
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Revenue | all forms | exact matches only
ABC code for revenueABC-Code Umsatzerlös (A classifier that names categories in an ABC classification that ranks discrete categories of items according to their revenue)
accrued revenueantizipierter Umsatzerlös (Revenue earned in one accounting period but received in a subsequent accounting period)
annual revenueJahresumsatz (The income that an account generates in one year as the result of buying or selling goods and services)
expected revenueerwarteter Umsatz (The amount of money an opportunity is expected to generate)
Internal Revenue Service The federal revenue agency under the United States Department of the Treasury that is responsible for the collection of taxes in addition to the interpretation and enforcement of federal tax lawsBundessteuerbehörde der USA (IRS)
invoiced revenuefakturierter Umsatzerlös (Revenue from an hour, expense, fee, or item transaction)
revenue cycleUmsatzzyklus (A recurring set of sales, fulfillment, payment, and transfer activities controlled by one or more parties that participate in exchange and nonexchange transactions)
revenue recognitionUmsatzrealisierung (The process of transferring the revenue and costs currently recorded in the WIP balance sheet accounts to expense and revenue accounts in the Profit and Loss. The time and manner in which this can be performed is determined by Financial Standards)
revenue recognition accounting ruleBuchhaltungsregel für Umsatzerkennung (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)