
Terms for subject Environment containing anaerobic | all forms | exact matches only
anaerobic bacteriaAnaerobe
anaerobic biological treatmentAnaerob-biologische Behandlung
anaerobic conditionanaerobe Bedingungen
anaerobic condition A mode of life carried on in the absence of molecular oxygenanaerobe Bedingungen
anaerobic degradationanaerober Abbau
anaerobic digestionanaerobe Gaerung
anaerobic digestionanaerobe Schlammfaulung
anaerobic digestionanaerobe Fermentation
anaerobic digestoranaerobischer Verfauler
anaerobic effluent treatmentanaerobe Abwasseraufbereitung
anaerobic fermentationanaerobe Fermentation
anaerobic fermentationanaerobe Gaerung
anaerobic fermentationanaerobe Schlammfaulung
anaerobic fermentationanaerobe Zersetzung
anaerobic processAnaerober Prozess
anaerobic process A process from which air or oxygen not in chemical combination is excludedAnaerober Prozess
anaerobic treatment Breakdown of organic material without the presence of oxygen, a treatment which permanently removes the unpleasant odour of many organic wastes so that they can be used on agricultural landAnaerobe Behandlung
anaerobic treatmentAnaerobe Behandlung
anaerobic treatment sludges of animal and vegetal wastesSchlaemme aus der anaeroben Behandlung von tierischen und pflanzlichen Abfaellen
anaerobic treatment sludges of municipal and similar wastesSchlaemme aus der anaeroben Behandlung von Siedlungs- und aehnlichen Abfaellen
anaerobic waste treatmentanaerobe Behandlung
wastes from anaerobic treatment of wasteAbfälle aus der anaeroben Behandlung von Abfällen