obliterans
appendicopathy by oxyurisAppendicopathia oxyurica
appendicopathy by oxyurisAppendicitis oxyurica
artificial insemination by a donorkünstliche Befruchtung durch einen Spender
asphyxia by alimentary bolusBolustod
asphyxia by alimentary bolusBissentod
atrophic kidney by lead poisoningNephritis saturnina
atrophic kidney by lead poisoningBleischrumpfniere
atrophic kidney by lead poisoningBleiniere
biopsy by needleNadelbiopsie
blood flow measurement by ultrasoundUltraschall-Blutflussmessung
blood transfusion by pressureDrucktransfusion
break prescribed by lawvorgeschriebene Ruhepause
break prescribed by lawgesetzliche Pause
by addingadde
by addingadd.
by dropstropfenweise
by mouthperoral
by mouthper os
by mouthoral
by-passkuenstliche Blutumleitung
by-passextrakorporaler Kreislauf
by-pass plasticsÜberbrückungsplastik
by-product of slaughterSchlachtnebenerzeugnis
cancer caused by radiant heatHitzekrebs
cap splint fixation by "horns"Hirschgeweih
cardiac failure by chloroformChloroformherztod
cardiac paralysis by chloroformChloroformherztod
cardiopathy caused by iodine deficiencyJodmangelkardiopathie
cardiopathy caused by iodine deficiencyKropfherz
cardiopathy caused by iodine deficiencyJodmangelherz
cardiovascular test by forearm stressHandgriffversuch
caused by early sitting up of the childSitzbuckel
cereal by-productGetreidenebenerzeugnis
characterization of biological tissues by NMRCharakterisierung von biologischem Gewebe durch NMR
chemical released by nerve endingsNeurotransmitter
choice of sex by genetic manipulationWahl des Geschlechts durch Genmanipulation
classification by dimensionsStärkesortierung
closure by adhesionVerlötung
coagulation by electromagnetic waveKoagulierung durch elektromagnetische Wellen
colopathy by purgativesAbfuehrmittelkolon
conclusion by analogyAnalogieschluss
confinement by forcepsZangenentbindung
confinement by forcepsZangengeburt
confinement by forcepsZangenextraktion
confinement by forcepsEntbindung durch Geburtszange
confinement by vacuum extractorEntbindung durch Saugglocke
conjunctival erosion caused by copying pencil particlesKopierstiftverätzung des Auges
control of muscular movements by central nervous systemBewegungssteuerung
controlled area monitored by health physics personnelvon Strahlenschutzpersonal überwachter Kontrollbereich
creation of identical human beings by cloningSchaffung identischer Menschen durch Klonierung
criminal by birthDeliquento nato
criminality by predispositionAnlagekriminalitaet
cutaneous exposure by skin paintingkutane Exposition durch Auftragen auf die Haut
cystitis caused by foreign bodiesBlasenfremdkoerper
cystoplasty by segment of small intestineDuenndarmblase
damage caused by improper carePflegeschaden
damage caused by improper careKurationsschaden
damage caused by improper nursingPflegeschaden
damage caused by improper nursingKurationsschaden
damage caused by intermarriageInzuchtschaden
death by atomic raysAtomtod
death by detonationDetonationstod
death by lightningBlitztod
death by old ageAlterstod
death caused by burnsVerbrennungstod
degeneration by inbreedingInzuchtdepression
deproteinization of the biological samples by ultra-filtrationEnteiweissenDeproteinisationder biologischen Proben durch Ultrafiltration
detection of the gene by reverse geneticsNachweis des Gens durch die reverse Genetik
determination of cardiac output by body-heterogenic gasFremdgasmethode
difficult graft by a flap methodschwierige Hautlappenplastik
dilatation caused by congelationKältedilatation
disease caused by external agentsdurch äußere Erreger hervorgerufene Krankheit
disease caused by injuryBeschaedigungsleiden
disease caused by slow virusesKrankheit,die durch langsam wirkende Erreger verursacht wird
disease transmissible by blood transfusiondurch Bluttransfusion übertragbare Krankheit
disease usually excluded by body defencesoppurtunistisch
diseases caused by sultrinessSchwülekrankheiten
dissociation by interferenceInterferenzdissoziation
diuresis caused by increased tubular filtrateFiltrationsdiurese
dolichocephaly caused by deliverygeburtsbedingte Dolichozephalie
drop-by-drop urinationHarnträufeln (ischuria paradoxa)
drug users taking their drugs by intravenous injectionSüchtige die sich die Drogen intravenös einspritzen
