
Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation containing WOOD | all forms | exact matches only
blue-headed wood doveMaidtaube (Calopelia brehmeri, Calopelia puella, Turtur brehmeri)
brier-woodBruyère (Erica arborea)
brier-woodHolz der Baumheide (Erica arborea)
broadleafed woodlaubwerfender Wald
broadleafed woodLaubwald
broadleaved woodlaubwerfender Wald
broadleaved woodLaubwald
cement-wood-chip hollow blockHolzbetonstein
chestnut woodsKastanienwald
coast protection woodKüstenschutzwald
compact woodDerbholz
cytisus woodGemeiner Goldregen (Cytisus Laburnum, Cytisus alpinus, Laburnum alpinus, Laburnum vulgare)
cytisus woodGeissklee (Cytisus Laburnum, Cytisus alpinus, Laburnum alpinus, Laburnum vulgare)
cytisus woodBohnenbaum (Cytisus Laburnum, Cytisus alpinus, Laburnum alpinus, Laburnum vulgare)
cytisus woodAlpengoldregen (Cytisus Laburnum, Cytisus alpinus, Laburnum alpinus, Laburnum vulgare)
dry wood barkingTrockenentrindung
emerald-spotted wood doveturtur chalcospilos (Turtur chalcospilos, turtur chalcospilos)
emerald-spotted wood doveBronzeflecktaube (Turtur chalcospilos, turtur chalcospilos)
field wood landsFeldgehölz
fraxinus angustifolia woodsEschenwald
fruit woodObstgehölz
intermediate woodZwischenwald
Lord Howe wood railLord-Howe-Waldralle (Tricholimnas sylvestris)
marine wood borerHolzbohrwurm
meadow in the woodWaldwiese
milky wood storkMalaien-Nimmersatt (Mycteria cinerea)
milky wood storkMilchstorch (Mycteria cinerea)
pre-wood stageVorwaldstadium
protective woodSchutzforst
protective woodSchutzwald
protective woodBannwald
resistant woodresistentes Gehölz (against industrial emissions)
small field woodFeldgehölz
small woodHain
small wood removalGehölzräumung
waste wood utilizationHolzabfallnutzung
water content of woodFeuchtigskeitsgehalt des Holzes
wet wood barkingNaßentrindung
white wood-sorrelWald Klee (Acetosella vulgaris Fourr., Oxalis acetosella L.)
white wood-sorrelgemeiner Wald-Sauerklee (Acetosella vulgaris Fourr., Oxalis acetosella L.)
wood antrote Waldameise (Formica rufa)
wood apple treeElefantapfel (Feronia elephantum)
wood avensechte Nelkenwurz (Geum urbanum Lin., Geum urbanum)
wood avensBenediktenwurz (Geum urbanum)
wood avensEchte Nelkenwurz (Geum urbanum)
wood betonyechte Betonie (Betonica officinalis, Stachys officinalis Trev.)
wood betonyechter Ziest (Betonica officinalis, Stachys officinalis Trev.)
wood betonyHeil-Batunge (Betonica officinalis, Stachys officinalis Trev.)
wood bisonWaldbison (Bison bison athabascae)
wood blewitvioletter Roetelritterling (Lepiota nuda, Tricholoma nudum)
wood blewitvioletter Rötelritterling (Lepista nuda, Rhodopaxillus nudus, Tricholoma nudum)
wood blewitvioletter Ritterling (Lepiota nuda, Tricholoma nudum)
wood cultureWaldbau
wood cuttingRoden
wood garlicBärlauch (Allium ursinum)
wood garlicBärenlauch (Allium ursinum)
wood garlicBaeren-Lauch (Allium ursinum)
wood horsetailWald-Schachtelhalm (Equisetum sylvaticum L.)
wood hydrolysisHolzverzuckerung
wood larkHeidelerche (Lullula arborea)
wood milletHirse (Milium effusum)
wood mushroomdünnfleischiger Anisegerling (Psalliota silvicola)
wood pastureWaldweideland
wood pastureWaldweide
wood plantationGehölzpflanzung
wood refuseHolzrest
wood refuseHolzabfall
wood sageSalbei-Gamander (Teucrium scorodonia L.)
wood transportHolzabfuhr
wood warblerWaldlaubsänger (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
wood wasteHolzrest
young woodJungwuchs
young woodJungbestand
young woodAufwuchs