
Terms containing Library | all forms | exact matches only
gen.abbey libraryStiftsbibliothek
comp., MSAcademic LibraryAkademische Bibliothek (A site template that offers a protected document library for educational institutions where students can discover, acquire, and consume selected content that is subject to digital rights management)
gen.academic librarywissenschaftliche Bibliothek
ed.academic libraryakademische Bibliothek
comp., MSActive Template Library serverATL-Server (A server that houses an Active Template Library)
tech.activities libraryTätigkeitenbibliothek
comp., MSAnimation LibraryAnimationsbibliothek (A library that developers can use in their applications throughout the new Windows user interface)
med.antigen display libraryAntigen-Display-Bibliothek
comp., MSApp Controller LibraryApp Controller-Bibliothek (A single logical representation of all library objects from registered clouds from VMM and Windows Azure)
comp., MSapplication library cachingZwischenspeichern der Anwendungsbibliothek (In Silverlight, a feature that enables applications to use external library assemblies retrieved from the server or from the local browser cache)
gen.art lending libraryArtothek
comp., MSAsset LibraryObjektbibliothek (A library that provide content types with common properties, and enhanced views to find and preview rich media, also called digital assets)
gen.at Providence Public Libraryda (Oksana Vicente)
gen.audio libraryAudiothek
comp.audiovisual libraryaudiovisuelle Bibliothek
gen.Austrian Library NetworkÖsterreichischer Bibliothekenverbund
gen.automatic library lookupautomatischer Suchlauf
ITbackup system librarySicherungsdatei der Systembibliothek
comp., MSbase class libraryBasisklassenbibliothek (A library that contains base classes)
comp., MSBase Domain LibraryBasisdomänenbibliothek (A set of domain models in the Repository that provides tables and procedures that support features such as claims-based security, versioning, and localization)
comp.basic software libraryBasissoftware-Bibliothek
work.fl., commun.book mobile libraryAutobücherei
gen.books available in the libraryin der Bibliothek vorhandene Bücher
gen.books available in the libraryvorhandene Bücher in der Bibliothek
gen.branch libraryZweigbibliothek
comp.building block libraryBausteinbibliothek
comp.building block libraryStandardbibliothek
microel.CAD libraryBibliothek für rechnergestützten Entwurf
microel.call up standard circuit elements stored in the libraryin der Bibliothek gespeicherte Standardschaltkreiselemente aufrufen
gen.catalogue for public librariesKatalog für oeffentliche Bibliotheken
med.cDNA librarycDNA-Bibliothek
el.cell libraryZellbibliothek
microel.cell libraryZellenbibliothek (für Schaltkreisentwurf)
gen.central libraryZentralbibliothek
ed.children libraryKinderbibliothek
gen.children's libraryKinder- und Jugend-Bibliothek
econ.children's libraryJugendbücherei
microel.circuit librarySchaltungsbibliothek
polygr.circulating libraryLeihbücherei
gen.city libraryStadtbücherei
gen.city libraryStadtbibliothek
comp., MSclass libraryKlassenbibliothek (A library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in .NET Framework. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built)
busin., ITclass libraryKlassenbibliothek
med.clone libraryKlonbibliothek
med.cloned libraryGenbibliothek
med.cloned libraryGenbank
comp.closed libraryabgeschlossene Programmbibliothek
comp., MScloud libraryCloudbibliothek (A grouping of read-only library shares that are assigned to a private cloud and a location where self-service users of a private cloud can store virtual machines or services)
comp., MScode libraryCodebibliothek (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
comp., MSCommerce Server Class LibraryCommerce Server-Klassenbibliothek (A collection of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in the Commerce Server .NET Application Framework. This library provides access to run-time Commerce Server functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET-based Commerce Server applications, components, and controls are built)
tech.component libraryBauteilkatalog
gen.component libraryBauelemente-Bibliothek
IT, astronaut., tech.computer libraryProgrammothek
IT, astronaut., tech.computer libraryComputerprogramm-Bibliothek
automat.computer program libraryProgrammbibliothek
automat.computer routine libraryStandardprogramm-Bibliothek
gen.computerized resources for librariesBibliotheks-EDV-Systeme
ITcomputer-supported library systemrechnergestütztes Bibliothekssystem
