
Terms for subject Environment containing Index | all forms | exact matches only
air cleaning indexAbscheidungsgrad
atmospheric pollution indexIndex über der atmosphärischen Verschmutzung
biotic index Scale for showing the quality of an environment by indicating the types of organisms present in it (e.g. how clean a river is)Biotischer Index
biotic indexBiotischer Index
black smoke indexRauchindex
calcium saturation indexKalziumsättigungsindex
deep dose equivalent index at a pointTiefen-Aquivalentdosisindex in einem Punkt
deep dose equivalent index at a pointTiefen-Aequivalentdosisindex in einem Punkt
disaster risk indexKatastrophenrisikoindex
energy efficiency indexEnergieeffizienzindex
environmental indexUmweltindex
environmental index An index of available environmental articles from 1972 to present; also known as Environmental Abstract AnnualUmweltindex
environmental indexUmwelt-Index
fire weather indexmetereologischer Waldbrandgefahren-Index
gaseous acid air pollution indexIndex der Verschmutzung mit sauren Gasen
German environment indexDer deutsche Umweltindex
hydrocarbon index by typeKohlenwasserstoffindex
index organismZeigerorganismus
index organismIndikatororganismus
indexing of documentation A service which creates a special contents list, containing titles, authors, abstracts, subject headings and other information, to describe a large number of publications and to be used in searchable, machine-readable (or printed) look-up tablesDokumentenindexierung
indexing of documentationDokumentenindexierung
Kováts retention indexRetentionsindex nach Kovats
lightning fire occurrence indexBlitzschlag-Index
Miller indexIndex nach Müller
Mohlman indexIndex nach Mohlmann
noise indexLärmindex
permanganate indexPermanganatindex
saprobic indexSaprobienindex
saprobic index Indication or measure of the level of organic pollutionSaprobienindex
shallow dose equivalent indexSchalen-Aquivalentdosisindex in einem Punkt
shallow dose equivalent index at a pointOberflaechen-Aequivalentdosisindex in einem Punkt
sludge growth indexFeststoffgehalt des Schlamms
sludge volume indexFeststoffgehalt des Schlamms
transport indexTransportkennzahl
weighted indexStaubauswurfmenge je Wärmeeinheit