
Terms for subject Medical containing Plate | all forms | exact matches only
abdominal plateBauchplatte
accessory end-plateakzessorisches Endplättchen
alar plateLamina alaris
alar plateFlügelplatte
anterior perforated plateArea olfactoria (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
anterior perforated plateSubstantia perforata anterior (substantia perforata anterior, locus perforatus anticus, praeperforatum)
basal plateBasalplatte (Membrana basilaris placentae)
base plateBasisplatte
Berlin-type plexiglass plateBerliner Plaettchen
bite plateBissschablone
bite plateBisswall
bite plateBißplatte
bite plateProbierschablone
Boehler plateBoehler Platte
bone plateKnochenplatte
bucco-functional plate FränkelFunktionsregler nach Fränkel
calcareous plateKalkpanzer
cardiogenic platekardiogene Platte
cardiogenic plateerste Herzanlage
caudal hyaline end plate of vertebral bodyGrundplatte
Charnley screw plateCharnley Schraubenplatte
chiasmal plateChiasmaplatte
chorda plateChordaplatte
chorionic plateChorionplatte
Clarke plateClarke Platte
clinoid plateClivus (clivus, clivus Blumenbachii)
clinoid plateClivus Blumenbachii (clivus, clivus Blumenbachii)
coaptation plateRichteplatte
Coffin plateCoffin Platte
commissural plateKommissurenplatte
compressive plate osteosynthesisDruckplattenosteosynthese
contact plate methodKontaktplattenmethode
cribriform plateSiebbeinplatte
cribriform plate of ethmoidSiebplatte
cribriform plate of ethmoidSiebbeinplatte
cribriform plate of ethmoidLamina cribriformis
deck plate of neural tubeDeckplatte
dental prosthesis plateZahnprothesenplatte
dental wax in plates, horseshoe shapes, sticksDentalwachs in Tafeln, Hufeisenform, oder Staeben
denture plateZahnprothesenplatte
diffusion plateDiffusionsplatte
dorsal plateDeckplatte des Neuralrohrs
dorsal plateDeckplatte
dorsal plate of neural tubeDeckplatte
dorsolateral plateLamina alaris
dorsolateral plateFlügelplatte
double bite plateDoppelplatte
drainage gauze plateDraenagefleck
early neural platefrühe Neuralplatte
end-plateneuromuskuläre Verbindung
end-platemyoneurale Synapse
end-plateneuromuskuläre Synapse
end plateNervenendplatte
end platemotorische Endplatte
end-platemotorische Endplatte
end-platemyoneurale Verbindung
end-plate potentialEndplattenpotential
epiphysial plateepiphysäre Wachstumszone (cartilago epiphysialis)
epiphysial plateWachstumsfuge (cartilago epiphysialis)
epiphysial plateEpiphysenfugenknorpel (cartilago epiphysialis)
epiphysial plateEpiphysenfuge (cartilago epiphysialis)
epiphysial plateEpiphysenknorpel (cartilago epiphysialis)
equatorial plateMutterstern
equatorial plateMonaster
expansion plateaktive Platte
expansive plateExpansionsplatte
external pterygoid plateLamina lateralis processus pterygoidei (lamina lateralis processus pterygoidei)
face plate hearing-aidIm-Ohr-Hörgerät mit Frontplatte
fixation plateHeftklammerband
floor plateNeuralrohrboden
floor plateBodenplatte
foot plateBasis stapedis
germinal plateBodenplatte
gonadal plate protectionHodenschutz
gray plateLamina terminalis cinerea (lamina terminalis hypothalami)
guide plateFührungsteller
half-log interval between plateshalblogarithmischer Abstand zwischen Platten
hand plateHandplatte
hard plate of the nailNagelplatte
hepatocyte plateLeberzellplatte
hinged plateScharnierplatte
horizontal plateHorizontalknochenplatte (lamina horizontalis)
incisal plateinzisales Plateau
incisal plateSchneideplatte
inhibition plateHemmungsplatte
internal pterygoid plateLamina medialis processus pterygoidei (lamina medialis processus pterygoidei)
Ishihara platesIshihara Tafeln
Ives raster platesIves Rastertafeln
Jaeger lid plateJaeger Lidplatte
Kessel plateKessel Platte
Killian plateKillian Stellplatte
Koch plate methodKoch Plattenverfahren
Kühne's terminal plateKühnesche Endplatte
lateral plateSeitenplatte (lamina lateralis)
lead plate sutureBleiplattennaht
liver cell plateLeberzellplatte
lower surface of horizontal plate of palatine boneFacies palatina laminae palatinae ossis palatini
lower surface of horizontal plate of palatine boneFacies palatina laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
madreporic plateMadreporenplatte
maxillary plateKaudruckplatte
maxillary surface of perpendicular plate of palatine boneFacies maxillaris laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
maxillary surface of perpendicular plate of palatine boneFacies maxillaris laminae maxillaris ossis palatini
medullary plateNeuralplatte
medullary plateLamina medullaris
medullary plateMedullarplatte
mesial plateNephromer
metal plate stainless steelInox-Metallbasis
metaphase plateÄquatorialplatte
middle plateNephromer
miniature end-plate potentialMiniatur-Endplattenpotenzial
motor end-plateneuromuskuläre Synapse