comp., MScontent libraryInhaltsbibliothek (A data repository, in which items such as text, text boxes, pictures, tables, shapes, etc. can be stored and re-used within the same document and across multiple documents)
gen.co-operation of librariesZusammenarbeit von Bibliotheken
work.fl., commun.copyright libraryPflichtexemplar-Bibliothek
gen.copyright libraryPflichtexemplar Bibliothek
gen.core image librariesSpeicherbibliotheken
gen.core image librarySpeicherbibliothek
mining.core libraryKernmagazin (zur Aufbewahrung von Bohrkernen)
gen.court libraryHofbücherei
gen.court libraryHofbibliothek
comp., MScross-domain librarydomänenübergreifende Bibliothek (A JavaScript library available in apps for SharePoint to allow cross-domain client-level communication)
arts., ITCuneiform Digital Library InitiativeDigitale Keilschrift-Bibliothek
comp., MScursor libraryCursorbibliothek (A part of the ODBC and DB-Library application programming interfaces (APIs) that implements client cursors)
comp., MSData Connection LibraryDatenverbindungsbibliothek (A document library, located on a site running Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, that contains a collection of universal data connection (.udcx) and Office data connection (.odc) files)
law, ITdata file of libraryBibliothek/daten/sammlung
work.fl., commun.department libraryFakultätsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.department libraryInstitutsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.department libraryAbteilungsbibliothek
ed.departmental libraryFachbibliothek
work.fl., commun.deposit libraryDepot-Bibliothek
gen.depository libraryPflichtexemplarbibliothek
gen.depository libraryPflichtexemplar Bibliothek
busin., ITdevelopment libraryEntwicklungsbibliothek
progr.development of programs with vendor-specific librariesErstellung von Programmen mit herstellerspezifischen Bibliotheken (ssn)
gen.digital librariesDigitalbibliotheken
work.fl., ITdigital libraryDigitalbibliothek
gen.digital librarydigitale Bibliothek
ed.digital research libraryDigitale Forschungsbibliothek
polit.Directorate for the LibraryDirektion Bibliothek
busin., ITdisk libraryPlattenbibliothek
work.fl., commun.district libraryKreisbibliothek
work.fl., commun.district libraryBezirksbibliothek
med., life.sc., industr.DNA libraryGen-Biobliothek
chem.DNA libraryDNA-Bibliothek
chem.DNA libraryDNA-Bank
comp., MSdocument libraryDokumentbibliothek (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored)
econ.Documentation and Library BranchHauptabteilung Dokumentation und Information
gen.Documentation and Library DivisionAbteilung Dokumentation und Bibliothek
gen.Documentation, Internal Information and Library Section, Ministry of FinanceReferat Dokumentation, interne Information und Bibliothek
comp., MSdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScriptDownloadpaket für die Windows-Bibliothek für JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
comp., MSDrop Off LibraryAbgabebibliothek (A SharePoint document library where users can upload files that are then routed automatically to the correct library or folder in the site based upon rules defined by the site administrator)
gen.dynamic link library DLLdynamisch gelinkte Bibliothek
comp.dynamically linked librarydynamische gelinkte Bibliothek
comp.dynamically linked libraryDLL
comp.dynamically linked librarydynamisch verknüpfte Programmbibliothek
comp., MSdynamic-link libraryDynamic Link Library (An operating system feature that allows executable routines (generally serving a specific function or set of functions) to be stored separately as files with .dll extensions. These routines are loaded only when needed by the program that calls them)
comp., MSdynamic-link library fileDLL-Datei (A file that contains executable routines that an application can load on demand)
ed.e-librarydigitale Bibliothek
brit.Education and Library BoardsAusschüsse für Bildung und Büchereiwesen
ITelectronic libraryelektronische Bibliothek
gen.electronic librarydigitale Bibliothek
ed.electronic libraryE-Bibliothek
econ.employee libraryWerksbücherei
comp., MSEnable device syncing in Digital Image LibraryGerätesynchronisierung in Foto Designer-Bibliothek aktivieren (A checkbox that turns the Device Syncing feature on or off. If it is off, no UI is exposed to the user)
gen.European Depositary LibraryEuropäische Depositarbibliothek
work.fl., ITEuropean digital libraryEuropäische digitale Bibliothek
work.fl., IT, engl.European digital libraryEuropeana
work.fl., IT, engl.European digital library networkEuropeana
