
Terms containing adapter | all forms | exact matches only
tech.ac adapterNetzteil
commun.AC mains or line adapterNetzvorsatz
commun.AC mains or line adapterNetzanpassung
tech.actual current signal adapterStromistwertanpassung
gen.adapter baseAnschlussrahmen
tech.adapter blind flangeBlindzwischenflansch
phys.adapter boardAdapterkarte
ed., ITadapter boardSteckfeld
gen.adapter boardAnschlussbaugruppe
microel.adapter boardAnschlußbaugruppe
auto.adapter boxAdapterbox (wipers Маковка)
gen.adapter boxAnpassungsgerä t
mech.eng.adapter bushReduzierhülse
mech.eng.adapter bushEinsatzhülse
mech.eng.adapter bushReduziereinsatz
mech.eng.adapter bushReduzierfutter
med.appl.adapter bushKlemmbuchse
mech.eng.adapter bushingReduziereinsatz
mech.eng.adapter bushingEinsatzhülse
mech.eng.adapter bushingReduzierfutter
mech.eng.adapter bushingReduzierhülse
tech.adapter cableÜbergangskabel
tech.adapter cableAdapterkabel
comp.adapter cardAnschlußkarte
commun.adapter cardAdapter (provides connectivity between PC and network)
phys.adapter cardAnpassungskarte
comp., MSadapter cardAdapterkarte (A printed circuit board that enables a personal computer to use a peripheral device, such as a CD-ROM drive, modem, or joystick, for which it does not already have the necessary connections, ports, or circuit boards. Commonly, a single adapter card can have more than one adapter on it)
comp.adapter cardAdapter-Karte
dril.adapter casing flangeRohrreduzierflansch
comp.adapter circuitAnpassungsschaltung
auto.adapter circuitAnpassschaltung (Маковка)
commun.adapter circuitAnpassungssatz
comp.adapter circuitAdapterschaltung
comp., MSadapter configurationAdapterkonfiguration (ssn)
tech.adapter connectorÜbergabestecker
transp.adapter cradle for mobile phoneHöreraufnahme für Handyphone f
tech.adapter deviceVorsatzgerät
tech.adapter elbowÜbergangswinkel
tech.adapter elementÜbergangselement
comp., MSadapter factoryAdapterfactory (ssn)
tech.adapter fittingFormstück
tech.adapter flangeZwischenflansch
met.adapter flangeReduktionsflansch
comp.adapter for data channelAdapter für Datenkanal
chem.adapter for filter funnelFiltervorstoß
met.adapter for milling machinesReduktionshülse mit Mitnehmer
microel.adapter for p.c. boardsFlachbaugruppenadapter
transp., mech.eng.Adapter for tests and measurementsPruef-und Messanschluss
comp., MSadapter frameworkAdapterframework (The specifications for building BizTalk adapters using open standards based on Web Services)
comp., MSadapter hostAdapterhost (The root abstract class Adapter, which defines the handshake between the adapter and the StreamInsight server in the ENQUEUE interaction point. It provides all the required adapter services such as memory management, and exception handling)
comp., MSadapter hostAdapterhost (ssn)
auto.adapter leadAdapterkabel (Маковка)
construct.adapter lensVorsatzlinse
gen.adapter memoryZusatzspeicher
gen.adapter memorySpeicheradapter
tech.adapter nippleÜbergangsnippel
tech.adapter nutSpannmutter
weap.adapter openingMundloch
transp.adapter panelZwischenverbindungsfeld
gen.adapter plateAufspannplatte
tech.adapter plateAufsatzblech
auto.adapter plateDüsenhalter-Zwischenscheibe
comp.adapter plugAnpaßstecker
tech.adapter plugGerätestecker
tech.adapter plugÜbergangsstecker
telecom.adapter plugHülsen = Steckhülsen für Anschlußdraht
gen.adapter plugZwischenstecker
weap.adapter plugMundlochschraube
ITadapter plugAnschlußstecker
comp.adapter plugAnpassstecker
telecom.adapter plugsZwischenstecker
telecom.adapter plugsHülsen = Steckhülsen für Anschlußdraht
med.adapter proteinAdapterprotein
tech.adapter ringAdapterring
chem.adapter ringPassring
chem.adapter ringEinsatzring
commun.adapter ROMAdapter-ROM (provides operating program for its card)
tech.adapter setAdapterpaar
transp.adapter set V.A.G 1594 better than the official nameMeßhilfsmittel-Set V.A.G 1594 A
mech.eng.adapter sleeveKegelhülse mit Spannmutter
tech.adapter sleeveSpannstift
tech.adapter sleeveSpannhülse
