
Terms containing Library | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActive Template Library serverATL-Server (A server that houses an Active Template Library)
comp., MSapplication library cachingZwischenspeichern der Anwendungsbibliothek (In Silverlight, a feature that enables applications to use external library assemblies retrieved from the server or from the local browser cache)
gen.Austrian Library NetworkÖsterreichischer Bibliothekenverbund
gen.automatic library lookupautomatischer Suchlauf
ITcomputer-supported library systemrechnergestütztes Bibliothekssystem
arts., ITCuneiform Digital Library InitiativeDigitale Keilschrift-Bibliothek
econ.Documentation and Library BranchHauptabteilung Dokumentation und Information
gen.Documentation and Library DivisionAbteilung Dokumentation und Bibliothek
gen.Documentation, Internal Information and Library Section, Ministry of FinanceReferat Dokumentation, interne Information und Bibliothek
comp., MSdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScriptDownloadpaket für die Windows-Bibliothek für JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
comp., MSdynamic-link library fileDLL-Datei (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
brit.Education and Library BoardsAusschüsse für Bildung und Büchereiwesen
work.fl., IT, engl.European digital library networkEuropeana
work.fl., ITEuropean digital library networkEuropäische digitale Bibliothek
work.fl.European library areaeuropäischer Raum im Bereich des Bibliothekswesens
work.fl.European library programmeEurolib-Programm
commun.ex-library copyausgeschiedenes Exemplar
gen.Federal Military Library and Historical ServiceEidg.Militärbibliothek (Biblioteca militara federala, RM Biblioteca militara federala e Servetsch istoric)
gen.Federal Military Library and Historical ServiceEidgenössische Militärbibliothek und Historischer Dienst (Biblioteca militara federala, RM Biblioteca militara federala e Servetsch istoric)
gen.Federation of Organisations in the Library,Information and DocumentationFöderation von Organisationen auf dem Gebiet des Bibliotheks-, Informations- und Dokumentationswesens
gen.Film Library Sub-divisionUnterabteilung Filmothek
comp., MSForm Library URL Repair ToolURL-Reparaturtool für Formularbibliotheken (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
gen.Head, Information, Documentation and Library DivisionLeiter der Abteilung Information, Dokumentation und Bibliothek
commun.inter-library lendingInter-Library-Loan
gen.inter-library lendingFernleihverkehr
environ.inter-library loan The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of librariesFernleihe
commun.inter-library loanInter-Library-Loan
gen.inter-library loanFernleihe
gen.inter-library loanaktiver Leihverkehr
commun.International Federation of Library Associations and InstitutionsInternationaler Verband des Bibliothekarischen Vereine und Institutionen
relig., commun.International Federation of Library Associations and InstitutionsInternationaler Verband der bibliothekarischen Vereine und Institutionen
commun., industr., construct.lending library deskAusleihpult
work.fl.Library and Documentation SchoolBibliothekar- und Dokumentalistenakademie
IMF.Library and Documents UnitUntersektion Bibliothek und Dokumente
ed.library and information managementBibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement
ed.Library and Information Service Advisory CouncilBeirat für Bibliothekswesen und Information
commun.library archivesBibliotheksarchive
lab.law.library assistantBibliothekswart
commun.library associationBibliotheksverein
polygr.library bindingBibliothekseinband
gen.library buildingBibliotheksgebäude
arts., ed., transp.library busBücherbus
comp.library callBibliotheksabruf
work.fl., ITlibrary classificationbibliothekarische Klassifikation
IMF.Library Client Services SectionSektion Bibliotheks-Kundendienst
gen.library collectionBibliotheksbestand
gen.library cupboardBücherschrank
comp., MSlibrary databaseBibliotheksdatenbank (A collection of procedures and database objects that you can call from any application. In order to use the items in the library, you must first establish a reference from the current database to the library database)
commun.library directorBibliotheksdirektor
comp.library directoryBibliothekkatalog
comp.library directoryBibliotheksverzeichnis
ITlibrary diskBibliotheksplatte
gen.library educationBibliotheksausbildung
comp., MSlibrary fileBibliotheksdatei (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
commun.library financeFinanzierung von Bibliotheken
cultur.library footageArchivbilder
cultur.library footageArchivaufnahmen
gen.library for the blindBlindenbibliothek
gen.library for the blindBibliothek für Blinde
gen.library holdingsBibliotheksbestände
gen.library information agenciesbibliothekarische Informationsstellen
gen.library instructionBibliothekseinführung (Training in the use of libraries and library collections)
polygr.library licenceBibliothekslizenz
gen.library maintenanceBibliotheksverwaltung
busin., ITlibrary management programBibliotheksverwaltungsprogramm
gen.library managerBibliotheksverwalter
commun.library markStempel
comp.library nameBibliotheksname
commun.library networkBibliotheksnetz
gen.library of AmaliaAmalien-Bibliothek
IT, el.library of building blocksBibliothek von Funktionsblocken
IT, el.library of building blocksZellenbibliothek
ITlibrary of cells on VLSI levelBibliothek komplexer Zellen
ITlibrary of complex cellsBibliothek komplexer Zellen
gen.library of dataDatenbibliothek
work.fl.Library of Parliament and Federal AdministrationEidgenössische Parlaments-und Zentralbibliothek
ITlibrary of primitive cellsBibliothek einfacher Zellen
work.fl., ITlibrary of programsProgrammbibliothek