work.fl., ITEuropean digital library networkEuropäische digitale Bibliothek
work.fl.European library areaeuropäischer Raum im Bereich des Bibliothekswesens
work.fl.European library programmeEurolib-Programm
IT, R&D.European Program Libraryeuropäische Programmbibliothek
gen.European Reference LibraryEuropäische Referenzbibliothek
polygr., model.ex-libraryBibliotheksexemplar
comp., MSExtras LibraryExtras-Bibliothek (A renaming of the Vista Program Library experience that showcases and allows quick access to installed Media Center Extras)
gen.faculty libraryInstitutsbibliothek
univer.faculty libraryFachbereichsbibliothek
gen.Federal Military LibraryEidg.Militärbibliothek (Biblioteca militara federala, RM Biblioteca militara federala e Servetsch istoric)
gen.Federal Military LibraryEidgenössische Militärbibliothek und Historischer Dienst (Biblioteca militara federala, RM Biblioteca militara federala e Servetsch istoric)
gen.Federal Military LibraryEidgenössische Militärbibliothek
gen.Federal Military Library and Historical ServiceEidg.Militärbibliothek (Biblioteca militara federala, RM Biblioteca militara federala e Servetsch istoric)
gen.Federal Military Library and Historical ServiceEidgenössische Militärbibliothek und Historischer Dienst (Biblioteca militara federala, RM Biblioteca militara federala e Servetsch istoric)
gen.Federation of Organisations in the Library,Information and DocumentationFöderation von Organisationen auf dem Gebiet des Bibliotheks-, Informations- und Dokumentationswesens
gen.film librariesFilmarchive
gen.film library or archiveCinemathek
tech.film libraryFilmarchiv
ed.film libraryFilmothek
gen.Film Library Sub-divisionUnterabteilung Filmothek
IMF.Fiscal LibraryBibliothek für öffentliche Finanzen
IT, dat.proc.font librarySchriftartenliste
comp., MSform libraryFormularbibliothek (A folder in which a collection of forms based on the same template is stored and shared. Each form in a form library is associated with user-defined information that is displayed in the content listing for that library)
tech.form libraryFormularbibliothek
comp., MSForm Library URL Repair ToolURL-Reparaturtool für Formularbibliotheken (A feature that updates absolute URLs in form templates associated with SharePoint Form Libraries (i.e., InfoPath XSNs) as well as Universal Data Connection files)
comp., MSform template libraryFormularvorlagenbibliothek (The location, in the top-level site of a site collection, where the form templates that have been activated by an administrator are stored)
comp.format libraryFormatbibliothek
social.sc.game librarySpielzeugverleih
social.sc.game libraryLudothek
gen.games librarySpielothek
biol.gene libraryGenbibliothek (Andrey Truhachev)
med., life.sc., industr.gene libraryGen-Biobliothek
med.gene libraryGenbank
work.fl., commun.general libraryUniversalbibliothek
work.fl., commun.general libraryAllgemeinbibliothek
health.genetic mapping librarygenetische Bibliothek
med.genomic DNA librarygenomische DNA-Bibliothek
med.genomic DNA libraryGenombank
life.sc., R&D.genomic libraries of various speciesGenom-Archive verschiedener Arten
med.genomic librarygenomische DNA-Bibliothek
med.genomic librarygenomische Bibliothek
med.genomic libraryGenom-Archiv
med.genomic libraryGenombibliothek
med.genomic libraryGenombank
work.fl., commun.government libraryRegierungsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.government libraryBehördenbibliothek
work.fl., commun.gramophone records libraryPhonothek
work.fl., commun.gramophone records librarySchallplattenarchiv
work.fl., commun.gramophone records libraryLautarchiv
progr.graphic development of programs with vendor-specific librariesgrafische Erstellung von Programmen mit herstellerspezifischen Bibliotheken (ssn)
comp.graphic libraryBibliothek für grafische Grundelemente
comp.graphic librarygrafische Bibliothek
comp.graphical libraryBibliothek für grafische Grundelemente
comp.graphical librarygrafische Bibliothek
comp.graphics libraryBibliothek für grafische Grundelemente
comp.graphics librarygrafische Bibliothek
work.fl.Green Paper on the role of librariesGrünbuch zur Aufgabe der Bibliotheken
gen.Head, Information, Documentation and Library DivisionLeiter der Abteilung Information, Dokumentation und Bibliothek
work.fl., commun.High Level Expert Group on Digital LibrariesHochrangige Expertengruppe zu digitalen Bibliotheken
health.hospital libraryKrankenhausbibliothek
work.fl., commun.information libraryInformationsbibliothek
microel.input-output libraryEingabe-Ausgabe-Programmbibliothek
ITinput/output libraryEin/Ausgabeprogrammbibliothek
