
Terms for subject Environment containing analysis | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement on the implementation of a European project on pollution, on the topic "Analysis of organic micropollutants in water"Vereinbarung zur Durchführung einer europäischen konzertierten Aktion auf dem Gebiet des Umweltschutzes zum Thema "Analyse der organischen Mikroverunreinigungen im Wasser"
analysis & integrated assessmentAnalyse und Integrierte Bewertungen
analysis method for gaseous pollutantsMethode zur Analyse gasförmiger Schadstoffe
analysis of AgClAgCl-Analyse
analysis of production flowsBilanz der Stoffströme
analysis of riskRisikoanalyse
analysis of silver chlorideAgCl-Analyse
analysis programmeUntersuchungsprogramm
analysis programme No definition neededUntersuchungsprogramm
analysis prospectivezukunftsorientierte Analyse
biological analysis The analysis of a substance in order to ascertain its influence on living organismsBiologische Analyse
break-even analysisAnalyse
chemical analysisChemische Analyse
chemical analysis The complex of operations aiming to determine the kinds of constituents of a given substanceChemische Analyse
chromatographic analysis The analysis of chemical substances that are poured into a vertical glass tube containing an adsorbent where the various components of the substance move through the adsorbent at different rates of speed according to their degree of attraction to it, thereby producing bands of color at different levels of the adsorption columnChromatographische Analyse
chromatographic analysisChromatographische Analyse
Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Methods of Textile AnalysisAusschuss zur Anpassung der Richtlinien an den wissenschaftlichen und technischen Fortschritt - Analysemethoden bei Textilien
cost-benefit analysis The attempt to assess, compare and frequently justify the total price or loss represented by a certain activity or expenditure with the advantage or service it providesKosten-Nutzen-Analyse
cost/risk/benefit analysisKosten-Risiko-Nutzen-Analyse
cradle-to-grave analysisLebenszyklusbilanz
cradle-to-grave analysisLebenszyklusanalyse
cradle-to-grave analysisÖkobilanz
cradle-to-grave analysisBewertung von Lebenszyklen
danger analysis The process of evaluating the scale and probability of harm caused by any hazard to persons, property or the environmentGefahrenanalyse
danger analysisGefahrenanalyse
data analysis The evaluation of digital data, i.e. data represented by a sequence of code charactersDatenanalyse
direct chemical analysischemische Direktanalyse
economic analysis The quantitative and qualitative identification, study, and evaluation of the nature of an economy or a system of organization or operationÖkonomische Analyse
economic analysisÖkonomische Analyse
ecosystem analysis Detailed study of an ecosystem carried out to ascertain its features from the point of view of its soil composition, energy flux, biogeochemical cycles, biomass, organisms and their relationship with the environmentÖkosystemanalyse
ecosystem analysisÖkosystemanalyse
environmental analysisUmweltanalyse
environmental analysis No definition neededUmweltanalyse
Expert Panel for Foliar Analysis of ICP ForestsSachverständigengruppe für Blattanalyse des ICP-Forests
fire scar analysisAnalyse der Brandwunde
gas analysis equipmentAnlage zur Gasanalyse
grain analysis of dustsKornanalyse von Staub
hydrocarbon analysisKohlenwasserstoffanalyse
impact analysisUmweltverträglichkeitsstudie
impact analysisImpaktstudie
Institute for Environment and Systems AnalysisInstitut für Umwelt-und Systemanalyse
integrated assessment and prospective analysisintegrierte Umweltbewertung und Analyse der Perspektiven
integrated assessment prospective analysisintegrierte Umweltbewertung und Analyse der Perspektiven
international consultations and analysisinternationale Konsultationen und Analysen
international consultations and analysisinternationale Konsultation und Analyse
life cycle analysisLebenszyklusanalyse
life cycle analysisLebenszyklusbilanz
life cycle analysisÖkobilanz
life cycle analysisBewertung von Lebenszyklen
life cycle analysis methodMethode zur Standzeitanalyse
mathematical analysis The branch of mathematics most explicitly concerned with the limit process or the concept of convergence; includes the theories of differentiation, integration and measure, infinite series, and analytic functionsMathematische Analyse
mathematical analysisMathematische Analyse
microbiological analysisMicrobiologische Analyse
microbiological analysis Analysis for the identification of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasitesMicrobiologische Analyse
mobile analysis laboratorymobiles Analyselaboratorium
natural risk analysis Analysis of the probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging phenomenon of natureNaturrisikoanalyse
