
Terms for subject Environment containing aircraft | all forms | exact matches only
aircraft engine emission The formation and discharge of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the environment, especially the stratosphere, chiefly from airplanes, helicopters and other high-altitude aircraftsFlugzeugemission
aircraft engine emissionFlugzeugemission
aircraft footprintFlugzeugabdruck
aircraft for stratospheric researchFlugzeug zur Stratosphärenforschung
aircraft noise Effective sound output of the various sources of noise associated with aircraft operation, such as propeller and engine exhaust, jet noise, and sonic boomFluglärm
conveyance by aircraftLufttransport
noise certification of an aircraftZulassung eines Flugzeuges unter dem Aspekt seiner Laermentwicklung
noise level of the aircraftLärmpegel des Flugzeugs