dystrophy by nerval lesionAbschaltungsdystrophie
eczema caused by chromium saltsChromekzem
eczema caused by chromium saltsChromatekzem
emotional instability caused by glycogen depletionHungerkrawall
emphysema caused by cadmiumKadmiumlungenemphysem
energy expenditure constrained by sex and ageAbhängigkeit des Energieumsatzes von Lebensalter und Geschlecht
evaluation of genetic data by governmentAuswertung der genetischen Daten durch staatliche Behörden
exanthema caused by poultry miteHühnerkrätze
excretion of sodium by kidneysNatriurie
expression of breastmilk by handAbdruecken der Frauenmilch
family infection caused by discharged convalescentsHeimkehrinfektion
fatty liver caused by protein deficiencyHungerfettleber
feeding by a stomach tubeVerabreichung mit der Schlundsonde
feeding by a stomach tubeSondenfütterung
feeding by a stomach tubeSondenernährung
fever caused by coprastasisKotfieber
foreign-body localisation by changed viewing directionBlickrichtungswechselaufnahme
fracture by contrecoupindirekte Fraktur
frameshift by additionLeserasterverschiebung durch Einfügen
frameshift by deletionLeserasterverschiebung durch Deletion
frequency by hypertensionFrequenzhochdruck
gastric juice protein test by dried secretion sampleEintrocknungsbild
gastric ulcus caused by cold injuryKälteulkus
gastritis caused by thermic injuryBruehgastritis
gene mutation induced by chemical agentschemisch induzierte Genmutation
genetic disease induced by defective genesdurch Gen-Defekte verursachte Erbkrankheit
haemophilia caused by immune inhibitorsImmunohemmkörperhämophilie
healing by first intentionSanatio per primam
healing by first intentionSanatio per primam intentionem
healing by first intentionPrimärheilung
healing by first intentionHeilung per primam
healing by first intentionprimäre Wundheilung
healing by first intentionHeilung per primam intentionem
healing by granulationSanatio per secundam
healing by granulationVernarbung durch Granulationsbildung
healing by granulationSanatio per secundam intentionem
healing by granulationSekundärheilung
healing by granulationHeilung per secundam
healing by granulationsekundäre Wundheilung
healing by granulationmittelbare Wundheilung
healing by granulationHeilung per secundam intentionem
healing by primary intentionHeilung per primam
healing by primary intentionprimäre Wundheilung
healing by primary intentionSanatio per primam
healing by primary intentionSanatio per primam intentionem
healing by primary intentionPrimärheilung
healing by primary intentionHeilung per primam intentionem
healing by second intentionmittelbare Wundheilung
healing by second intentionSekundärheilung
healing by second intentionSanatio per secundam
healing by second intentionSanatio per secundam intentionem
healing by second intentionsekundäre Wundheilung
healing by second intentionHeilung per secundam
healing by second intentionHeilung per secundam intentionem
healing by secondary intentionHeilung per secundam intentionem
healing by secondary intentionmittelbare Wundheilung
healing by secondary intentionSanatio per secundam intentionem
healing by secondary intentionSanatio per secundam
healing by secondary intentionsekundäre Wundheilung
healing by secondary intentionHeilung per secundam
healing by secondary intentionSekundärheilung
healing by third intentionVernarbung durch Granulationsbildung
hematuria caused by exerciseBewegungshaematurie
hematuria caused by physical movementBewegungshaematurie
human corpse protected by legislationgesetzlich geschützter menschlicher Leichnam
hyperglycemia caused by muscular workArbeitshyperglykämie
hyperkeratosis caused by protracted strainArbeitshyperkeratose
hyperopia by aphakiaAphakenhyperopie
hypertrophy caused by physical exertionArbeitshypertrophie
hypertrophy caused by physical exertionAktivitätshypertrophie
hypoglycaemia caused by insulinInsulinhypoglykämie
hypoglycaemia caused by loss of glycoseEntziehungshypoglykämie
hypoglycemia caused by physical effortArbeitshypoglykämie
icterus by drugsArzneimittelikterus
ileus by ascaridesIleus verminosus
ileus by ascaridesAskariden-Heus
ileus caused by hypopotassaemiaKaliummangelileus
inhalation by apparatusApparatinhalation
injuries caused by smokingRaucherschaeden
injury by bicycle spokesFahrradspeichenverletzung