comp.input/output libraryEingabe/Ausgabe-Programmbibliothek
gen.inter-library lendingFernleihverkehr
environ.inter-library loan The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of librariesFernleihe
gen.inter-library loanFernleihe
gen.inter-library loanaktiver Leihverkehr
law, arts.International Association of Law LibrariesInternationale Vereinigung juristischer Bibliotheken
arts., ed.International Association of Technical University LibrariesInternationale Vereinigung der Bibliotheken von Technischen Hochschulen
arts., ed.International Association of Technological University LibrariesInternationale Vereinigung der Bibliotheken von Technischen Hochschulen
relig., commun.International Federation of Library Associations and InstitutionsInternationaler Verband der bibliothekarischen Vereine und Institutionen
social.sc., arts.International Youth LibraryInternationale Jugendbibliothek
IT, dat.proc.job libraryArbeitsbibliothek
IMF.Joint Bank LibraryGemeinsame Bibliothek (von Weltbank und IWF)
IMF.Joint Bank-Fund LibraryGemeinsame Bibliothek (von Weltbank und IWF)
gen.language libraryeinsprachige Bibliothek
IMF.Language Services LibraryBibliothek des Sprachendienstes
IMF.Law LibraryRechtsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.learned librarySpezialbibliothek
work.fl., commun.learned libraryForschungsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.legal deposit libraryPflichtexemplar-Bibliothek
work.fl., EU.2. lei-hing libraryAusleihbibliothek
gen.lending librariesLeihbibliotheken
patents.lending librariesLeihbüchereien
gen.lending librariesBüchervermietung Leihbücherei
gen.lending librariesVermietung von Büchern Leihbücherei
gen.lending libraryLeihbibliothek
gen.lending libraryAusleihbibliothek
gen.lending libraryLeihbücherei (A library that allows users to borrow material for a specified period of time)
construct.lending libraryAusleihe
gen.Libraries Council ActGesetz über den Bibliotheksrat
gen.Libraries Management CommitteeVerwaltungsausschuss für die Bibliotheken
work.fl.Library and Documentation SchoolBibliothekar- und Dokumentalistenakademie
IMF.Library and Documents UnitUntersektion Bibliothek und Dokumente
ed.library and information managementBibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement
ed.Library and Information Service Advisory CouncilBeirat für Bibliothekswesen und Information
polygr.library bindingBibliothekseinband
gen.library buildingBibliotheksgebäude
comp.library callBibliotheksabruf
work.fl., ITlibrary classificationbibliothekarische Klassifikation
IMF.Library Client Services SectionSektion Bibliotheks-Kundendienst
gen.library collectionBibliotheksbestand
gen.library cupboardBücherschrank
comp., MSlibrary databaseBibliotheksdatenbank (A collection of procedures and database objects that you can call from any application. In order to use the items in the library, you must first establish a reference from the current database to the library database)
comp.library directoryBibliothekkatalog
comp.library directoryBibliotheksverzeichnis
gen.library educationBibliotheksausbildung
comp., MSlibrary fileBibliotheksdatei (In programming, a collection of routines stored in a file. Each set of instructions in a library has a name, and each performs a different task)
gen.library for the blindBlindenbibliothek
gen.library for the blindBibliothek für Blinde
gen.library holdingsBibliotheksbestände
gen.library information agenciesbibliothekarische Informationsstellen
polygr.library licenceBibliothekslizenz
gen.library maintenanceBibliotheksverwaltung
busin., ITlibrary management programBibliotheksverwaltungsprogramm
gen.library managerBibliotheksverwalter
comp.library nameBibliotheksname
gen.library of AmaliaAmalien-Bibliothek
gen.library of dataDatenbibliothek
work.fl.Library of Parliament and Federal AdministrationEidgenössische Parlaments-und Zentralbibliothek
work.fl., ITlibrary of programsProgrammbibliothek
IMF.Library Operations SectionSektion Bibliotheksbetrieb
gen.library personnelBibliothekspersonal
gen.library photoArchivbild
gen.library photographArchivbild
polygr.library purchaseBibliotheksbezüge
comp., MSlibrary refreshBibliotheksaktualisierung (The process by which Virtual Machine Manager indexes files stored on library shares, and then updates Library view and resource listings. Periodic library refreshes can be scheduled, or individual library shares can be refreshed as needed)
comp., MSlibrary requestBibliotheksanforderung (A request for a library or stand-alone drive to perform a task. This request can be issued by an application or by Removable Storage)
