
Terms for subject Patents containing Reasonable | all forms | exact matches only
reasonable compensationangemessene Vergütung
reasonable conditionangemessene Bedingung
reasonable considerationangemessene Gegenleistung
reasonable considerationbilliges Ermessen
reasonable expensesangemessene Auslagen
reasonable extension of timeangemessene Nachfrist
reasonable termangemessene Bedingung
reasonable termangemessene Frist
reasonable termsangemessene Bedingungen
the court held it reasonabledas Gericht erachtete es für angemessen
the reasonable diligence of the inventor shall be considereddie vernunftmäßig gebotene Sorgfalt des Erfinders wird in Betracht gezogen
the reasonable diligence of the inventor shall be considereddie vernunftmäßig erforderliche Sorgfalt des Erfinders wird in Betracht gezogen