
Terms containing biology | all forms | exact matches only
h.rghts.act., med.Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of the Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, on the Prohibition of Cloning Human BeingsZusatzprotokoll zum Übereinkommen zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und der Menschenwürde im Hinblick auf die Anwendung von Biologie und Medizin über das Verbot des Klonens von menschlichen Lebewesen
life.sc.Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology ConferenceÜbereinkommen zur Gründung einer Europäischen Konferenz für Molekularbiologie
life.sc.Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology LaboratoryÜbereinkommen zur Errichtung eines Europäischen Laboratoriums für Molekularbiologie
health.agricultural biologyAgrobiologie
health.agricultural biologyAgrarbiologie
med.animai biologyZoobiologie
environ.animal biologyTierbiologie
environ.animal biology The scientific study of the natural processes of animalsTierbiologie
med.applied biologyangewandte Biologie
med.aquatic biologyMeeresbiologie
med.aquatic biologyHydrobiologie
social.sc., ed.awarded the prize for biology in the concours généralAbsolvent des Auswahlwettbewerbs in Biologie
med.behavioral biologyBehaviorismus
med.behavioral biologyVerhaltensbiologie
med.behavioral biologyEthologie
ed.behavioural biologyVerhaltensbiologie
gen.biology bookBiologiebuch
life.sc.Biology GroupBiologiegruppe
agric.biology of developmentEntwicklungsbiologie
agric.biology of evolutionEntwicklungsbiologie
med.biology of fertilizationBefruchtungsbiologie
med.biology of old ageAltersbiologie
ed.biology of parasitesParasitenbiologie
med.biology of pathogensBiologie der Krankheitserreger
med.biology of populationsBevölkerungsbiologie
med.biology of populationsPopulationsbiologie
environ.biology of sewageAbwasserbiologie
gen.biology teacherBiologielehrer
gen.female biology teacherBiologielehrerin
gen.book about/on biologyBiologiebuch
ed.building biologyBaubiologie
chem.cell biologyZytologie
chem.cell biologyZellenlehre
nat.sc.cell biologyMolekularbiologie
nat.sc.cell biologyZellbiologie
chem.cell biologyCytologie
med.cell biologyZytobiologie
gen.cellular biologyZellularbiologie
health., nat.sc.clinical biologyMedizinische Biologie
med.clinical biologyklinische Biologie
environ., nat.res.conservation biologyKonservationsbiologie
gen.conservation biologyNaturschutzbiologie
med.constitutional biologyKonstitutionsbiologie
h.rghts.act., med.Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and MedicineÜbereinkommen zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und der Menschenwürde im Hinblick auf die Anwendung von Biologie und Medizin: Übereinkommen über Menschenrechte und Biomedizin
h.rghts.act., med.Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and MedicineÜbereinkommen über Menschenrechte und Biomedizin
h.rghts.act., med.Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and MedicineBioethik-Konvention
med.Council of the European Molecular Biology LaboratoryRat des Europäischen Laboratoriums für Molekularbiologie
ed.development biologyEntwicklungsbiologie
life.sc.developmental biologyEntwicklungsbiologie
ed.didactics of biologyDidaktik der Biologie
ed., school.sl.doctor of human biologyDoktor der Humanbiologie
ed., school.sl.doctorate in animal biologyDoktor der Zoologie
ed.engineering biologyIngenieurbiologie
nat.sc.environmental biologyUmweltbiologie
environ.estuarine biology The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwaterÄstuarbiologie
environ.estuarine biologyÄstuarbiologie
life.sc.European Conference on Molecular BiologyEuropäische Konferenz für Molekularbiologie
nat.sc., polit.European Molecular Biology ConferenceEuropäische Molekularbiologische Tagung
nat.sc., polit.European Molecular Biology ConferenceEuropäische Konferenz für Molekularbiologie
life.sc., R&D.European Molecular Biology LaboratoryEuropäisches Molekularbiologiezentrum
life.sc.European Molecular Biology LaboratoryEuropäisches Laboratorium für Molekularbiologie
med.European Molecular Biology LaboratoryEuropäisches Labor für Molekularbiologie (EMBL)
life.sc., R&D.European Molecular Biology OrganisationEuropäische Organisation für Molekularbiologie
life.sc.European Molecular Biology OrganizationEuropäische Molekular-Biologie-Organisation
life.sc.European Molecular Biology OrganizationEuropäische Organisation für Molekular-Biologie
nat.sc., polit.European Molecular Biology OrganizationEuropäische Organisation für Molekularbiologie
nat.sc.extraterrestrial biologyExobiologie
med.family biologyFamilienbiologie
ed.fisheries biologyFischereibiologie
health.floral biology of olive treeBlütenbiologie des Ölbaums
ed.forest biologyForstbiologie
environ.freshwater biology The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a natural body of water that does not contain significant amounts of dissolved salts and minerals, such as a lake or riverSüßwasserbiologie
environ.freshwater biologySüßwasserbiologie
ed.general and theoretical biologyallgemeine und theoretische Biologie
ed.general cell biologyallgemeine Zellbiologie
gen.geography, geology, biology, social science and history of a provinceLandeskunde
environ.human biologyHumanbiologie
environ.human biology The study of human life and characterHumanbiologie
med.human biologyAnthropobiologie
environ.marine biology A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the seaMeeresbiologie
med.marine biologyHydrobiologie
gen.marine biologyMeeresbiologie
nat.sc., environ.marine biology laboratorymeeresbiologisches Laboratorium
gen.medical biology analysesbiomedizinische Analysen
environ.molecular biology The study of the chemical structures and processes of biological phenomena at the molecular level; the discipline is particularly concerned with the study of proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, the macromolecules essential to life processes. It seeks to understand the molecular basis of genetic processes. Techniques used include X-ray diffraction and electron microscopyMolekularbiologie
gen.molecular biologyMolekularbiologie
phys.ocean biologyMeeresbiologie
health.parasite biologyParasitenbiologie
med.pest biologyLebensformen der Schädlinge
environ.plant biologyPflanzenbiologie
environ.plant biology The scientific study of the natural processes of plantsPflanzenbiologie
life.sc.population biologyPopulationsbiologie
med.population biologyBevölkerungsbiologie
med.production biologyProduktionsbiologie
phys.quantum biologyQuantenbiologie
phys.radiation biologyStrahlungsbiologie
med.radiation biologyStrahlenbiologie
med.radiation biologyRadiobiologie
gen.radiation biology and health effectsbiologische und gesundheitliche Auswirkungen der Strahlung
el.radiation biology effectbiologischer Effekt der Strahlung
biol.reproductive biologyFortpflanzungsbiologie
gen.reproductive biologyReproduktionsbiologie
med.sewage biologyAbwasserbiologie
environ.soil biology The study of the living organisms, mainly microorganisms and microinvertebrates which live within the soil, and which are largely responsible for the decomposition processes vital to soil fertilityBodenbiologie
life.sc., agric.soil biologyBodenbiologie
med.soil biologyPedobiologie
med.space biologykosmische Biologie
health.space biologyRaumfahrtbiologie
med.space biologyWeltraumbiologie
med.space biology laboratoryweltraumbiologisches Laboratorium
life.sc., R&D.structural biologyStrukturbiologie
life.sc.structural biologystrukturelle Biologie
med.structural biology industrial platformIndustrieplattform der strukturellen Biologie
gen.studies in biologyBiologiestudium
gen.study of cell biologyzellbiologische Studien
med., life.sc.vector biologyBiologie der Krankheitsüberträger
nat.res.wastewater biologyAbwasserbiologie