mech.eng.adapter sleeveReduzierfutter
mech.eng.adapter sleeveReduziereinsatz
mech.eng.adapter sleeveEinsatzhülse
tech.adapter sleeveReduzierhülse
construct.adapter sleeveVerbindungsmuffe
tech.adapter socketÜbergangsmuffe
tech.adapter studÜbergangsstutzen
weap.adapter threadMundlochgewinde
tech.adapter unitÜbergangskasten
gen.adapter unitAdapter
auto.adapter valveDruckverhältnisventil
auto.adapter valveAnpassungsventil
comp., MSadd-in-side adapterAdd-In-Adapter (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains one or more classes, and converts data to and from the add-in view and the contract. Depending on the direction of the call, the adapter is either converting from a view to a contract or from a contract to a view)
mech.eng.air intake adapterLufteinlaßadapter
commun.an die V-Schnittstelle DAV data network to V interface adapterDatennetzanpassung
chromat.anticlimb adapterKriechschutzadapter
chem.antisplash adapterSpritzschutz-Aufsatz (Rückschlagsicherung)
chromat.antisplash adapterSpritzschutzaufsatz
chromat.antisplash adapterSpritzschutzadapter
chem.antisplash adapterTropfenfänger (distillation apparatus)
chem.antisplash adapterSchaumbrecher-Aufsatz
comp., MSapplication adapterAnwendungsadapter (An adapter created to work with a specific application or protocol)
IT, el.asynchronous communication interface adapterInterface für asynchronen Datenanschluß
comp.asynchronous communications interface adapterACIA-Schaltkreis
comp.asynchronous communications interface adapterAsynchronübertragungsschnittstellen- Anpassungsbaustein
comp.asynchronous communications interface adapterAsynchronübertragungs-Schnittstellenanpassungsbaustein
IT, dat.proc.asynchronous communications interface adapterInterface für asynchronen Datenanschluß
microel.asynchronous communications interface adapterasynchroner Schnittstellenbaustein (serieller Interfacebaustein)
microel.asynchronous communications interface adapterasynchroner Übertragungsschnittstellenbaustein (serieller Interfacebaustein)
comp.asynchronous communications interface adapterAsynchronübertragungsbaustein
med.band adapterBandadaptor
earth.sc., el.battery adapterBatterieanschluß
patents.battery adaptersBatterieadapter
tech.bearing adapter ringLagereinsatzring
med.Bensaude adapterBensaude Ansatzstueck
chem.bent adapterKrümmer (Laborglas)
comp., MSBizTalk Message Queuing adapterAdapter für BizTalk-Message Queuing (An adapter that enables exchange of messages between BizTalk Server and Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ))
comp., MSBluetooth adapterBluetooth-Adapter (A device used to connect a computer to a Bluetooth-enabled device (for example, a keyboard or modem))
gen.bomb cluster adapterBombenbündelgerüst
met.bottom hole test adaptersBodenvorstoss auf dem Eruptionskreuz
met.bottom hole test wash nipple adapterBodenvorstosshahn auf dem Eruptionskreuz
tech.branching network adapterWeichenübergang
tech.buffer adapterPufferanpassung
comp.buffered communication adapterAdapter für gepufferte Übertragung
met.bull plug adapterHochdruckadapter
commun.bus adapterBusanschaltung
commun.bus adapterBusanpassung
transp., mech.eng.By-pass adapterAbzweigstutzen
el.cable adapterKabeladapter
transp.Cable adapterKabelverbinder
el.cable adapterKabelausgang
el.cable clamp adapterKabelklemmenadapter
gen.camera bezel adapterKameravorsatz
met.casing head adaptersKopfrohrverschraubungen
ITchannel adapterKanaladapter
comp.channel interface adapterKanalinterfaceadapter
commun.charge meter adapterVorsatzgebührenanzeiger
tech.charging adapterLadeadapter
comp., MScluster adapterClusterkarte (The adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles the network traffic for cluster operations (the traffic for all hosts in the cluster). This adapter is programmed with the host's cluster IP address)
gen.cluster adapterBündelgerüst (für Bomben, Raketen)
mech.eng.collet adapterFräserspannzange
mech.eng.collet adapterFräserspannfutter
mech.eng.collet adapterFräserfutter
