
Terms for subject Environment containing POWER | all forms | exact matches only
coal fired power station bottom ashschwere Asche aus Kohlekraftwerken
coal fired power station fly ashFlugasche aus Kohlekraftwerken
coal fired power station slag tapFeuerungsschlacken aus Kohlekraftwerken
coal power plantKohlekraftwerk
coal-burning power plantKohlekraftwerk
coal-fired power plant Power plant which is fuelled by coalKohlekraftwerk
combined cycle-power station This type of plant is flexible in response and can be built in the 100-600 MW capacity range. It produces electrical power from both a gas turbine (ca. 1300°C gas inlet temperature), fuelled by natural gas or oil plus a steam turbine supplied with the steam generated by the 500°C exhaust gases from the gas turbine. The thermal efficiency of these stations is ca. 50 per cent compared with a maximum of 40 per cent from steam turbine coal fired power stations. This type of plant can be built in two years compared with six years for a coal-fired station and 10-15 years for nuclearKombikraftwerk
combined cycle-power stationKombikraftwerk
combined heat and power generationKraft-Wärme-Kopplung
combined heat and power installationAnlage zur Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
combined heat and power installationKWK-Block
combined heat and power installationBlockheizkraftwerk
combined heat and power installationAnlage der Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung
combined heat and power plantAnlage zur Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
combined heat and power plantKWK-Block
combined heat and power plantBlockheizkraftwerk
combined heat and power plantAnlage der Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung
combined heat and power stationKWK-Block
combined heat and power stationBlockheizkraftwerk
combined heat and power stationAnlage zur Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung
combined heat and power stationAnlage der Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung
combined heat and power systemKraft-Wärme-Kopplung
combined heat and power systemWärme-Kraft-Kopplung
combined power station and seawater desalination plantkombinierte Kraftwerks-und Meerwasserentsalzungsanlage
concentrating solar powerKonzentration der Sonnenenergie
concentrating solar powerFokussierung der Sonnenenergie
decommissioning of nuclear power stationsStilllegung von Kernkraftwerken
electric power The rate at which electric energy is converted to other forms of energy, equal to the product of the current and the voltage dropElektrizität
electric powerElektrizität
electric power generatorKraftstromerzeuger
electric power generatorKraftstromaggregat
electric power plant A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energyElektrizitätswerk
electric power plantElektrizitätswerk
electric power supplyElektrizitätsversorgung
European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power PlantEuropäische Technologieplattform für das mit fossilen Brennstoffen betriebene emissionsfreie Kraftwerk
garbage powerEnergiegewinnung aus städtischem Abfall
garbage powerAbfallenergie
germination powerKeimfähigkeit
germination powerKeimtriebkraft
germination powerKeimungsvermögen
germination powerKeimvermögen
heat and power station Power station which produces both electricity and hot water for the local population. A CHP (Combined Heat and Power Station) plant may operate on almost any fuel, including refuseHeizkraftwerk
heat and power stationHeizkraftwerk
hydroelectric power plant Power station which operates with the free renewable source of energy provided by falling waterWasserkraftwerk
noise powerSchalleistung
nuclear power plant A power plant in which nuclear energy is converted into heat for use in producing steam for turbines, which in turn drive generators that produce electric powerKernkraftwerk
nuclear power plant disposalKernkraftwerksentsorgung
overhead power lineÜberlandleitung
overhead power line Suspended cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a countryÜberlandleitung
penetrating powerDurchdringungsfähigkeit
police powerPolizeimacht
political power The might, ability or authority of governments, citizens groups and other interested parties in enacting change or in influencing or controlling the outcome of governmental or public policies affecting a nation, region or municipalityPolitische Macht
political powerPolitische Macht
power alcoholAlkoholkraftstoff
power companyEnergieversorgungsunternehmen
power company Company which is responsible for the supply and distribution of electric energy to a given areaEnergieversorgungsunternehmen
power-heat relationWärme-Kraft-Beziehung
power-heat relation The ratio of the work done by an engine to the heat suppliedWärme-Kraft-Beziehung
Power plantKraftwerk
power station A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energyKraftwerk
power station deratingSteuerbefreiung von Kraftwerken
power station derating The process by which a power plant is finally taken out of operationSteuerbefreiung von Kraftwerken
pumped storage power plantPumpspeicherwerk
pumped storage power plantPumpspeicherkraftwerk
purifying powerReinigungskraft
purifying power Regenerative capacity of a system, of soils, water, etc.Reinigungskraft
run-of-river hydro-electric power stationLaufwasserkraftwerk
self-purifying powerSelbstreinigungskraft
self-purifying powerSelbstreinigungsvermögen
sensitive volume and resolving power of the detector in terms of energyEmpfindlichkeitsvolumen und Energieaufloesungsvermoegen des Detektors
small power stationKleinkraftwerk
small power station Power station of small size for the generation of energy at local levelKleinkraftwerk
solar power stationSolarkraftwerk
solar power station Plant where energy is generated using radiation from the sunSolarkraftwerk
sound power level of lawnmowersSchalleistungspegel von Rasenmähern
thermal power plant A power-generating plant which uses heat to produce energy. Such plants may burn fossil fuels or use nuclear energy to produce the necessary thermal energyWärmekraftwerk
thermal sea power The concept of utilizing the temperature differences of 20°C or more that occur between the surface of an ocean and its depths to achieve a continuous supply of power; this temperature difference may be found in the tropical regions of the world. Various small plants have been constructed to demonstrate the principleMeereswärmeenergie
thermal sea powerMeereswärmeenergie
tidal power Mechanical power, which may be converted to electrical power, generated by the rise and fall of ocean tides. The possibilities of utilizing tidal power have been studied for many generations, but the only feasible schemes devised so far are based on the use of one or more tidal basins, separated from the sea by dams (known as barrages), and of hydraulic turbines through which water passes on its way between the basins and the seaGezeitenenergie
tidal powerGezeitenenergie
tidal power station Power station where the generation of power is provided by the ebb and flow of the tides. The principle is that water collected at high tide behind a barrage is released at low tide to turn a turbine that, in turn, drives a generatorGezeitenkraftwerk
waste-fed heating and power plantMüllheizkraftwerk
waste-fed heating and power plant Heating and power production plant where fuel is provided from refuseMüllheizkraftwerk
waste-fed power stationMüllkraftwerk
waste-fed power station Power station that functions with refuse-derived fuelMüllkraftwerk
wastes from power station and other combustion plants except 19 00 00Abfaelle aus Kraftwerken und anderen Verbrennungsanlagen ausser 19 00 00
wastes from power stations and other combustion plants except 19Abfälle aus Kraftwerken und anderen Verbrennungsanlagenaußer 19 00 00
water power Energy obtained from natural or artificial waterfalls, either directly by turning a water wheel or turbine, or indirectly by generating electricity in a dynamo driven by a turbineWasserkraft
wind power Energy extracted from wind, traditionally in a windmill, but increasingly by more complicated designes including turbines, usually to produce electricity but also for water pumping. The power available from wind is proportional to the area swept by the rotating place and the cube of the wind velocity, but less than half the available power can be recoveredWindenergie
wind power station Power station which uses wind to drive a turbine which creates electricityWindenergieanlage
Working Party on Thermal Discharges from Power StationsArbeitsgruppe "Wärmeeinleitungen aus Kraftwerken"