
Terms containing Rectum | all forms | exact matches only
med.abdominoperineal removal of the rectumkombinierte Entfernung des Mastdarms mit Eroeffnung der Bauchhöhle
med.ampulla of rectumRektumampulle (ampulla recti)
med.ampulla of rectumMastdarmampulle (ampulla recti)
med.ampulla of the rectumPars ampullaris
med.ampulla of the rectumAmpulla recti
med.anal part of rectumAnalkanal (canalis analis)
med.colon and rectum-relatedkolorektal
gen.colon and rectum-relatedDick- und Mastdarm betreffend
med.columna rectaFlachrücken
med.complicated recta atresiaAtresia recti complicata
med.encysted rectummuköse Rektumzyste
med.horizontal folds of rectumPlicae transversales recti (plicae recti)
med.horizontal folds of rectumPlica transversae
inf.insert into the rectumrektal einführen
med.Koenig rectum extirpationKoenig Rektumexstirpation
med.lymphatic nodules of rectumLymphonoduli intestini recti
med.lymphatic nodules of rectumNoduli lymphatici intestini recti
med.lymphatic nodules of rectumFolliculi lymphatici recti
med.mucous folds of rectumAnalsäulen (columnae anales, columnae rectales morgagnii, columnae rectales Morgagnii)
med.per rectumper rectum
med.perineal flexure of rectumFlexura perinealis
med.perineal flexure of rectumFlexura perinealis recti
med.perineal flexure of rectumPerinealflexur (flexura anorectalis, flexura perinealis)
med.prolapse of the rectumRektumvorfall
med.prolapse of the rectumMastdarmbruch (prolapsus recti)
med.prolapse of the rectumHedrozele (prolapsus recti)
med.prolapse of the rectumHernia rectalis (prolapsus recti)
med.prolapse of the rectumMastdarmvorfall (prolapsus recti)
med.prolapse of the rectumRektumprolaps
med.rectum and sigmoid colonRektosigmoid
med.rectum and sigmoid colonRektosigma
med.appl.rectum biopsy forcepsRektumbiopsiezange
med.rectum cancerMastdarmkrebs
med.rectum cancerMastdarmkarzinom
med.rectum dilatationRektumdilatation
med.rectum dilatationAnusdilatation
med.rectum dilatationProktektasie
gen.rectum resectionRektumresektion
med.rectum-to-respiratory air timePfortaderzeit
gen.resection of the rectumRektumresektion
med.stenosis of the rectumMastdarmverschluss
med.stricture of the rectumRektumstriktur
med.through the rectumper rectum
med.transverse folds of rectumPlicae transversales recti (plicae recti)
med.transverse folds of rectumHouston-Falten (plicae transversae recti, plicae recti)