comp.color graphics adapterFarbgrafik-Bildschirmadapter
ITcommunication line adapterLeitungsanpassungsteil
ITcommunication line adapterEinbaumodem
ITcommunication line adapterLAT
ITcommunication line adapterFernschreibanschlusseinheit
ITcommunication line adapterPrivatleitungsanschluss
ITcommunication line adapterLeitungsanschluss
ITcommunication line adapterDatenanschlusseinheit
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypeFernschreibanschlusseinheit
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypeEinbaumodem
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypePrivatleitungsanschluss
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypeLeitungsanschluss
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypeLeitungsanpassungsteil
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypeLAT
ITcommunication line adapter for teletypeDatenanschlusseinheit
el.conduit adapterRohradapter
chem.cone adapterGewindeadapter
chem.cone adapterKem-
microel.connect the processor through an adapter to the telephone networkden Prozessor über einen Anschlußadapter an das Fernsprechnetz anschließen
gen.connecting adapterAnschlussadapter
el.connector adapterAdaptersteckverbinder
meas.inst.connector adapterSteckadapter
microel.console adapterBedienungsplatzanschluß
microel.console adapterBedienungsplatzadapter
comp.control adapterSteuerungsanpassungsbaustein
gen.control rod drive mechanism adapterZentrierglocke
tech.conversion adapterÜbergangsstecker
market.copy adapterWerbetexterin
market.copy adapterWerbetexter
chromat.cow receiver adapterVerteilervorlage
chromat.cow receiver adapterSpinne
chromat.cow receiver adapterWechselvorlage
chromat.cow receiver adapterEutervoriage
chromat.cow receiver adapter"Spinne"
chromat.cow receiver adapterEutervorlage
mech.eng.crane hook adapterKranhakenansatz
tech.current signal adapterStromistwertanpassung
comp., MScustom adapterbenutzerdefinierter Adapter (A custom piece of code that a developer writes and places before a receive pipeline or after a send pipeline to interface with adapters and/or applications)
ITdata adapterDatenanpassungsgerät
commun.data adapterDatenanpassungseinheit (a modem)
comp., MSdata adapterDatenadapter (ssn)
comp., MSdata adapterDatenadapter (An object used to submit data to and retrieve data from databases, Web services, and Extensible Markup Language (XML) files)
comp., MSdata adapter configurationDatenadapterkonfiguration (ssn)
comp., MSdata adapter factoryDatenadapterfactory (ssn)
ITdata adapter unitProzeßdaten-Anschlußeinheit
microel.data adapter unitDatenanschlußeinheit (für Datenübertragungskanäle)
commun.data network to V interface adapterDatennetzanpassung an die V-Schnittstelle
commun.DC adapterFremdspeiseadapter
comp., MSdestination adapterZieladapter (A data flow component that loads data into a data store)
chem.destination receiver adapterVorlage (Destillation)
comp., MSdevice adapterGeräteadapter (An ASP.NET page framework class that adapts the behavior of mobile pages and controls based on the target device)
comp., MSdiagnostic data adapterAdapter für diagnostische Daten (An assembly that has functionality to enable a user to either collect diagnostic data to understand what is happening on a system when a test is running, or perform actions on the system while a test is running)
commun.digital line adapterLeitungsanpassung digital
tech.direct-transmission adapterÜberbrückungsadapter
mech.eng.discharge adapterUebergangsstueck an der Druckleitung
microel.diskette adapterDiskettenadapter
microel.display adapterAnzeigeadapter
comp.display adapterAnzeige-Adapter
comp., MSdisplay adapterGrafikkarte (The electronic components that generate the video signal sent through a cable to a video display. The video adapter is usually located on the computer's main system board or on an expansion board, but it is sometimes built into the terminal)
comp.display adapterDisplay-Adapter
gen.display adapterGrafikkarte
