
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Line | all forms | exact matches only
accounting distribution lineBuchhaltungsverteilungsposition (The subline of a source document line documenting the financial consequence of an economic transaction that documents the distribution of an aliquot portion of the financial consequence to a ledger account)
association lineZuordnungslinie (A line leading from a field or property to a shape that represents that field or property's type)
audio conference lineAudiokonferenzleitung (The bridge line that participants call to hear the audio portion of a Live Meeting session)
Bcc lineBcc-Zeile (" Text box located on the Compose page. Provides space for users to type the e-mail address(es) of those who will be the "blind" recipient(s) of an e-mail message. Derives from the term blind carbon copy. Note! Primary recipients (those on the To line) and secondary recipients (those on the Cc line) will not see the names and e-mail addresses of those on the Bcc line.")
break lineUmbruchlinie (The actual line that is shown in a document to indicate a line break)
bridge line appearanceSekretariatsfunktion (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
bridged line appearanceSekretariatsfunktion (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
cache lineCachezeile (The smallest unit of memory than can be transferred between the main memory and the cache)
Cc lineCC-Zeile (Text box located on the Compose page. Provides space for users to type the e-mail address(es) of those who will be the secondary recipient(s) of an e-mail message. Derives from the term carbon copy)
Cellular LineMobilfunkverbindung (A modem option used to connect to an Internet service provider (ISP) or network)
command lineBefehlszeile (A string of text written in the command language and passed to the command interpreter for execution)
command line deployment toolBefehlszeilen-Bereitstellungstool (A tool used to add, remove, import and export assemblies, import and export bindings, and install or uninstall assemblies from the global assembly cache (GAC))
command-line interfaceBefehlszeilenschnittstelle (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
command line interfaceBefehlszeilenschnittstelle (A form of interface between the operating system and the user in which the user types commands, using a special command language. Although systems with command-line interfaces are usually considered more difficult to learn and use than those with graphical interfaces, command-based systems are usually programmable; this gives them flexibility unavailable in graphics-based systems that do not have a programming interface)
command-line optionBefehlszeilenoption (A string that is recognized by a shell command and modifies the way the command executes)
command-line programBefehlszeilenprogramm (A program that runs from the command line)
command-line toolBefehlszeilentool (A program that runs from the command line)
contract lineVertragszeile (The specific description in a contract of the service support to be provided, including pricing and how support is to be allotted)
cost lineKostenposition (The part of a cost template that specifies one or more categories that form the basis of a cost estimate)
dedicated lineStandleitung (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
destination distribution lineZielverteilungsposition (The distribution line for the destination company on an allocation transaction)
End of LineZeilenende (A menu item that allows the user to choose a character with which to search for the end of a line)
Horizontal Linehorizontale Linie (A Web page editor command that inserts a horizontal line onto a Web page)
hot linelangsamste Zeile (In a profiler performance report, a source code line that is marked as a code segment that performed the most work)
International Date Line WestInternationale Datumsgrenze West (A standardized time zone where the local time is 12 hours earlier than Coordinated Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time)
intravenous lineIntravenöser Schlauch (A device used to administer medications or other fluids directly into the bloodstream through a vein)
invoice line net amountNettobetrag der Rechnungsposition (The actual currency amount that is represented by an invoice line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Item miscellaneous charge)
IV lineIV-Schlauch (A device used to administer medications or other fluids directly into the bloodstream through a vein)
join lineVerknüpfungslinie (A line that connects fields between two tables and shows how the data is related. The type of join indicates which records are selected for the query's result set)
journal lineErfassungsposition (An entry in a journal)
kit lineBausatzposition (An individual item that is a component of a kit)
leader lineFührungslinie (A line or row of characters used to lead the eye from a data label to a data point, or from a callout to the appropriate part of an illustration)
leased lineMietleitung (A communications channel that permanently connects two or more locations. Dedicated lines are private or leased lines, rather than public ones. T1 lines, which are used by many organizations for Internet connectivity, are examples of dedicated lines)
line appearanceLeitung (In telephony systems, the instance of an extension or phone number on a phone. For example, if a user's desk phone is provisioned with his extension, then you can say that his phone has his line appearance. Business phones may have more than one line appearance)
line breakZeilenumbruch (The point at which one line ends and another begins)
line chartLiniendiagramm (A chart that shows trends in data at equal intervals, with values from one or more sets of data connected by lines)
line editorZeilen-Editor (A text-editing program that numbers each line of text, working with the document on a line-by-line rather than on a word-by-word basis)
line feedZeilenvorschub (A control character that tells a computer or printer to advance one line below the current line without moving the position of the cursor or print head)
Line Image GeneratorLiniengrafik-Generator (A feature that enables you to configure the style of the lines or images that are displayed between nodes in a TreeView control)
Line Item OrderVertragspositionsreihenfolge (The display name of an attribute that specifies the position of an item in the list of contract line items)
