
Terms for subject General containing as far as | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
as far and as soon assofern und sobald
as far assoviel wie
as far asso weit wie
as far assoweit
as far asbis zu
as far assofern
as far asbis
as far as domestic policy is concernedinnenpolitisch gesehen
as far as ... goesin Bezug auf (jdn, etwas)
as far as he is concernedseinetwegen
as far as home affairs are concernedinnenpolitisch gesehen
... As far as I am concerned, ...Was mich anbelangt
as far as I am concernedwas mich anbetrifft
... As far as I can ascertain, ...Soweit ich in Erfahrung bringen konnte
As far as I can remember ...Soweit ich mich erinnern kann ...
as far as I can see AFAICSso, wie ich die Sache sehe
as far as I can tell AFAICTsoweit ich sagen kann
As far as I knowSoviel ich weiß
as far as I knowmeines Wissens (m.W.)
as far as I know AFAIKsoweit ich weiß
as far as I'm concernedwas mich betrifft
as far as I'm concernedmeinerseits
as far as I'm concernedwas mich angeht
as far as I'm concernedmeinetwegen
as far as I'm concerned AFAICsoweit es mich angeht
as far as ... is concernedin Bezug auf (jdn, etwas)
as far as is humanly possible to tellnach menschlichem Ermessen
as far as is possibleim Rahmen des Möglichen
as far as it goesso weit
as far as it is concernedderetwegen
as far as my experience goessoweit ich aus persönlicher Erfahrung weiß
as far as our experience goesnach unserer Erfahrung
as far as possibleweitestgehend
as far as she is concernedderetwegen
as far as the eye can seesoweit das Auge reicht
as far as the eye could seesoweit das Auge reichte
as far as they are concernedderetwegen
as far as we are concernedunseretwegen
as far back asschon damals
I wouldn't go so far as to say that.So weit würde ich nicht gehen.
I'm only going as far as Berlin.Ich fahre nur bis nach Berlin.
in so far asinsoweit als
in so far asinsofern als
so far assoweit
so far assoviel wie
... so far as I know ...soweit ich weiß
So far as I recall ...Soweit ich mich erinnere ...
so far as it is reasonable and practicablesoweit zumutbar und durchführbar
turn as far as it will gobis zum Anschlag aufdrehen
turn something as far as it will gobis zum Anschlag aufdrehen