chromat.distillation receiver adapterVorlage
comp., MSdynamic adapterdynamischer Adapter (An adapter that has a custom user interface)
med.appl.endoscopic light source adapterLichtquellenadapter für Endoskope
comp., MSengine adapterModuladapter (An adapter that performs various core biometric operations: cleanup of sensor data, feature extraction, template generation, matching, and indexing. These functions can either be implemented by software in the engine adapter, or by the engine adapter making use of some piece of processing hardware)
comp., MSenhanced graphics adapterEnhanced Graphics Adapter, erweiterter Grafikadapter (An IBM video display standard introduced in 1984. It emulates the Color/Graphics Adapter (CGA) and the Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA) and provides medium-resolution text and graphics. It was superseded by Video Graphics Display (VGA))
comp.enhanced graphics adapterEGA-Standard
el., sec.sys.Ex thread adapterEx-Gewindeadapter
chem.expansion adapterExpansionsstück (Laborglas)
tech.extension adapterErweiterungsanschluß
ITexternal adapterexterner Adapter
comp.fax adapterFax-Karte
gen.female adapterInnengewindeadapter (Yerkwantai)
auto.fender adapterKotflügeladapter
med.appl.fibrescope adapterFiberskopansatz
med.appl.fibrescope adapterFiberskopadapter
comp., MSfile adapterDateiadapter (An adapter that can read messages from the file system and submit them to the server, as well as write messages from the server to a file on the file system)
transp., chem.filler adapterFüllstutzen
chem.filter adapterGuko
chem.filter adapterFiltermanschette
chem.filter adapterFilterstopfen
transp., mech.eng.flanged adapterFlanschschild
med.appl.flash adapterBlitzadapter
auto.flashing adapterBlinkadapter
med.appl.flexion adapterFlexionsadapter
med.appl.foot adapterFußadapter
med.appl.foot adapter without jointFußadapter ohne Gelenk
transp.front adapter plateAdapterplatte vorne
comp.front-end adapterFront-End-Adapter
comp., MSFTP adapterFTP-Adapter (An adapter that enables exchange of files between BizTalk Server and FTP servers)
tech.galvanized adapterverzinkter Adapter
comp., MSgeneric adaptergenerischer Adapter (ssn)
ITGPIB interface adapterGPIB Schnittstellenadapter
tech.graphics adapterGrafikadapter
comp., MSgraphics adapterGrafikadapter (A video adapter capable of displaying graphics as well as alphanumeric characters. Almost all video adapters in common use today are graphics adapters)
comp.graphics adapterGraphik-Adapter
gen.graphics adapterGrafikkarte
comp.graphies adapterGrafikadapter
weap.grip adapterGriffstückadapter
telecom.group adapterGruppenvorsatz
comp., MSguest adapterGastadapter (ssn)
comp., MSguest adapter configurationGastadapterkonfiguration (ssn)
hobby, mech.eng.harness quick fit adapterGurtzeugschnellverschluss
hobby, mech.eng.harness strap adapterGurtverbinder
met.hose adapterSchlauchanschluss
comp., MShost adapterHostadapter (A software component that lets you run tests in a specific environment. This hosting environment may be a specific process such as sqprsqext or a process with particular traits such as limited security or custom environment variables)
tech.host adapterZentralanschluß
comp., MShost bus adapterHostbusadapter (An hardware device for connecting a peripheral to the main computer, typically in the form of an expansion card)
comp., MSHTTP adapterHTTP-Adapter (An adapter that enables exchange of messages between BizTalk Server and any application using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol)
el.impedance preamplifier adapterVorverstärker-Anpassungstrafo für impedanzen
comp., MSinput adapterEingabeadapter (An adapter that accepts incoming event streams from external sources such as databases, files, ticker feeds, network ports, manufacturing devices and so on)
comp., MSinput adapterEingabeadapter (ssn)
comp., MSinput adapter configurationEingabeadapterkonfiguration (ssn)
comp., MSinput adapter factoryEingabeadapterfactory (ssn)