line item workflowPositionsworkflow (A workflow created for each line item in a workflow document)
line item workflow work itemArbeitsaufgabe für Positionsworkflow (A workflow work item that is created by a line item workflow instance)
line joinLinienverbindung (The common area that is formed by two lines whose ends meet or overlap)
line layerLinienebene (The layer in a map report that displays spatial data as lines, for example, lines that indicate paths or routes)
line of codeCodezeile (An executable line of text that excludes white space, comments, type declarations, and namespace declarations)
line-of-businessBranche (The type of enterprise in which businesses or organizations are engaged)
line-of-business applicationBranchenanwendung (An application that is vital to running enterprises, such as payroll, resource planning, supply chain management, and accounting)
line-of-business dataBranchensystemdaten (Any piece of data originated in or targeted to be processed by the LOB system)
line-of-business entityBranchenentität (A data structure exposed by the LOB system consisting of a set of related fields grouped together under a unique ID)
line-of-business identifierBranchen-ID (An identifier used by the LOB system to perform create, update, and delete operations on an LOB entity. This identifier is unique per LOB entity type, but may not be unique across different types, solutions, and LOB systems)
line-of-business serviceBranchenzugriffsdienst (A service that exposes access to LOB data sources)
line pencilBleistift (A pencil tool that simulates the look and feel of drawing lines with a pencil)
line price variance amountPreisabweichung für Position (The currency amount of the price variance between a vendor invoice line and the corresponding purchase order line, calculated as follows:(Invoice net unit price - Purchase order net unit price) Update invoice quantity)
line printerZeilendrucker (Any printer that prints one line at a time as opposed to one character at a time (as with many dot-matrix printers) or one page at a time (as with some dot-matrix and most laser printers). Line printers typically produce the familiar 11-by-17-inch fanfold computer printouts. They are high-speed devices and are often used with mainframes, minicomputers, or networked machines rather than with single-user systems)
line propertyAbrechnungscode (A code that specifies which transactions in a journal are chargeable and which are non-chargeable)
line screen angleRasterwinkel (The angle of the lines of dots for each of the halftone screens that are used in process color printing)
line screen frequencyHäufigkeit eines Linienrasters (The fineness or coarseness of a halftone screen represented by lines per inch (LPI))
line segmentLiniensegment (A portion of a line, defined by its beginning and ending points)
line spacingZeilenabstand (The amount of space from the bottom of one line of text to the bottom of the next line)
line stringLinienzeichenfolge (A shape representing a single path in a coordinate system. It uses linear interpolation between control points for the definition of line which is appropriate to the coordinate system)
line styleLinienart (In desktop publishing, printing, and high-end word processing, the form and quality of a line, such as a dotted line, a double line, or a hairline)
line weightLinienstärke (The thickness of a line in a document)
line widthZeilenbreite (The length of a line of type measured from the left margin to the right margin on a piece of paper or on a computer screen. On a typewriter, line width is usually measured in terms of the number of monospace alphanumeric characters that can fit on the line; on a computer monitor or printer, line width is normally measured in inches, centimeters, points, or picas)
line widthLinienstärke (The length of a line of type measured from the left margin to the right margin on a piece of paper or on a computer screen. On a typewriter, line width is usually measured in terms of the number of monospace alphanumeric characters that can fit on the line; on a computer monitor or printer, line width is normally measured in inches, centimeters, points, or picas)
line wrapZeilenumbruch (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter)
link lineVerknüpfungslinie (On the Gantt Chart and Network Diagram, the line that appears between two tasks to indicate a task dependency)
LOW LINEUnterstrich (The _ character)
magnetic ink character recognition lineMagnetschrifterkennungs-Zeile (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
manual line breakmanueller Zeilenumbruch (A nonprinting mark you insert to end the current line and continue the text on the next line)
massively multiplayer on-line game A game conducted over the Internet in which a large number of players (hundreds or thousands) participate simultaneouslyMMO-Spiel (Massively Multiplayer Online)
MICR lineMICR-Zeile (A line of characters that is encoded with a special type of ink that can be magnetized and then translated into characters. MICR lines are used on bank checks to identify the bank, account, and check)
Microsoft Command Line Utilities 11 For SQL ServerMicrosoft Befehlszeilenprogramme 11 für SQL Server (A set of command line utilities (SQLCMD utility, BCP utility) that support the latest server features)
Multi Line Modemehrzeiliger Modus (A text box mode that allows data entry on multiple lines)
multi-line stringMulti-Linienzeichenfolge (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of line strings)
new line characterNeue-Zeile-Zeichen (A control character that causes the cursor on a display or the printing mechanism on a printer to move to the beginning of the next line)
OCR lineOCR-Zeile (A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text)
offside lineEinrückungsgrenze (" The column that determines the context for a coding construct, for example, a "try…with" construct. Code that appears to the left of this line is offside, i.e. outside of the context of that construct, and the compiler assumes that that construct has ended. ")
optical character recognition lineZeile für optische Zeichenerkennung (A line of characters that is read by special character recognition equipment and translated into computer text)
order lineVerkaufs-/Einkaufszeile (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