comp.library routineBibliotheksprogramm
commun.library rulesBibliotheksordnung
gen.library's outlineBibliotheksgrundriss
gen.library schoolBibliotheksschule
gen.library school educationBibliotheksschulen-Ausbildung
gen.library scienceBibliothekswissenschaft
ed.library scienceBibliothekskunde
comp., MSlibrary serverBibliothekserver (A server that makes shares available to store resources in the Virtual Machine Manager library. The library is managed centrally through the Library view of the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console. A Virtual Machine Manager agent installed on the library server provides metadata about the shares and resources to Virtual Machine Manager)
gen.Library Service cataloguing - BrusselsDienststelle Bibliothek Katalog - Brüssel
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliothekarische Informationsmittel
work.fl., commun.library servicesbibliographische Dienstleistungen
patents.library servicesDienstleistungen einer Bibliothek
comp., MSlibrary shareBibliotheksfreigabe (A share that has been added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. To be available for use in creating virtual machines, a resource must be stored on a library share and must be added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. When a library server is added to Virtual Machine Manager, shares on the library server are automatically discovered)
gen.library staffBibliothekspersonal
ed.library studiesBibliothekswissenschaft
ed.library studiesBibliothekswesen
gen.Library Sub-divisionBibliothek
comp.library subroutineBibliotheksunterprogramm
polygr.library supplierBibliothekslieferant
polygr.library supplyBibliotheksbelieferung
tech.library tapeArchivband
microel.library tapeBibliotheksband
gen.library technicianBibliothekstechniker
gen.library technologyBibliothekstechnologie
gen.library tourBibliotheksführung
comp., MSLibrary viewBibliotheksansicht (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator manages library servers, shares, resources, and stored virtual machines)
gen.library winesSchatzkammerweine
ITlink libraryVerbindungsbibliothek
comp.macroinstruction libraryMakrobibliothek (Zusammenfassung der vereinbarten Makrodefinitionen)
gen.main libraryZentralbibliothek
tech.master libraryStammbibliothek
microel.master library tapeHauptbibliotheksband
econ.media libraryMediathek
gen.media libraryMediothek
health.medical librarymedizinische Bibliothek
health.medical records libraryKrankenblattarchiv
comp., MSMicrosoft Foundation Class LibraryMicrosoft Foundation Class-Bibliothek (A library of C++ classes that forms an object-oriented wrapper around large portions of the Windows API and provides a framework on which to build applications)
comp., MSMicrosoft Windows Driver LibraryMicrosoft Windows-Treiberbibliothek (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
gen.mobile libraryFahrbibliothek
ed., commun.mobile libraryrollende Bibliothek
social.sc., arts., ed.mobile libraryWanderbibliothek
gen.mobile libraryAutobücherei
gen.mobile library servicesBetrieb eines Bücherbus
ITmodule libraryProgrammodul-Bibliothek
gen.module libraryModulbibliothek
relig.monastery libraryKlosterbibliothek
gen.monastery libraryStiftsbibliothek
NGOMunicipal Department 9 - Vienna City LibraryMA 09 - Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
austrianMunicipal Departments - Vienna City LibraryMA 09 - Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
arts.municipal libraryStadtbibliothek
work.fl., commun.municipal libraryStadtbücherei
gen.music libraryMusikbücherei
gen.National Advisory Committee for Public LibrariesStaatliche Beratungskommission für öffentliche Bibliotheken
arts.National LibraryNationalbibliothek
econ.national libraryStaatsbibliothek
gen.national libraryNationalbibliothek
arts.National Library of SwedenSchwedens Nationalbibliothek
arts.National Library of SwedenKönigliche Bibliothek
work.fl.National Library of the NetherlandsKönigliche Bibliothek
comp., MS.NET Framework class library.NET Framework-Klassenbibliothek (A library of classes, interfaces, and value types that are included in .NET Framework. This library provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built)
gen.Netherlands Library for the BlindNiederländische Blindenbibliothek
work.fl.Netherlands Organization for Libraries and Information ServicesNiederländisches Amt für Informationsversorgung und Bibliothekwesen
ITobject libraryObjektbibliothek
