
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Tests | all forms
alpha testAlphatest (A type of post-pixel blending operation which allows applications to control when pixels are written to the render target)
audio testAudiotest (ssn)
audio test serviceAudiotestdienst (ssn)
automated testautomatisierter Test (A set of steps that a computer may run programmatically to test the functionality of the system)
beta testBetatest (A test of software that is still under development, accomplished by having people actually use the software. In a beta test, a software product is sent to selected potential customers and influential end users (known as beta sites), who test its functionality and report any operational or utilization errors (bugs) found. The beta test is usually one of the last steps a software developer takes before releasing the product to market; however, if the beta sites indicate that the software has operational difficulties or an extraordinary number of bugs, the developer may conduct more beta tests before the software is released to customers)
black box testBlackboxtest (A test that is based on a component's actual behavior, without regard to its implementation)
build acceptance testBuildakzeptanztest (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
build verification testBuildüberprüfungstest (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
checkerboard testSchachbretttest (A memory test employed to detect catastrophic failures and wiring problems within the memory chip and on the data bus by writing an alternating pattern of 0's and 1's to the memory chip)
check-in testEinchecktest (A test run by a developer to determine whether his code has affected the general stability of the product)
coded UI testTest der codierten UI (An automated test of the user interface of an application. A coded UI test exercises user actions and validates the expected results)
coded Web testcodierter Webtest (A type of test that is typically created by converting an existing recorded Web test into C or Visual Basic code)
database unit testDatenbankkomponententest (A unit test that validates whether a certain aspect of your database is working as you expect)
declarative testdeklarativer Test (An ordinary Web test that is generated by using the Web Test Recorder that is launched when a new Web test is created)
functional testFunktionstest (A test that verifies that all of the functions of a feature are correctly implemented)
generic testgenerischer Test (A known Visual Studio test type that encapsulates an unknown test or tool and allows Visual Studio to treat it as a known type)
Hardware Compatibility Test kitHardwarekompatibilitätstest-Kit (A collection of tests that verify hardware and device driver operations under a specific operating situation on Microsoft Windows operating systems. The tests exercise the combination of a device, a software driver, and an operating system under controlled conditions and verify that all components operate properly)
hit testTreffertest (A comparison of the mouse position with on-screen geometry. Commonly used to detect whether the mouse has been clicked over on-screen geometry)
iteration testIterationstest (A test that is run after the build verification tests. These tests verify the functionality called for in the iteration plan)
lab testLabtest (A procedure that is intended to detect and quantify substances or identify the nature of a disease)
laboratory testLabortest (A procedure that is intended to detect and quantify substances or identify the nature of a disease)
load testAuslastungstest (A test that studies the behavior of the program when it is working at its limits. Types of load tests include volume tests, stress tests, and storage tests. Volume tests study the largest tasks the program can deal with. Stress tests study the program's response to peak bursts of activity. Storage tests study how memory and space is used by the program, either in resident memory or on disk. A test that is designed to put a server application under heavy user load to pinpoint performance and/or scalability problems)
Load Test AnalyzerAuslastungstest-Analyzer (A Visual Studio window that displays results of any load test run, after it has run. It is used to examine any load test results that have already ended)
Load Test EditorAuslastungstest-Editor (The Visual Studio editor in which a .loadtest file is opened. It displays a tree structure of nodes)
Load Test MonitorAuslastungstest-Monitor (A Visual Studio window that displays results during a load test run)
load test scenarioAuslastungstestszenario (A scenario used to model how a group of users interacts with a server application. A scenario consists of a test mix, a load profile, a network mix, and a browser mix. A load test can have more than one scenario)
Load Test WizardAuslastungstest-Assistent (A wizard that guides you through the process of creating a load test)
loading the test stubLaden des Teststubs (ssn)
manual testmanueller Test (A test performed by a human)
manual test templateVorlage für manuelle Tests (A template used by the system to give the tester a consistent experience when documenting a manual test)
Object Test BenchObjekttestcenter (A Visual J feature that is designed for simple object-level testing)
ordered testTestreihe (A test that contains other tests, which are run in a specific order)
Partner TestPartnertest (A test, written by a Microsoft partner, that uses the test framework's extensibility interfaces)
pending testausstehender Test (A test that has been selected to run but is not yet in progress. Pending tests can be viewed in the Test Results window)