comp., MSinput adapter factory interfaceEingabeadapterfactory-Schnittstelle (ssn)
microel.input-output adapterEingabe-Ausgabe-Schnittstellenadapter
ITintegrated adapterintegrierter Adapter
med.appl.interchangeable adapterauswechselbarer Adapter (for endoscopes)
comp.interface adapterSchnittsteilen-Anpassungsbaustein
commun.interface adapterDatenumsetzer (for digital mode)
tech.interface adapterSchnittstellenadapter
busin., ITinterface adapterSchnittstellen-Anpassungseinrichtung
telecom.interface adapterSchnittstellenanpassung
microel.interface adapterSchnittstelleneinheit
busin., ITinterface adapterSchnittstellenanpasser
comp.interface adapterSchnittstellen-Anpassungsschaltung
gen.interface adapterSchnittstellenanpassungseinrichtung
comp., MSintergroup adapterGruppenadapter (A BizTalk Server adapter that targets intranet/LAN communication between two BizTalk Server groups without requiring intermediate storage)
comp., MSinvalid adapter configuration for adapter factorydie Adapterkonfiguration für die Adapterfactory ist ungültig (ssn)
comp.ISDN adapterISDN-Adapter
comp., MSISDN terminal adapterISDN-Terminaladapter (A device that is used as a modem in a Microsoft Windows integrated services digital network (ISDN) installation)
comp., MSisolated receive adapterisolierter Empfangsadapter (The receive adapter that is hosted in a process other than a BizTalk Server process. This adapter is created and controlled by external process and it registers with BizTalk server at run time to submit messages)
transp., mech.eng.jack adapter padAufbockpunkt
transp.jacking adapter jackAufbockpunkt
transp.jacking adapterAufbockbeschlag
transp.jacking adapter fittingAufbockbeschlag
tech.jack-to-jack adapterDoppelbuchse
med.appl.knee adapterKnieadapter
comp., MSlegacy network adapterältere Netzwerkkarte (A virtual network adapter that emulates a specific physical network adapter, the multiport DEC 21140 10/100TX 100 MB. A legacy network adapter also supports network-based installations because it includes the ability to boot to the Pre-Execution Environment (PXE boot))
med.appl.light source adapterLichtquellenadapter
ITline adapterLeitungsanschluss
ITline adapterPrivatleitungsanschluss
ITline adapterLeitungsanpassungsteil
tech.line adapterLeitungsanpassung
tech.line adapterLeitungsanschluß
ITline adapterEinbaumodem
ITline adapterFernschreibanschlusseinheit
ITline adapterLAT
ITline adapterDatenanschlusseinheit
comp.line adapterLeitungsadapter
comp., MSlistener adapterListeneradapter (A component that establishes communication between the Windows Process Activation Service (WASW) and protocol listeners, such as HTTP.sys. This allows listeners to get configuration information about applications and namespaces they monitor. Listener adapters also notify the Windows Process Activation Service about incoming messages for applications that have not connected to a worker process)
telecom.local battery adapterOrtsbatterievorsatz
commun., ITlocal data adapterOrtsdatenanpassungseinheit
commun., ITlocal data adapterOrtseinheit für Datenanpassung
commun., ITlocal data adapterOrtsdatenadapter
commun., ITlocal data adapter unitOrtsdatenadapter
commun., ITlocal data adapter unitOrtsdatenanpassungseinheit
commun., ITlocal data adapter unitOrtseinheit für Datenanpassung
tech.local loop adapterLokalringanpassung
tel.long line adapterNLT-Verstärker
IT, el.long-line adapterFernleitungsadapter
ITloop connection adapterSchleifenverbindungsadapter
transp.main data adapterHaupt-Datenadapter
tech.mains adapterNetzgerät
IT, el.measuring adapterMeßadapter
commun.media adapterKonverter
commun.media adapterMedienadapter
commun.medium adapterMediumanpassung (B-ISDN)
tech.membrane port - spike adapterMembrananschluss-Dorn-Adapter
opt.microscope adapterMikrozwischenstück