comp., MSobject libraryObjektbibliothek (A file that contains definitions of objects and their methods and properties)
tech.object libraryObjektkatalog
comp., MSODS libraryODS-Bibliothek (A set of C functions that makes an application a server. ODS library calls respond to requests from a client in a client/server network. Also manages the communication and data between the client and the server. ODS library follows the tabular data stream (TDS) protocol)
microel.on-line tape library systemOn-line-Band-System
microel.on-line tape library systemMagnetbandbibliotheksystem
polit.On-site and Online Library Services UnitReferat Bibliotheksdienste vor Ort und Online-Bilbiotheksdienste
gen.open access libraryFreihandbibliothek
comp., MSOpen Data Services libraryOpen Data Services-Bibliothek (A set of C functions that makes an application a server. ODS library calls respond to requests from a client in a client/server network. Also manages the communication and data between the client and the server. ODS library follows the tabular data stream (TDS) protocol)
relig., ed.open shelf libraryFreihandbücherei
relig., ed.open shelf libraryFreihandbibliothek
progr.open source libraryOpen Source Bibliothek (ssn)
progr.open source library referenced to the IEC61131-3 standardOpen Source Bibliothek nach dem IEC61131-3 Standard (ssn)
health., life.sc., R&D.ordered clone librariesgeordnete Klonbibliotheken
health., nat.sc.ordered clone libraryGeordnete Klonbibliothek
nat.sc.ordered clone library of human DNAgeordnete Klonbibliotheken der menschlichen DNA
med.ordered DNA librarygeordnete DNA-Bibliothek
work.fl.Parliamentary and Central LibraryEidgenössische Parlaments-und Zentralbibliothek
econ.parliamentary libraryParlamentsbibliothek
ed., ITpersonal electronic librarypersönliche elektronische Bibliothek
med.phage display libraryPhagenbibliothek
med.phage display libraryPhagen-Display-Bibliothek
med.phage libraryPhagenbibliothek
med.phage libraryPhagen-Display-Bibliothek
work.fl., commun.phonograph records libraryPhonothek
work.fl., commun.phonograph records librarySchallplattenarchiv
work.fl., commun.phonograph records libraryLautarchiv
photo.photo libraryFotoarchiv (Andrey Truhachev)
ed.photo libraryPhotothek
ed.photo libraryFotothek
work.fl.photograph libraryBildarchiv
polygr.photograph libraryBildstelle
patents.photograph library searching servicesPhoto-Bibliotheksrecherchedienste
construct.photography libraryBildstelle
construct.photography libraryFotothek
gen.picture artlending libraryArtothek
busin.picture libraryBilderarchiv
busin.picture libraryBildarchiv
polygr.picture libraryBildstelle
commun., ITPlan of action aimed at library cooperation based on the application of new information technologiesAktionsplan auf Gemeinschaftsebene für eine Zusammenarbeit der Bibliotheken auf der Grundlage neuer Informationstechnologien
arts.plan of action to promote interconnection between librariesAktionsplan zur Schaffung eines Verbunds von Bibliotheken
gen.playing libraryFilmbibliothek (Trickfilmtechnik)
comp., MSpreservation hold librarypermanentes Dokumentarchiv (A SharePoint document library in which content is stored after being deleted or modified so that it can be accessed for electronic discovery or other legal purposes)
law, commun.prison libraryGefängnisbibliothek
arts.private libraryPrivatbibliothek
gen.private libraryHausbibliothek
gen.program libraryProgrammbibliothek
ITprogramme libraryProgrammbibliothek
ITprogramming libraryProgrammierbibliothek (Andrey Truhachev)
busin., ITproject libraryProjektbibliothek
gen.public librariesVolksbibliotheken
lawPublic Libraries ActGesetz UEber die oeffentlichen Bibliotheken
tech.public libraryLeihbibliothek
gen.public libraryVolksbibliothek
tech.public libraryLeihbücherei
busin.public libraryVolksbüchgerei
gen.public libraryöffentliche Bibliothek
polygr.public library systemLeihbibliotheknetz
work.fl.public patent libraryöffentliche Patentschriften-Auslegestelle
ed.reading libraryPräsenzbibliothek
comp., MSread-only library shareschreibgeschützte Bibliotheksfreigabe (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
econ.record libraryDiskothek
comp., MSRecorded TV LibraryTV-Aufzeichnungsbibliothek (A Windows library that allows users to store, manage and share all their recorded TV items)
construct.records libraryPhonothek
econ.reference libraryHandbücherei
gen.reference libraryHandbibliothek
gen.reference libraryPräsenzbibliothek
polygr., model.reference libraryHandapparat
econ.reference libraryNachschlagebibliothek
work.fl., commun.regional libraryKreisbibliothek