order lineAuftragsposition (The part of a sales order or purchase order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
outgoing lineausgehende Leitung (The phone line being used to place phone calls)
outside line access codeAmtskennziffer (The prefix that is used to access an outside line. In the United States, this prefix is typically 9)
port connector linePortverbindung (A line showing the connection between a Send/Receive shape and an operation on a Port shape)
private linePrivatleitung (An additional phone number with a distinct ring tone that cannot be forwarded. A private line allows a person who delegates calls to have a direct, confidential line)
product lineProduktlinie (A set of related products grouped together due to technical or marketing considerations)
production lineProduktionsauftragsposition (The part of a production order that specifies detailed information about the components included in the order)
production order lineProduktionsauftragsposition (The part of a production order that specifies detailed information about the components included in the order)
production order lineFertigungsauftragszeile (The part of a production order that specifies the parent item to be produced)
progress lineFortschrittslinie (A visual representation of the progress of your project, displayed in the Gantt Chart view. Progress lines connect in-progress tasks, creating a graph on the Gantt Chart indicating work that is behind and peaks indicating work that is ahead)
purchase order line net amountNettobetrag für Bestellposition (The expected currency amount for a purchase order line, calculated as follows: Purchase order quantity (Unit price/Price unit) - Trade agreement discount + Purchase miscellaneous charge)
rate-adaptive asymmetric digital subscriber lineRate-adaptive Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (A flexible, high-speed version of ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) that is capable of adjusting transmission speed (bandwidth) based on signal quality and length of the transmission line. As the signal quality improves or deteriorates while a transmission line is being used, the transmission speed is adjusted accordingly)
regression lineRegressionsgerade (A straight line that represents the relationship between matched pairs of data from two collections of data. The equation of the line is derived using the least-squares method of linear regression)
RFQ lineAngebotsanforderungsposition (The part of the RFQ that specifies the detailed information about an item)
RFQ reply linePosition für Antwort auf Angebotsanforderung (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item)
sales order lineBestellposition/Auftragsposition (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
sales order lineVerkaufsauftragszeile (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
sales order lineAuftragsposition (The part of a sales order that specifies the detailed information about a requested item)
scale break lineSkalierungsunterbrechungslinie (A line drawn across a chart area to indicate a significant gap between a high and low range of values on the chart)
series lineVerbindungslinie (In 2-D stacked bar and column charts, a line that connects the data markers in a data series and is used to emphasize the difference in measurement between each series)
Server Manager command line toolServer-Manager-Befehlszeilentool (A command line tool that automates the deployment of roles and features on computers running Windows Server)
service agreement lineServicevertragsposition (An itemization of tasks that are covered by a service agreement)
service order lineServiceauftragszeile (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
service order lineServiceauftragsposition (The part of a service order that specifies detailed information about the requested service)
shape connector lineFormverbindung (A line used to link shapes and to determine their relative order in an orchestration)
shared line appearanceTeamschaltung (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
signature lineSignaturzeile (A control that allows users to digitally sign a form or document)
straight line depreciationlineare Abschreibung (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)
straight line depreciationlineare Abschreibung (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)
straight-line service life depreciation methodlineare Abschreibung nach Nutzungsdauer (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period)
straight-line service life remaining depreciation methodlineare Abschreibung nach Restnutzungsdauer (A method of depreciation that calculates the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed amount in each depreciation period. There will be a difference in the depreciation amount calculated between straight-line service life remaining and straight-line service life when there is an adjustment posted to the asset)
strip lineBereichsstreifen (Horizontal or vertical ranges that set the background pattern of the chart in regular or custom intervals. You can use strip lines to improve readability for looking up individual values on the chart, highlight dates that occur at regular intervals, or highlight a specific key range)
subject lineBetreffzeile (The part of a message header that is used by the sender to indicate the object of the message)
tag lineSlogan (A brief, memorable statement that summarizes the purpose of an organization or emphasizes an important aspect of a product or service)
To lineAn-Zeile (The part of a message header that contains the e-mail addresses of the primary recipients of an e-mail message)
transfer order lineUmlagerungsauftragszeile (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
transfer order lineUmlagerungsauftragsposition (The part of a transfer order that specifies detailed information about a request to transfer a specific item to a different warehouse)
turnkey communications lineAnbieter für vollständige Kommunikationseinrichtungen (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
VERTICAL LINEsenkrechter Strich (The | character)
wall reference lineWandreferenzlinie (The line that extends from the wall begin point to the wall endpoint. Although the wall reference line is typically centered on the wall or aligned with one edge of the wall, you can locate it any distance you want from the wall)