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Terms for subject Medical containing The Brain | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi inferioris
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium quadrigeminum inferius
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium opticum
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi superioris
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi rostralis
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium quadrigeminum superius
brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi caudalis
central ganglia of the brainGrosshirnganglia
central ganglia of the brainBasalganglia
compression of the brainGehirnkompression
concussion of the brainCommotio cerebri (commotio cerebri)
concussion of the brainGerhirnerschütterung
concussion of the brainGehirnerschütterung
concussion of the brainGehirnerschuetterung (commotio cerebri)
contusion of the brainGehirnprellung
cortical atrophy of the brainHirnrindenatrophie
electrical activity in the brainhirnelektrische Aktivität
fungus of the brainGehirnbruch (hernia cerebri)
fungus of the brainGehirnvorfall (hernia cerebri)
fungus of the brainEnzephalozele (hernia cerebri)
ganglion cell layer of the brainStratum gangliosum (stratum gangliosum cerebri)
ganglion cell layer of the brainGanglionzellenschicht der Hirnrinde (stratum gangliosum cerebri)
grey matter in the braingraue Gehirnzellen
hypnotics on the brain stemHirnstammschlafmittel
iflammation of the brainEncephalitis
iflammation of the brainHirnentzündung
iflammation of the brainGehirnentzündung
iflammation of the brainEnzephalitis
in the brainsubarachnoidal
inferior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi caudalis
inferior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi inferioris
inferior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium quadrigeminum inferius
in-vivo-observation of the brainObservation des Gehirns in-vivo
ischemic stroke to the brainischämischer Schlaganfall bei dem Gehirn
lobes of the brainHirnlappen (lobi cerebri)
neurotransmitter system in the brainNeurotransmittersystem im Gehirn
outside the brainperidural
part of the brainThalamus
primary sulcus of the brainHauptfurchen
primary sulcus of the brainPrimärfurchen des Gehirns
puncture of the brainHirnpunktion
puncture of the brainHirnstich
puncture of the brainGehirnpunktion
to reconstruct multiple images of the brainRekonstruktion zahlreicher Darstellungen des Gehirns
rheometry of the brainHirnrheometrie
sclerosis of the brainCeni Hirnsklerose
softening of the brainEnzephalomalazie
softening of the brainGehirnerweichung
superior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi rostralis
superior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium colliculi superioris
superior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium opticum
superior brachium of the mid-brainBrachium quadrigeminum superius
swelling of the brainHirnschwellung
swelling of the brainGehirnschwellung
ventricle of the brainGehirnkammer (ventriculus)
ventricle of the brainHirnkammer
ventricle of the brainGehirnventrikel
ventricle of the brainVentriculus (ventriculus)
ventricle of the brainVentrikel (ventriculus)
ventricles of the brainVentriculi cerebri
ventricles of the brainHirnventrikel
ventricles of the brainHirnkammern
water on the brainHydrocephalus