
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Net | all forms | exact matches only
ADOMD.NETActiveX Data Objects MultiDimensional.NET, ADOMD.NET (A .NET managed data provider that provides access to multidimensional data sources, such as Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services)
ASP.NET application services databaseDatenbank für ASP.NET-Anwendungsdienste (In ASP.NET, a database that stores the data for several ASP.NET application services, including membership, Web Parts personalization, roles, and profiles. The database can be a local database in the Web site's App_Data folder or a SQL Server or other database, depending on how the site is configured)
ASP.NET controlsASP .NET-Steuerelement (Components that run on an ASP.NET-compatible server and encapsulate user-interface and other related functionality. They are used in ASP.NET pages and in ASP.NET code classes)
ASP.NET Master PageASP.NET-Masterseite (An ASP.NET-based templating feature available in ASP.NET 2.0 and later)
ASP.NET mobile controlASP.NET Mobile-Steuerelement (One of a set of ASP.NET controls designed for mobile Web applications. ASP.NET mobile controls extend their ASP.NET server control counterparts)
ASP.NET mobile Web FormsASP.NET Mobile-Web Forms (An extension to the ASP.NET Web Forms framework that targets mobile devices from cell phones to Pocket PCs)
ASP.NET pageASP.NET-Seite (A component of an ASP.NET application)
ASP.NET server controlASP.NET-Serversteuerelement (" A server-side component that encapsulates user-interface and related functionality. An ASP.NET server control derives directly or indirectly from the System.Web.UI.Control class. The superset of ASP.NET server controls includes Web server controls, HTML server controls, and ASP.NET mobile controls. The page syntax for an ASP.NET server control includes a runat="server" attribute on the control's tag.")
ASP.NET Universal ProvidersASP.NET-Universelle Anbieter (A package of unified data-provider classes that support session, membership, roles, and profile properties in all versions of SQL Server 2005 and later, including SQL Server Compact Edition and SQL Azure)
ASP.NET Web APIASP.NET-Web-API (A framework that lets developers use the .NET Framework to build HTTP services (for example, RESTful applications) that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices)
ASP.NET Web applicationASP.NET-Webanwendung (An application that processes HTTP requests (Web requests) and executes on top ASP.NET. An ASP.NET Web application can include ASP.NET pages, XML Web services, HTTP handlers, and HTTP modules)
AVIcode .NET Enterprise agentAVIcode. NET Enterprise-Agent (A feature that is installed on a Windows-based computer by the AVIcode .NET application monitoring product)
expected purchase order net amounterwarteter Nettobestellwert (The anticipated currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order Net unit price Invoice quantity)
invoice line net amountNettobetrag der Rechnungsposition (The actual currency amount that is represented by an invoice line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Item miscellaneous charge)
invoice net unit priceNettostückpreis der Rechnung (The actual currency amount per unit that is represented by the vendor invoice, calculated as follows: Invoice line net amount / Quantity on the invoice)
Microsoft .NET Passport unique identifierMicrosoft .NET Passport Unique Identifier (A unique identifier used to represent a Passport account)
Microsoft Visual Studio .NETMicrosoft Visual Studio® .NET (An integrated development environment for helping developers to build scalable applications and Web services)
net amountNettobetrag (The amount including all deductions, charges, and adjustments)
.NET APIs for Windows Store apps.NET-APIs für Windows Store-Apps (The subset of .NET APIs that can be used to develop Windows Store apps)
.NET Assembly Connector.NET-Assembly-Connector (An out-of-the-box BDC connector that ships with WSS. It provides the ability to host .NET Connectivity Assemblies, enabling users to easily add custom data sources or do data mashups)
net book valueNettobuchwert (The value of a fixed asset calculated as the difference between the original cost of the fixed asset minus its accumulated depreciations)
net change master schedulingProduktprogrammplanung auf Basis der Nettoveränderung (A master scheduling principle in which net requirements are calculated only for items that have had a change in demand since the last master schedule was calculated)
.NET Connectivity Assembly.NET-Konnektivitäts-Assembly (A .NET assembly that implements connectivity operations such as custom data access, aggregation, and data transformations. Each class in this assembly typically maps to an external content type and each operation supported by the external content type maps to a method inside the class)
.NET Framework class library.NET Framework-Klassenbibliothek (A library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in .NET Framework. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built)
.NET Framework data provider.NET Framework-Datenanbieter (A component of ADO.NET that provides access to data from a relational data source. A .NET Framework data provider contains classes to connect to a data source, execute commands at the data source, and return query results from the data source, including the ability to execute commands within transactions. A .NET Framework data provider also contains classes to populate a DataSet with results from a data source and propagate changes in a DataSet back to the data source)
Net Logon serviceNetzwerkanmeldungsdienst (A user-mode service that runs in the Windows security subsystem. The Net Logon service passes the user`s credentials through a secure channel to the domain database and returns the domain security identifiers and user rights for the user. In addition, the Net Logon service performs a variety of other functions related to the user logon process, such as periodic password updates for computer accounts and domain controller discovery)
off-netnetzextern (Pertaining to dialing a number not serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment)
on-netnetzintern (Pertaining to dialing a number serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment)
purchase order line net amountNettobetrag für Bestellposition (The expected currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Purchase miscellaneous charge)
purchase order net unit priceNettostückpreis für Bestellung (The expected currency amount per unit that is represented by the purchase order, calculated as follows: Purchase order line net amount / Quantity on the purchase order)
selection netrechteckiger Auswahlbereich (A means of selecting more than one shape at a time by dragging the Pointer tool to define an area that encloses all the shapes to be selected)
Selection Net toolrechteckigen Bereich auswählen (A tool that defines a rectangular area that encloses all the shapes to be selected)
Visual Studio .NETVisual Studio® .NET (An integrated development environment for helping developers to build scalable applications and Web services)