comp., MSmonochrome display adapterMonochrome Display Adapter (The video adapter introduced with the earliest model of the IBM PC in 1981. MDA was capable of only one video mode: a character mode with 25 lines of 80 characters each, with underlining, blinking, and high-intensity characters. IBM did not use the name Monochrome Display Adapter or the acronym MDA)
commun.mounting adapterEinbausatz
chromat.multi-limb vacuum receiver adapterSpinne
chromat.multi-limb vacuum receiver adapterWechselvorlage ("Spinne"/Eutervorlage/Verteilervorlage)
chromat.multi-limb vacuum receiver adapterVerteilervorlage (receiving adapter for three/ four receiving flasks)
chromat.multi-limb vacuum receiver adapter"Spinne" (receiving adapter for three/ four receiving flasks)
chromat.multi-limb vacuum receiver adapterEutervoriage (receiving adapter for three/ four receiving flasks)
microel.multiprocessor communications adapterMehrprozessor-Datenübertragungszusatz
comp.net adapterNetzadapter
comp., MSnetwork adapterNetzwerkkarte (An expansion card or other device used to provide network access to a computer or other device, such as a printer. Mediates between the computer and physical media, such as cabling, over which transmissions travel)
commun.network adapterNetzanpassung (ISDN)
comp.network adapterNetzadapter
comp., MSnetwork adapterNetzwerkadapter (ssn)
gen.network adapterNetzkarte (Computer)
commun., el.network adapter cardNetzwerk-Adapterkarte
commun., el.network adapter cardNetzwerkadapterkarte
comp.network adapter cardNetzanschluß-Karte
commun., ITnetwork adapter card driverNetzwerkadaptertreiber
comp., MSnetwork adapter configurationNetzwerkadapterkonfiguration (ssn)
comp., MSnetwork adapter driverNetzwerkkartentreiber (A device driver that works directly with the network adapter, acting as an intermediary between the adapter and the protocol driver)
mech.eng.nozzle adapterDüsenanpassteil
mech.eng.nozzle adapterDüsenanpassstück
mech.eng.nozzle adapterDüsenadapter
chem.offset adapterÜbergangsstück mit seitlichem Versatz
comp.online adapterOnline-Adapter
comp., MSoutput adapterAusgabeadapter (An adapter that receives events processed by the server, transforms the events into a format expected by the output device (a database, text file, PDA, or other device), and emits the data to that device)
comp., MSoutput adapterAusgabeadapter (ssn)
comp., MSoutput adapter factoryAusgabeadapterfactory (ssn)
comp., MSoutput adapter factory interfaceAusgabeadapterfactory-Schnittstelle (ssn)
el.panoramic adapterPanoramazusatzgerät
opt.panoramic adapterPanoramazusatz
microel.p.c. board adapterPrüfadapter für Leiterplatten
tech.peripheral adapterPeripherieanschluß
microel.peripheral interface adapterperipherer Schnittstellenbaustein
microel.peripheral interface adapterPeripherieschnittstellenadapter (paralleler Interfacebaustein für die Zusammenschaltung von Peripheriegeräten mit der Mikroprozessoreinheit)
comp.peripheral interface adapterPIA-Schaltkreis
microel.peripheral interface adapterPeripherieanschlußbaustein
comp.peripheral interface adapterPeripherieschnittstellen- Anpassungsbaustein
tech.phase adapter adaptorPhasenwandler
earth.sc., el.phase adapterPhasenadapter
gen.phase adapterPhasenwandler
tech.photomicrographic adaptermikrophotographischer Adapter
chromat."pig" multi-limb vacuum receiver adapter"Spinne" (receiving adapter for three/ four receiving flasks)
chromat."pig" multi-limb vacuum receiver adapterVerteilervorlage (receiving adapter for three/ four receiving flasks)
chromat."pig" multi-limb vacuum receiver adapterEutervorlage (receiving adapter for three/ four receiving flasks)
chem.pipe-to-tubing adapterSchlauch-Rohr-Verbindungsstück
weap.pistol grip adapterPistolengriffadapter
earth.sc., life.sc.plate adapterPlattenadapter
tech.plug adapterÜbergangsstecker
tech.plug-type AC adapterSteckernetzteil
tech.plug-type AC adapterSteckernetzgerät
tech.power adapterNetzvorsatz
commun.power adapterFremdspeiseadapter
gen.power adapterStromadapter
tech.power supply adapterNetzadapter
tech.press-fit adapter connectorKlemmsteckadapter (makhno)
weap.priming adapterZündhalter