penetration testPenetrationtest (A test that looks for attack paths that might be used to gain access to assets)
performance testLeistungstest (A procedure used to assess performance)
power-on self testSelbsttest (A set of routines stored in read-only memory (ROM) that tests various system components such as RAM, the disk drives, and the keyboard, to see if they are properly connected and operating. If problems are found, these routines alert the user with a series of beeps or a message, often accompanied by a diagnostic numeric value. If the POST is successful, it passes control to the bootstrap loader)
query-based test suiteabfragebasierte Testsammlung (The set of test cases that are returned when a specific query is run. If new test cases that meet the criteria in this query are added to the test suite, the new test cases will automatically appear in the query-based test suite)
query-based test suiteabfragebasierte Testsammlung (ssn)
regression testRegressiontest (A test that is run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully)
security testSicherheitstest (A test that looks for attack paths that might be used to gain access to assets)
self-testSelbsttest (A set of one or more diagnostic tests that a computer or peripheral device (such as a printer) performs on itself)
smoke testFeuerprobe (A group of tests used to determine the health of a build at a high level. Typically, these tests exercise the core functionality to help team members determine whether further testing is worthwhile. They are run after the daily build to verify that compilation of source code has been built successfully and is ready for further testing)
specified test stub classangegebene Teststubklasse (ssn)
stress testBelastungstest (A test that determines an application's breaking points and pushes the application past its upper limits as resources are saturated)
system-under-testGetestetes System (A system that is being tested for correct operation)
Team TestTeamtest (The part of Visual Studio Team System that specifically targets team members who are in the test role)
test agentTest-Agent (A background process that receives, runs, and reports on tests and collects data on a single computer. The test agent communicates with test agent controller, usually located on another computer)
test agent controllerTest-Agent-Controller (A background process that manages a set of machines with the test agent software installed)
test fakeTest-Fake (A mechanism that allows you to isolate part of an application so that it can be tested separately from another part on which it would be dependent in typical operation. During testing, a test fake executes instead of the methods and properties of the other part. The actions and return values of the test fake are under the control of the test. Within Visual Studio, a test fake takes the form of either a test stub or a test shim)
test harnessTestumgebung (An application that loads test adapters and owns the process that executes tests)
Test List EditorTestlisten-Editor (The window in Visual Studio Team System that is used to manage, execute, and control large numbers of tests and test lists)
test metric thresholdTestmetrikschwellenwert (A goal for the project, measured using a test metric)
Test modeTestmodus (A Directory Services option on the Accounts page. When a customer is running in Test mode, all e-mail for recipients who are not on the user list is redirected to a separate e-mail address after filtering (thus this mail is not rejected))
Test Mode/Live ModeTestmodus/Livemodus (The modes on the Accounts page for a custom spam filter policy rule to run in. A rule can be run in test mode to monitor what would happen if rule were deployed, or in live mode, where the rule is actually deployed)
Test ResultsTestergebnisse (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
Test Results windowFenster "Testergebnisse" (A window which displays the current status of every test in the test run)
test shimTest-Shim (A type of test fake that works by introducing a detour to the entry point of methods or properties that are called by a unit under test. The shim is executed instead of the existing code, and is under the control of the tests. A shim can be applied to any code, even if it was not designed to be isolated during testing)
test stubTest-Stub (A type of test fake that is an alternative implementation of an interface or class that is called by a unit under test. The test stub is under the control of the unit tests. Designing a system so that its parts can be replaced by test stubs results in more flexible code)
test stubTest-Stub (ssn)
test stub assemblyTeststubassembly (ssn)
Test View windowTestansichtsfenster (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
unit testKomponententest (A test that confirms the functionality and peformance of specific modules and behaviors of code. Often a subset of unit tests are also used as check-in test to discover bugs before a build)
validation testValidierungstest (A test that ensures that the functionality called for in a scenario or quality of service requirement is working)
Web Performance Test EditorWebleistungstest-Editor (The Visual Studio editor in which a Web test is edited. It displays a tree structure of request nodes)
Web Performance Test Result ViewerWebleistungstest-Ergebnisviewer (A Visual Studio window where Web tests are run and results are displayed)
Web Test RecorderWebtestaufzeichnung (A feature in Visual Studio Team Edition that records the actions you perform while you browse a Web site. As you move through the site, recorded requests are added to the Web test)