work.fl., commun.regional libraryBezirksbibliothek
gen.regional libraryLandesbibliothek
comp.relocatable libraryModulbibliothek
comp.relocatable libraryBibliothek von Objektmodulen
comp.relocatable libraryverschiebbare Bibliothek
work.fl., commun.rental libraryLeihbibliothek
work.fl., commun.rental librarygewerbliche Leihbibliothek
amer.rental libraryLeihbücherei
comp., MSreport libraryBerichtsbibliothek (A structured set of files (row worksheets, column worksheets and reporting trees) that are combined to create a financial report)
gen.research librarywissenschaftliche Bibliothek
work.fl., commun.research libraryForschungsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.research librarySpezialbibliothek
ed.research libraryakademische Bibliothek
comp., MSresults libraryErgebnisbibliothek (A location on the local computer where Windows Assessment Console job results are stored)
microel.reticle libraryRetikelbibliothek
automat.routine libraryStandardprogramm-Bibliothek
ITroutine libraryProgrammbibliothek
comp.routine libraryRoutinebibliothek
arts.Royal LibrarySchwedens Nationalbibliothek
arts.Royal LibraryKönigliche Bibliothek
comp., MSrun-time libraryLaufzeitbibliothek (A file that contains one or more prewritten routines to perform specific, commonly used functions. Programmers use an RTL primarily in high-level languages such as C to avoid rewriting these routines)
tech.runtime libraryLaufzeitbiliothek
work.fl., commun.scholarly libraryForschungsbibliothek
work.fl., commun.scholarly librarySpezialbibliothek
gen.school librarySchulbibliothek
gen.school librarySchulbücherei
gen.scientific librarywissenschaftliche Bibliothek
microel.search for a new task in the task librarynach einer neuen Aufgabe in der Aufgabenbibliothek suchen
comp.shape libraryBibliothek für grafische Grundelemente
comp.shape librarygrafische Bibliothek
comp., MSshared libraryfreigegebene Bibliothek (A container for assumptions and metadata (dimensions, hierarchies, forms and reports, inter-model mappings, DTS packages that are used by PerformancePoint Server, and PerformancePoint Server data sources) that are global to any child model site of the root model site, or of a model site with which the library is associated. The assumptions and metadata of a shared library are for the exclusive consumption of these child models and are not available outside their immediate model family)
ed.slide libraryDiathek
comp., MSSlide LibraryFolienbibliothek (A folder where a collection of PowerPoint slides is shared)
comp.slide libraryDiapositivbibliothek
microel.software librarySoftwarebibliothek
comp.software libraryProgrammothek
comp.software libraryProgrammbibliothek
econ.sound recording libraryTonarchiv
comp.source libraryQuellenprogrammbibliothek
comp.source libraryBibliothek für Quellenmodule
microel.source libraryBibliothek der Ursprungssprache
tech.source libraryQuellbibliothek
comp.source libraryQuellenbibliothek
gen.source libraryPrimärbibliothek
ITsource statement libraryBibliothek für Quellenmoduln
work.fl.special librariessonderarchive
gen.special librarySpezialbibliothek
ed.specialist libraryFachbibliothek
earth.sc.spectrum librarySpektrenbibliothek
sport.sports librarySportbibliothek
comp., MSstand-alone drive libraryeigenständige Treiberbibliothek (A single-drive, non-automated unit, such as a tape drive or CD-ROM drive, that holds a single tape or disc. With this type of library, the user manually inserts a tape or disc into the drives)
comp.standard libraryBausteinbibliothek
comp.standard libraryStandardbibliothek
comp.standard library fdestandardmäßige Bibliothekdatei
gen.standard library of human DNAStandardbibliothek menschlicher DNA
gen.standard template library STLSoftware-Vorlagenbibliothek
gen.state libraryLandesbibliothek
gen.State Public Libraries InspectorateStaatliche Aufsichtsbehörde für öffentliche Bibliotheken
work.fl., commun., mater.sc.storage librarySpeicherbibliothek
work.fl., commun., mater.sc.storage libraryAußenmagazin
gen.storage libraryMagazinbibliothek
ed.study libraryStudienbibliothek
comp.style libraryStilbibliothek
microel.subroutine libraryUnterprogrammbibliothek
work.fl., commun.subscription librarygewerbliche Leihbibliothek
work.fl., commun.subscription libraryLeihbibliothek
polygr.subscription libraryLeihbücherei
med.supercell librarySuperzellenbibliothek
comp.symbol librarySymbolbibliothek
gen.talking-book libraryHörbücherei
comp., MStape libraryBandbibliothek (A data-storage system that consists of removable tape and a hardware device that can read from or write to the tape)