microel.programmable interface adapterprogrammierbarer Schnittstellenadapter (programmierbare Eingabe-Ausgabe-Einheiten)
med.appl.prosthesis rotating adapterProthesendrehadapter
gen.pylon store adapterAußenlastträgeradapter
commun.Q interface adapterQ-Schnittstellenanpassung (GSM 01.04)
gen.ratchet adapterEinsteckknarre
gen.ratchet adapterAufsteckknarre
transp.rear adapter plateAdapterplatte hinten
comp., MSreceive adapterEmpfangsadapter (An adapter that listens to a protocol-specific address for an incoming message. When the message is received, the receive adapter sends the message through the receive pipeline to eventually be persisted to the MessageBox database. A send adapter accepts a message from a send pipeline and sends it to the send port)
chem.receiver adapterDestilliervorstoß
chromat.receiving flask adapterVorlage
chem.receiving flask adapterVorlage (Destillation)
tech.recirc pump suction pipe adapterPumpendeckel
chem.reducing adapterReduzierstück
chem.reduction adapterReduzierübergangsstück
chem.reduction adapterReduzierstück
el.relay adapterRelaisadapter
tech.remote adapterFernanpassung
comp., MSRemoteFX 3D video adapterRemoteFX-3D-Grafikkarte (The synthetic video driver that is installed on the virtual desktop. RemoteFX uses GPU Virtualization, a technology that exposes a virtual graphics device to a virtual machine, to expose a WDDM driver with the virtual desktop, and allows multiple virtual desktops to share a single GPU on a Hyper-V server. The virtual GPU is used to perform host side rendering of 3D and other content. This enables support for all graphics types by sending highly compressed bitmap images to the endpoint device in an adaptive manner)
comp., MSrequest-response adapterAdapter für "Anforderungsantwort" (A receive adapter that receives a request message from the client, submits it to the server, waits for a response, and then sends the response back to the client)
industr., construct., chem.ring adapterRingadapter
dril.rod adapterÜbergangsstück
met.rotary hose adapterGummischlauch-Anschluss
med.appl.rotation adapterRotationsadapter
chem.screwthread adapterGewindeadapter
chem.screwthread adapterKem-
comp., MSsensor adapterSensoradapter (An adapter that acts as a wrapper around the physical sensor, and provides a standard interface for configuring the sensor, capturing samples, and controlling the flow of biometric data from the sensor into the processing engine)
chem.septum-inlet adapterSeptum-Adapter
telecom.Service Connection AdapterAnschluß für Servicegeräte (Service Connection Adapter)
med.appl.shaft adapterSchaftadapter
weap.shotgun adapterSchrotlaufadapter
gen.shrink boot adapterFormteiladapter
transp.sidewinder umbilical adapterSIWA-Adapter
commun.signal adapter unitSignalaufbereitungseinheit
ITsignaling adapterMeldesignaladapter
ITsignalling adapterMeldesignaladapter
weap.single shot adapterEinzelschussadapter
tech.slide-in unit adapterEinschubadapter
comp., MSSMTP adapterSMTP-Adapter (An adapter that implements the SMTP protocol (that is, sends e-mail messages) to interact with line-of-business applications. This adapter includes only the send handler)
comp., MSSOAP adapterSOAP-Adapter (An adapter that implements the SOAP protocol to interact with line-of-business applications, publishes orchestrations as Web services, and consumes external Web services)
tech.socket adapterÜbergangsstecker
med.appl.socket with torsion adapterStumpfbett mit Torsionsadapter
meas.inst.socket-outlet adapterAbzweigstecker
comp., MSsolicit-response adapterAdapter für "Antwort anfragen" (A two-way send adapter. A solicit-response send adapter sends a request message from BizTalk Server to a destination, waits for a response message, and then submits the response message back to BizTalk Server)
comp., MSsource adapterQuelladapter (A data flow component that extracts data from a data store)
chem.splash adapterTropfenfänger (Reitmeyer-Aufsatz: Rückschlagschutz: Kühler/ Rotationsverdampfer etc.)