motor end-platemyoneurale Synapse
motor end-plateneuromuskuläre Verbindung
motor end platenervale Endplatte,neuromuskuläre Endplatte
motor end-plateNerv-Muskel-Synapse
motor end-platemotorische Endplatte
motor end-plateNervenendplatte
motor end-platemyoneurale Verbindung
motor end platemotorische Endplatte
motor platemotorische Endplatte
motor plateNervenendplatte
muscle plateMuskelursegment
nail plateNagelplatte
nasal surface of perpendicular plate of palatine boneFacies nasalis laminae perpendicularis ossis palatini
nasal surface of perpendicular plate of palatine boneFacies nasalis laminae maxillaris ossis palatini
neural plateMedullarplatte
neural tube plateDeckplatte (lamina neuralis, lamina neurodermalis)
Nord plateNord-Platte
number of revertant colonies per plateZahl der Revertanten-Kolonien pro Platte
occlusal expanding plateDehnungsaufbissplatte
occlusal plateAufbißplatte
oral plateMembrana pharyngica
oral plateRachenhaut
orbital plate of the frontal bonePars orbitalis ossis frontalis
orthopaedic active plateorthopädisches Plattengerät
Ouchterlony plate methodOuchterlony-Plattenmethode
Ouchterlony plate methodGel-Technik
paper plateLamina orbitalis papyracea (os planum)
perforated plate posteriorFossa Tarini (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
perforated plate posteriorSubstantia perforata interpeduncularis (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
perforated plate posteriorSubstantia perforata posterior (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
perforated plate posteriorFossa interpeduncularis (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
perforated plate posteriorFossa intercruralis (substantia perforata posterior, fossa intercruralis, locus perforatus posticus, postcribrum, trigonum interpedunculare)
Petri plateKulturgefäß
pharyngeal plateMembrana pharyngica
pharyngeal plateRachenhaut
plastic plateKunstharzplatte
plate bandagePlattenverband
plate bridgePlattenbrücke
plate-count methodKolonienzaehlung
plate-count methodKeimzählung
plate culturePlattenkultur
plate dialyserPlattenniere
plate dialyserPlattendialysator
plate diffusion testPlattendiffusionstest
plate-like atelectasisPlattenatelektase
plate mixing testPlattenmischtest
plate of the cricoid cartilageLamina cartilaginis cricoideae (lamina cartilaginis cricoideae)
plate of the cricoid cartilageLamina cricoidea (lamina cartilaginis cricoideae)
plate of the cricoid cartilageRingknorpelplatte (lamina cartilaginis cricoideae)
plate of the cricoid cartilageGrundknorpelplatte (lamina cartilaginis cricoideae)
plate part of leg primordiumFußplatte
plate pasteurizerPlatten-Pasteurisierapparat
plate selection testPlattenselektionstechnik
plate suturePlättchennaht
plate suturePlattennaht
plate testHautfenstermethode
plate testPlättchentest
plate testRebuck Deckglasmethode
plate testDeckglasprobe
plate testRebuck-Test
plate testDeckglasprobe Lattes
plate thermographyPlattenthermographie
Plate-Tonutti methodPlate-Tonutti-Methode
plate used for winding surgical catgutTaefelchen zum Aufrollen von chirurgischem Katgut
plate workPlattenersatz
plexus platePlexusplatte
portio plateFlügelplatte (portio plate Ries)
progenia plate after BruecklProgenieplatte Brückl
prosthesis plateProthesenplatte
quadrigeminal plateLamina tecti (lamina quadrigemina)
quadrigeminal plateVierhügelplatte (lamina tecti mesencephali, lamina quadrigemina)
reticular plateLamina reticularis
roof plateDeckplatte des Neuralrohrs
roof plateDeckplatte
Rose Bengal plate testRose-Bengal-Test
selective agar plateSelektiv-Agarplatte
single-hold plateEinpunkt-Kraftangriff
spiral plateLamina spiralis ossea (lamina spiralis ossea)
spread plateSpatelplatte
sternal plateSternalleiste
supporting plateAufstockplatte
tarsal plateTarsus palpebrae (tarsus palpebrae)
tectal plateVierhügelplatte (lamina tecti mesencephali, lamina quadrigemina)
terminal plateLamina terminalis cinerea (lamina terminalis hypothalami)
terminal plateAbschlussplatte
to copper-plateverkupfern
tray plateLöffelplatte
tympanic platePaukenhöhlenwand
tympanic platePaukenbein (pars tympanica ossis temporalis)
tympanic plate of temporal bonePaukenbein (pars tympanica ossis temporalis)
upper surface of horizontal plate of palatine boneFacies nasalis laminae palatinae ossis palatini
upper surface of horizontal plate of palatine boneFacies nasalis laminae horizontalis ossis palatini
urethral plateUrethralanlage
ventral plateNeuralrohrboden
ventral plateBodenplatte
ventrolateral plateBasalplatte
ventrolateral plateGrundplatte
ventroterminal plate of neurocanalGrundplatte
wing plateLamina alaris
wing plateFlügelplatte
wing-shaped plateFlügelplatte
wire spring plateFederbügelplatte
wire spring plateFederbügeldoppelplatte