arts.tape libraryAudiothek
arts.tape libraryTonbandstelle
comp.tape libraryBandbibliothek
microel.tape library systemOn-line-Band-System
microel.tape library systemMagnetbandbibliothekssystem
microel.task libraryAufgabenbibliothek
comp., MSteam project collection library shareTeamprojektsammlungs-Bibliotheksfreigabe (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
comp., MSteam project library shareTeamprojekt-Bibliotheksfreigabe (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
gen.technical libraryFachbibliothek
comp.texture libraryTexturbibliothek
comp.texture libraryFüllmusterbibliothek
gen.The library lends booksDie Bibliothek verleiht Bücher
polygr.the reference section of a libraryAbteilung für Nachschlagewerke
gen.the use of laboratories, scientific libraries, and other documentation centresBenutzung von Laboratorien, wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken und anderen Dokumentationszentren
social.sc.toy librarySpielzeugverleih
econ.toy libraryLudothek
ed.toy libraryKinderspielstube
gen.training librariesAusbildungsbibliotheken
gen.training libraryAusbildungsbibliothek
gen.traveling libraryFahrbibliothek
work.fl., commun.travelling libraryAutobücherei
social.sc., arts., ed.travelling libraryWanderbibliothek
brit.travelling libraryFahrbibliothek
law, relig.TREMA photo library -Thesaurus for Electronic Research on Artistic MattersDatensammlung für EDV-Abfragen im Kunstbereich
IT, dat.proc.type librarySchriftartenliste
comp., MStype libraryTypbibliothek (A file (or component within another file) that contains Automation standard descriptions of exposed objects, properties, and methods)
work.fl., commun.universal libraryAllgemeinbibliothek
work.fl., commun.universal libraryUniversalbibliothek
gen.university libraryUnibibliothek ugs
gen.university libraryUniversitätsbibliothek
progr.use of vendor-specific librariesEinsatz von herstellerspezifischen Bibliotheken (ssn)
comp.user libraryAnwenderbibliothek
gen.user libraryBenutzerbibliothek
comp.user-defined libraryAnwenderbibliothek
progr.vendor-specific librariesherstellerspezifischen Bibliotheken (ssn)
progr.vendor-specific libraryherstellerspezifische Bibliothek (ssn)
ed., ITvideo-libraryVideobibliothek
ed., ITvideo-libraryVideothek
gen.video libraryVideothek
tech.video-tape libraryVideothek
econ.virtual libraryvirtuelle Bibliothek
environ.Virtual Library of Environmental Informationvirtuelle Umweltinformationsbibliothek
comp., MSVirtual Machine Manager libraryVirtual Machine Manager-Bibliothek (The catalog of resources that can be used to create virtual machines in Virtual Machine Manager)
comp., MSWindows component libraryWindows-Komponentenbibliothek (A library of components that have a version that can be independent from the major Windows version. The Windows Store manages the process of ensuring that the correct version of the Windows component library is present when the app is installed on a Windows 8 PC. These libraries, which include Windows Library for JavaScript, C Runtime Libraries (CRT), and PlayReady DRM, are essential to the creation of Windows Store apps)
comp., MSWindows Driver LibraryWindows-Treiberbibliothek (A collection of hardware device drivers for a Microsoft Windows operating system that were not included in the original Windows package)
comp., MSWindows libraryWindows-Bibliothek (A collection of items, such as files and folders, assembled from various locations. The locations might be on your computer, an external hard drive, removable media, or someone else's computer)
comp., MSWindows Library for JavaScriptWindows-Bibliothek für JavaScript (A set of APIs that developers use to create UI for Windows by using JavaScript)
comp., MSWindows Media audio encoder libraryWindows Media-Audioencoderbibliothek (A static library of APIs that is used to convert audio data into a specified digital format for convenient storage, retrieval, and delivery over a network)
comp., MSWindows Runtime C++ Template LibraryC++-Vorlagenbibliothek für Windows-Runtime (A library that provides infrastructure for the Windows Runtime; it can also be used to create a language projection to build Windows Runtime components in C++ and for app building)
comp., MSWord Add-in LibraryWord-Add-In-Bibliothek (A stand-alone, dynamic-link library that, when loaded, can add custom commands that extend the functionality of Microsoft Word. Commands and functions in a loaded WLL are also available to Microsoft Visual Basic projects)
gen.youth libraryJugendbibliothek
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