chromat.splash-head adapterSpritzschutzadapter
chromat.splash-head adapterSpritzschutzaufsatz
chem.splash-head adapterTropfenfänger
chem.splash-head adapterSpritzschutz-Aufsatz (Rückschlagsicherung)
chem.splash-head adapterSchaumbrecher-Aufsatz
comp., MSSQL adapterSQL-Adapter (An adapter that exchanges information between BizTalk Server and a SQL Server database)
transp.standby data adapterNot-Datenadapter
comp., MSstatic adapterstatischer Adapter (An adapter that uses the user interface provided by the adapter framework)
comp., MSstorage adapterSpeicheradapter (An adapter that provides an interface for managing biometric template databases. This includes operations such as adding and deleting templates, as well as looking up templates either by user identity or by biometric content)
mech.eng., construct.suction adapterUebergangsstueck an der Saugleitung
comp., MSsuper video graphics adapterSuper-VGA (A video standard established by BESA to provide high-resolution color display on IBM-compatible computers. The most commonly implemented SVGA standard is 1024 x 768 pixels color resolution)
transp.support for adapter lensVorsatzlinsenaufnahme
transp.support for adapter lens socketVorsatzoptikaufnahme
met.swivel bail adapterAdapter am Einspritzkopf angeordnet
ITtape adapter unitBandsteuereinheit
mech.eng.tapered adapter sleeveSpannhülse
mech.eng.tapered adapter sleeveKegelhülse mit Spannmutter
tech.tee adapterT-Stück
econ.telegraph adapterFernschreibanschluß
mun.plan., commun.teletext adapterVideotext-Adapters
commun.telex adapter panelTelex-Anschlußtafel
commun., ITterminal adapterEndgeräteadapter
commun.terminal adapterEndgeräteanpassung (ISDN, for non ISDN TE)
commun., ITterminal adapterTerminalanpassungsgerät
tech.terminal adapterEndgeräteanpassung
comp., MSterminal adapterTerminaladapter (A device that is used as a modem in a Microsoft Windows integrated services digital network (ISDN) installation)
tech.terminal adapterTerminaladapter
telecom.terminal adapterEndgeräte-Anpassung
comp.terminal adapterEndgerätanpassung
telecom.terminal adapter from IBMTerminal Adapter von IBM
commun., amer.terminal adapter unitEndgeräte-Anpassungseinheit (dig. PBX)
tech.test adapterPrüfadapter
comp., MStest adapterTestadapter (The code assembly that is responsible for loading a particular type of test)
tech.test adapterMeßadapter
opt.test specimen adapterPrüflingszwischenstück
tech.threaded adapterVerschraubung
transp., mech.eng.torque wrench adapterPassstück für Drehmomentschlüssel
gen.torquing adapterDrehmomentstab
el.transmission line adapterAnpassungsglied
el.transmission line adapterAdapter
med.appl.transparent adaptertransparenter Ansatz
med.appl.transparent adaptertransparenter Adapter
comp., MStransport adapterTransportadapter (A software component that enables message exchange through a specific transport)
transp.transporter adapterAbstellgerüst
opt.tripod adapterÜbergewinde
chem.tubing adapterSchlauchadapter
tech.tubular terminal adapterKlemmrohradapter
comp., MStuning adapterSDV-Empfänger (A two-way device provided by a cable provider that enables some one-way digital CableCARD-based consumer electronic devices such as high-definition DVRs and Media Center PCs to access digital cable channels delivered using switched digital video)
med.appl.Tuohy-Borst adapterTuohy-Borst Adapter
gen.two way adapterDoppelstecker
gen.two way adaptersDoppelstecker
chem.two-neck multiple adapterZweihalsaufsatz
comp., MStyped adaptertypisierter Adapter (An adapter that emits only a single event type)
comp., MStyped adaptertypisierter Adapter (ssn)
comp., MSuntyped adapternicht typisierter Adapter (An adapter that accepts or emits multiple event types in which the payload structure or the type of fields in the payload are not known in advance. Examples are events from a CSV or text file, a SQL table, or a socket)
comp., MSuntyped adapternicht typisierter Adapter (ssn)
med.appl.upper shank adapterOberschaftadapter
chem.vacuum adapterVakuumvorstoß
chem.vacuum-filtration adapterVakuumfiltrationsvorstoß
energ.ind.vapour adapterAnschluss für die Dampfaufnahme
opt.vertical base adapterVertikaladapter (photogrammetry)
comp.videographics adapterVGA-Standard
comp.voice port adapterSprachportkarte
transp.warning device adapterangebaute Einrichtung für Schallzeichen
auto.water adapterWasserstutzen
auto.wheel adapterRadadapter
transp., mech.eng.wrench adapterSchlüsseleinsatz
transp., mech.eng.wrench adapterSchlüsselansatzstück