injury by collisionAnprallverletzung
injury by sudden fallAbsturzverletzung
injury caused by contrast mediumKontrastmittelschaden
injury caused by impalementPfählungsverletzung
injury caused by injectionInjektionsschaden
inoculation or vaccination by injectionInjektionsimpfung
inscription by additional exposureAufbelichtung
insufficiency caused by physical exertionArbeitsinsuffizienz
interpretation by analogyAnalogiedeutung
invagination method by axial thread tractionaxiale Fadenzugmethode
kyphosis caused by labourArbeitskyphose
kyphosis caused by labourArbeitsbuckel
light amplification by stimulated emission of radiationLaser
limping caused by contractionKontrakturhinken
lipemia by bloodlettingAderlasslipaemie
local anaesthetics given by subcutaneous injectionsubkutan injizierbares Lokalanästhetikum
lung cancer caused by chromatesChromatlungenkrebs
lung cancer caused by chromatesChromatkrebs
malformation by embryonic inhibitionHemmungsmissbildung
maximal deterioration caused by intermarriageInzuchtminimum
to maximize the exposure by inhalation to the test substancemaximierte Exposition durch Inhalation der Prüfsubstanz
measurement for respiratory impedance by forced oscillationsMessung des Atemwiderstands durch forcierte Oszillationen
medical advice by radiofunkärztliche Beratung
medical consultation by radiofunkärztliche Beratung
medical family assistance by official insuranceFamilienkrankenpflege
medical family assistance by official insuranceFamilienhilfe
mental derangement caused by CO2CO2-Narkose
metastasis caused by inoculationImpfrezidiv
metastasis caused by inoculationImpfmetastase
method of separating by saltAussalzungsverfahren
to modify the genetic constitution by alteration of germ cellsModifikation des genetischen Materials durch Änderung von Keimzellen
muscle stiffness caused by chloroformChloroformstarre
muscular rigidity caused by exposure to coldKältestarre
mycosis caused by inoculationImpfmykose
neo-natal malformation caused by stress at workMißbildung bei Neugeborenen infolge von Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz
not by mouthparenteral
numbers of patients served by a general practitioner's practiceZahl der Patienten einer Hausarztpraxis
obesity caused by inactivityFaulheitsfettsucht
obstructive bleeding caused by thoracic compressionDruckstauungsblutungen
obtainable only by prescriptionrezeptpflichtig
obtaining of embryos by lavageEmbryospülung
organification of iodide by the thyroidAufnahme von Jod in die Schilddrüse
organism produced by biotechnologybiotechnologischer Organismus
osteomyelitis caused by nailingNagelosteomyelitis
paralysis caused by hypokalaemiaKaliummangellähmung
Paralysis caused by hypopotassaemiaKaliummangellähmung
patient affected by a chronic diseasechronisch Kranker
permeation by short electromagnetic wavesDurchflutung
person immunized by group A red corpusclesdurch rote Blutkörperchen der Gruppe A immunisierte Person
pharmaceutical reconstituted by qualified personnelvom Fachpersonal zusammengesetztes Arzneimittel
plaster cast supported by metal barsBuegelgips
plastic obliteration by fat muscle flapsFett-Muskellappenplastik
plastic operation by means of gracilis muscleGrazilisplastik
plastic surgery by a flap methodplastischer Verschluss
poisoning by barbituric acidSchlafmittelvergiftung
poisoning by barbituric acidBarbitursaeurevergiftung
poisoning by barbituric acidBarbituratvergiftung
poisoning by bromidesBromvergiftung
poisoning by bromidesBromismus
poisoning by canned foodKonservenvergiftung
poisoning by snake venomOphidismus (ophidismus)
poisoning by snake venom-diasis (ophidismus)
poisoning by tansyRainfarnvergiftung
poisoning by tinZinnvergiftung
poisoning caused by polishing waxesBohnerwachsvergiftung
polyglobulia caused by sustained physical exertionArbeitspolyzythämie
polyglobulia caused by sustained physical exertionArbeitspolyglobulie
pre-embryo created by natural meansnatürlich erzeugter Präembryo
preservation by heatHitzekonservierung
protection provided by vaccinationImpfschutz
prototroph produced by gene mutationdurch Genmutation erzeugte prototrophe Zelle
protrusion by the embryonic heartVoussure
protrusion by the embryonic heartHerzbuckel
to put up in packings sold by retailfuer den Einzelverkauf aufmachen
pyelography by eliminationAusscheidungsurographie
pyelography by eliminationAusscheidungspyelographie
radium administered by gastric intubationbiologische Versuche mit Radium, das mit Hilfe einer Magensonde eingefuehrt wird
rapid fresh-blood grouping by agglutinationFrischblut-Schnellagglutination
reagent inactivated by the entry of CO2durch das Eindringen von CO2 inaktiviertes Reagenz
related by bloodblutsverwandt
relationship by bloodBlutsverwandtschaft
removal by uterine lavageEntnahme durch Spülung des Uterus
removal of foetuses by Caesarean SectionFötussentfernung durch Kaiserschnitt
removing milk by breast pumpAbpumpen
reproduction by way of initial bodiesInitialkörperchen
respiration absorbent by limeAtemkalk
retesting by samplingerneuter Stichprobentest
right to be looked after by the parentsRecht auf elterliche Sorge
rinsing by suctionSaugspülung
sanctioned by health insurancekassenzulässig
selection by genetic analysisAuswahl durch Genanalyse
separate by filtrationherausfiltern (to)
shock by histamineHistaminschock
signs produced by close-range shotsNahschlusszeichen
skin carcinoma caused by ultra-violet radiationHöhensonnenmalignom
skin damage caused by scratchingNeurodermitis
sleep required by infantsKleinkinderschlaf
small pulse caused by blood lossBlutungspuls
solution of social problems by genetic strategiesLösung sozialer Probleme durch genetische Strategien
staining by fluorescence methodFluoreszensmarkierung
staining by Giemsa methodGiemsa-Färbung
stand-by pacemakerStand-byschrittmacher
sterilisation by partial resection of the oviductsTubensterilisation
sterilization by irradiationSterilisation mit Strahlen
sterilization by moist heatSterilisation mit feuchter Hitze
stimulus by vaccinationStimulierung durch Impfung
stock solution prepared by mechanical dispersiondurch mechanische Dispersion hergestellte Stammlösung
struma caused by disturbed iodine metabolismJodfehlverwertungsstruma
struma caused by excessive iodideJodstruma
substance administered by gavagemit der Schlundsonde verabreichte Substanz
substance administered by gavagemit der Magensonde verabreichte Substanz
substance lost by foaming from the test solutiondurch Schaümen aus der Testlösung verlorengehender Stoff
substance produced by metabolismMetabolit
suicide by hunger-strikeApokarterese
supervision by x-ray examinationRöntgenkontrolle
supervision by xray examinationRöntgenüberwachung
surrounded by a halohaloniert
swelling caused by exposure to coldKälteschwellung
test by analogyAnalogietest
the blood sample is taken on an empty stomach by puncturing a veinBlut wird Personen im nuechternen Zustand durch Venenpunktion entnommen
therapy by exchange of ionsAustauschertherapie
thumb formed by little-finger graftKleinfingerdaumen
to examine by the microscopemikroskopisch untersuchen
transduction by energyEnergietransduktion
transit of animals by roadTiere im Straßenverkehr durchführen
transport by convectionKonvektionstransport
treatment by consulting physicianBeratungsfacharztverfahren
treatment by derivativesAbleitungstherapie
treatment by means of injections to correct varicoseVarizenverödung
treatment by means of injections to correct varicoseVerödung von Krampfadern durch Einspritzungen
treatment by means of injections to correct varicoseVarikosklerisation
treatment by relaxation oscillationsKippschwingungsbehandlung
treatment by specialist of insurance associationDurchgangsarztverfahren
treatment by specialist of insurance associationD-Arzt-Verfahren
treatment by X-raysRoentgenbestrahlungen
tubular fluid divided by plasma concentrationTubulusflüssigkeits-Plasmakonzentrationsquotient
unintentional occlusion by napkinsunbeabsichtigter Luftabschluss durch Windeln
varices caused by pregnancyKindsadern
vehicle sealed by the competent authorityvon der zuständigen Behörde plombiertes Fahrzeug
vertigo caused by double visionSehschwindel
vertigo caused by exertionBelastungsschwindel
walking by putting one foot before the otherSeiltänzergang
Wenckebach muscle by cough-induced hypertrophyWenckebach Hustenmuskel
Wenckebach muscle by cough-induced hypertrophyHustenmuskel
whooping-cough complicated by pneumoniaKeuchhustenpneumonie
wound caused by a biteBissverletzung (vulnus morsum)
X-ray kymography by single-slotted diaphragmEinschlitzkymographie