
Terms for subject Business containing acquisition | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition agentAbschlussvermittlung
acquisition costsAbschlusskosten
acquisition in good faithgutgläubiger Erwerb
acquisition of a claim subsequent to the bankruptcyForderungserwerb nach Konkurseröffnung
acquisition of a rightErwerb eines Rechts
acquisition of an interestErwerb einer Beteiligung
acquisition of dataErfassung von Daten
acquisition of expert knowledgeErwerb von Expertenwissen
acquisition of ownershipErwerb des Eigentums
acquisition of propertyEigentumserwerb
acquisition of territoryGebietserwerb
acquisition of titleRechtserwerb
cost of acquisitionAnschaffungskosten
costs of acquisitionAnschaffungskosten
expert knowledge acquisitionErwerb von Expertenwissen
expert knowledge acquisitionExpertenbefragung
illegal acquisitionunberechtigter Erwerb
joint acquisitiongemeinsamer Erwerb
knowledge acquisitionWissenserwerb
knowledge acquisitionWissensakquisition
land acquisitionGrunderwerb
new acquisitionNeuerwerbung
rate ruling on the date of acquisitionam Tag der Anschaffung geltender Kurs
stock acquisitionAktienerwerb