
Terms for subject Botany containing LEAF | all forms | exact matches only
leaf apexBlattspitze
leaf apparatusBelaubung
leaf apparatusBlattapparat
leaf apparatusLaub
leaf baseBlattbasis
leaf composition in bud prefoliationKnospenanlage
leaf epidermisOberhaut
leaf epidermisäußerste Zellschicht
leaf epidermisEpidermis
leaf ligulesBlattöhrchen
leaf motleynessPanaschierung
leaf nerveBlattader
leaf rollingEinrollen der Blätter
leaf rosetteBlattrosette
leaf stalkFruchtstiel
leaf systemBelaubung
leaf systemBlattapparat
leaf systemLaub
leaf-tube formationSchossen (Phänophase f des Getreides)
leaf variegationPanaschierung
lobation of leafLappung des Blattes
mechanical tissue of leafmechanisches Gewebe des Blattes
mosaic affection of leafBlattmosaik
scale leafNebenblatt (at blossom)
skin leafrundblättriges Wintergrün
water-leaf familyHydrophyllazeen