natural risk analysisNaturrisikoanalyse
natural risk analysisAnalyse der Risiken von Naturgefahren
noise analysisGeräuschanalyse
noise analysis Determination of the frequency components that make up a particular noise being studiedGeräuschanalyse
olfactometric analysisolfaktometrische Analyse
physical analysisphysikalische Analyse
physicochemical analysis Analysis based on the physical changes associated with chemical reactionsPhysikalisch-chemische Analyse
physicochemical analysisPhysikalisch-chemische Analyse
physico-chemical analysisphysikalisch-chemische Analyse
pollutant analysis The determination of the composition of any substance that causes pollution, using classical laboratory techniques and other methods involving analytical chemistrySchadstoffanalyse
pollutant analysisSchadstoffanalyse
process analysisVerfahrensanalyse
prospective analysiszukunftsorientierte Analyse
reference method of analysisReferenzanalysemethode
reference method of analysisAnalyseverfahren Referenzmethode
residue analysis Analysis of residues from agricultural chemicals used in food crops and contained in foodstuff. The analyses use gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, immunoassays, etc.Rückstandsanalyse
residue analysisRückstandsanalyse
risk analysis Technique used to determine the likelihood or chance of hazardous events occurring (such as release of a certain quantity of a toxic gas) and the likely consequences. Originally developed for use in nuclear and chemical industry where certain possible events, of low probability, could have extremely serious results. Attempts are being made to use concepts from probabilistic risk analysis to characterise environmental impacts, whose occurrence and nature are not easy to predict with any degree of accuracyRisikoanalyse
risk-benefit analysis A systematic process of evaluating and assessing the hazards of loss versus the possibility of financial gain or profitRisiko-Nutzen-Analyse
risk-benefit analysisRisiko-Nutzen-Analyse
safety analysis The process of studying the need for or efficacy of actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environmentSicherheitsanalyse
scenarios and prospective analysis for environmental improvementSzenarios und zukunftsorientierte Analyse zur Verbesserung der Umweltqualität
Scenarios and prospective analysis for environmental improvementSzenarios und zukunftsorientierte Analyse zur Verbesserung der Umweltsqualität
sedimentation analysisSchlämmanalyse
sensitivity analysis A formalized procedure to identify the impact of changes in various model components on model output. Sensitivity analysis is an integral part of simulation experimentation and may influence model formulations. It is commonly used to examine model behaviour. The general procedure is to define a model output variable that represents an important aspect of model behaviour. The values of various inputs of the model are then varied and the resultant change in the output variable is monitored. Large changes in the output variable imply that the particular input varied is important in controlling model behaviour. Within this general definition, sensitivity analysis has been applied to a variety of model inputs including state variables, environmental variables and initial conditionsSensitivitätsanalyse
social analysisGesellschaftliche Analyse
social analysis No definition neededGesellschaftliche Analyse
soil analysis The use of rapid chemical analyses to determine the fertility status of a soil. It is used to identify those nutrients or substances that are present in either insufficient or excessive quantities for optimum plant growth. Analyses are also used to monitor increases or decreases in soil fertility over timeBodenuntersuchung
soil analysisBodenuntersuchung
stack analysisRauchgasanalyse
statistical analysis The body of techniques used in statistical inference concerning a populationAnalyse (statistisch)
systems analysis A means of organizing elements into an integrated analytic and/or decisionmaking procedure to achieve the best possible resultsSystemanalyse
ultra violet fluorescence sulfur dioxide analysisfluoreszenzkontrollierte SO2-Dosierung
ultra violet fluorescence sulphur dioxide analysisfluoreszenzkontrollierte SO2-Dosierung
UV fluorescence SO2 analysisfluoreszenzkontrollierte SO2-Dosierung
UV fluorescence sulfur dioxide analysisfluoreszenzkontrollierte SO2-Dosierung
UV fluorescence sulphur dioxide analysisfluoreszenzkontrollierte SO2-Dosierung
waste analysis An investigation carried out to decide what arrangements are appropriate for dealing with different kinds of wastesAbfalluntersuchung
waste analysisAbfalluntersuchung
water analysis Study of the chemical, physical and biological properties of waterWasseruntersuchung
willingness-to-pay analysisZahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse