
Terms for subject General containing boiled | all forms | exact matches only
boil downeinkochen
boil down to sthauf etw. hinauslaufen
boil-off lossAbdampfverlust
boil overüberkochen
boil softweichkochen alt
boil upaufkochen
boil with ragevor Wut kochen
boiled downeingekocht
boiled egggekochtes Ei
boiled fillet of beefTafelspitz
boiled-off silkentbastete Seide
boiled-off silkgekochte Seide
boiled-off silkCuiteseide
boiled linseed oilLeinölfirnis
boiled overübergekocht
boiled potatoSalzkartoffel
boiled potatoeSalzkartoffel
boiled potatoesSalzkartoffeln
boiled sausageBockwurst
boiled sweetsHartkaramellen
boiled until tenderweich gekocht
boiled upaufgekocht
boiling downeinkochend
boiling overüberkochend
boiling upaufkochend
bring to the boilzum Kochen bringen
bring to the boilankochen
bring to the boilaufkochen lassen
come to the boilaufkochen
gum boildicke Backe
hard-boiledhart gekocht
hard boiledabgebrüht
hard boiledhartgesotten
hard-boiledhartgesotten (auch fig)
hard-boiled egghart gekochtes Ei
hard-boiled eggsharte Eier
He just boiled over.Ihm platzte der Kragen.
it boiledes sott
it boiledes siedete
it boilses siedet
... It boils all down to the fact that ...Es läuft alles darauf hinaus, dass
it has boiledes hat gesotten
it has boiledes hat gesiedet
It is necessary to boil the waterMan muss das Wasser abkochen
make 's blood boiljdn. auf achtzig bringen (sehr wütend machen; ugs.)
soft-boiledweich gekocht
soft boiledweichgekocht
soft-boiled eggweich gekochtes Ei
soft-boiled eggsweiche Eier
to bring sth. to a boilzum Kochen bringen (SergeyL)
to bring sth. to the boilzum Kochen bringen (SergeyL)