
Terms for subject Banking containing NÖT | all forms | exact matches only
capital not paid-upnicht einbezahltes Kapitol
endorsement marked "not negotiable"Rektaindossament
intermediate consumption of banking services which is not allocated by sectorintermediärer Verbrauch von nicht aufgegliederten Bankdienstleistungen
not assignableunabtretbar
not easily marketableunkurant
not negotiablenicht begebbar
not negotiable waybillFrachtbrief
not redeemableuntilgbar
not redeemableunkündbar
not specially provided fornicht besonders gedeckt
not subject to attachmentunpfändbar
not subject to executionunpfändbar
not subject to statute of limitationsunverjährbar
not sufficient fundsungenügende Deckung
not to be notedohne Protest
not transferableunabtretbar