IMF.Library Operations SectionSektion Bibliotheksbetrieb
commun.library organizationBibliotheksverwaltung
gen.library personnelBibliothekspersonal
gen.library photoArchivbild
gen.library photographArchivbild
IT, dat.proc.library programBibliotheksprogramm
IT, dat.proc.library programmeBibliotheksprogramm
commun.library publicityBibliothekspropaganda
polygr.library purchaseBibliotheksbezüge
comp., MSlibrary refreshBibliotheksaktualisierung (The process by which Virtual Machine Manager indexes files stored on library shares, and then updates Library view and resource listings. Periodic library refreshes can be scheduled, or individual library shares can be refreshed as needed)
comp., MSlibrary requestBibliotheksanforderung (A request for a library or stand-alone drive to perform a task. This request can be issued by an application or by Removable Storage)
comp.library routineBibliotheksprogramm
commun.library rulesBibliotheksordnung
gen.library's outlineBibliotheksgrundriss
commun.library schoolBibliothekarschule
gen.library schoolBibliotheksschule
gen.library school educationBibliotheksschulen-Ausbildung
gen.library scienceBibliothekswissenschaft
ed.library scienceBibliothekskunde
comp., MSlibrary serverBibliothekserver (A server that makes shares available to store resources in the Virtual Machine Manager library. The library is managed centrally through the Library view of the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console. A Virtual Machine Manager agent installed on the library server provides metadata about the shares and resources to Virtual Machine Manager)
environ.library service The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clientsBibliotheksdienst
environ.library serviceBibliotheksdienst
gen.Library Service cataloguing - BrusselsDienststelle Bibliothek Katalog - Brüssel
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliothekarische Informationsmittel
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliographische Dienstleistungen
patents.library servicesDienstleistungen einer Bibliothek
comp., MSlibrary shareBibliotheksfreigabe (A share that has been added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. To be available for use in creating virtual machines, a resource must be stored on a library share and must be added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. When a library server is added to Virtual Machine Manager, shares on the library server are automatically discovered)
gen.library shelvesBücherregale
gen.library staffBibliothekspersonal
arts.library stampBibliothekstempel
ed.library studiesBibliothekswissenschaft
ed.library studiesBibliothekswesen
gen.Library Sub-divisionBibliothek
IT, life.sc.library subroutineBibliotheksprogramm
comp.library subroutineBibliotheksunterprogramm
polygr.library supplierBibliothekslieferant
polygr.library supplyBibliotheksbelieferung
tech.library tapeArchivband
microel.library tapeBibliotheksband
gen.library technicianBibliothekstechniker
gen.library technologyBibliothekstechnologie
industr., textilelibrary templeSteckbügel
gen.library tourBibliotheksführung
ITlibrary trackHinweisspur
transp.library-trailerAnhaenger mit eingebauter Buecherei
comp., MSLibrary viewBibliotheksansicht (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator manages library servers, shares, resources, and stored virtual machines)
gen.library winesSchatzkammerweine
microel.master library tapeHauptbibliotheksband
gen.mobile library servicesBetrieb eines Bücherbus
commun.National Inter-library Lending CentreLandeszentralbibliothek
arts.National Library of SwedenSchwedens Nationalbibliothek
arts.National Library of SwedenKönigliche Bibliothek
work.fl.National Library of the NetherlandsKönigliche Bibliothek
gen.Netherlands Library for the BlindNiederländische Blindenbibliothek
microel.on-line tape library systemOn-line-Band-System
microel.on-line tape library systemMagnetbandbibliotheksystem
polit.On-site and Online Library Services UnitReferat Bibliotheksdienste vor Ort und Online-Bilbiotheksdienste
progr.open source library referenced to the IEC61131-3 standardOpen Source Bibliothek nach dem IEC61131-3 Standard (ssn)
nat.sc.ordered clone library of human DNAgeordnete Klonbibliotheken der menschlichen DNA
patents.photograph library searching servicesPhoto-Bibliotheksrecherchedienste
commun., ITPlan of action aimed at library cooperation based on the application of new information technologiesAktionsplan auf Gemeinschaftsebene für eine Zusammenarbeit der Bibliotheken auf der Grundlage neuer Informationstechnologien
commun.Provincial Library Centreprovinziale Zentralbibliothek
polygr.public library systemLeihbibliotheknetz
comp., MSread-only library shareschreibgeschützte Bibliotheksfreigabe (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
comp.standard library fdestandardmäßige Bibliothekdatei
gen.standard library of human DNAStandardbibliothek menschlicher DNA
microel.tape library systemOn-line-Band-System
microel.tape library systemMagnetbandbibliothekssystem
comp., MSteam project collection library shareTeamprojektsammlungs-Bibliotheksfreigabe (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
comp., MSteam project library shareTeamprojekt-Bibliotheksfreigabe (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
gen.The library lends booksDie Bibliothek verleiht Bücher
law, relig.TREMA photo library -Thesaurus for Electronic Research on Artistic MattersDatensammlung für EDV-Abfragen im Kunstbereich
environ.Virtual Library of Environmental Informationvirtuelle Umweltinformationsbibliothek
comp., MSWindows Library for JavaScriptWindows-Bibliothek für JavaScript (A set of APIs that developers use to create UI for Windows by using JavaScript)