
Terms for subject Medical containing Hands | all forms | exact matches only
Ahlfeld disinfection of the handsAhlfeld Desinfektion
anaesthesia of handHandanästhesie
ape handAffenhand
artificial hand capable of closing the fistBreitgreifhand
back of handDorsum manus
back of handHandruecken
back of the handRist
balance on handverfügbare Restmenge
battledore handSpatenhand
benediction handPredigerhand
Berlin-type hand prosthesisBerliner Hand
Bircher furcate handGabelhand
Bircher furcate handBircher Gabelhand
bones of digits of handFingerglieder (phalanges digitorum manus, ossa digitorum manus)
bones of digits of handFingerknochen (phalanges digitorum manus, ossa digitorum manus)
bones of the digits of the handOssa digitorum manus bzw.pedis
bones of the digits of the handPhalanges dig.
carpenter's handsTischlerhand
circumference of handHandumfang Kuehnel
claw handGreifenklaue
claw handKlauenhand
claw handKrallenhand
cleft handSpalthand
crocodile handKrokodilshand
crucial part of fibrous flexor sheat of hand and footPars cruciformis vaginae fibrosae manus et pedis
crucial part of fibrous flexor sheat of hand and footLigamenta cruciata s.cruciformia digitorum
dead handtoter Finger
dead handabgestorbener Finger
dead handDigitus mortuus
digit of handDigitus (digitus manus)
digit of handFinger (digitus manus)
distal phalanx of handFingerendphalanx (phalanx distalis digitorum manus, phalanx distalis manus)
distal phalanx of handFingerendglied (phalanx distalis digitorum manus, phalanx distalis manus)
dorsal cutaneous nerve of handNerv cutaneus manus dorsalis
dorsal digital arteries of handArteriae digitales dorsales manus
dorsal fascia of handFascia dorsalis manus
dorsal interosseous muscles of handdorsale Zwischenknochenmuskeln der Hand
dorsal interosseous muscles of handMuskeln interossei manus dorsales
dorsal venous arch of handArcus venosus dorsalis manus
dorsum of handHandrücken (dorsum manus)
drop handHängehand
drop handKusshand
drop handKarpoptose
dyspraxia of left or right handsympathische Dyspraxie
dyspraxia of left or right handDyspraxie der linken oder rechten Hand
eczema of handsHandekzem
Eichler hand prosthesisEichler Hand
electroprosthesis for hand or armelektrische Hand
eminences of handHandballen
expression of breastmilk by handAbdruecken der Frauenmilch
fakir handFakirhand
faradic hand therapyfaradische Hand
faradic hand therapyelektrische Hand
Feierabend artificial handFeierabend Hand
fifth digit of handKleinfinger (digitus manus minimus, digitus manus quintus)
fin-like handFlossenhand
first digit of handDaumen (digitus primus manus, pollex)
Fischer artificial handFischer Klaue
Fischer artificial handFischer Hand
flag handFlaggenband
flat handPlatthand (manus plana)
flat handFlachhand (manus plana)
fourth digit of handRingfinger (digitus anularis, digitus manus quartus, digitus quartus)
Friedreich handFriedreich-Hand
frog handFroschhand
furcate handBircher Gabelhand
furcate handGabelhand
Goetz von Berlichingen handGoetz von Berlichingen-Hand
grip handGreifhand
Guldbransen-Strand cosmetic handGuldbransen Strand-Schmuckhand
Haefner artificial handHaefner Kunsthand
hand-adapted instrumentHandforminstrument
hand-arm systemHand-Arm-System
hand basinHandwaschbecken
hand bathHandbad
hand blotterLöschpapier
hand disinfectionHändedesinfektion
hand disinfection testHaendewaschversuch
hand eczemaHandekzem
hand-foot syndromeHand-Fuß-Syndrom
hand index KuehnelHandindex Kuehnel
hand instrumentHandinstrument
hand jointsHandgelenke
hand jointsArticulationes manus
hand mirror cell leukemia"Handspiegel-Zell" Leukämie
hand monitorHandmonitor
hand-operated respiratorHandbeatmungsgerät
hand ophthalmoscopeHandreflektor
hand ophthalmoscopeHandaugenspiegel
hand-over reportBerichterstattung
hand phlegmonsHandphlegmone
hand plateHandplatte
hand presentationHandvorliegen
hand prolapseHandvorfall
hand prosthesisHandprothese
hand prosthesisHookarm
hand prosthesisArbeitshand
hand prosthesisArbeitsarm
Hand's syndromeCholesterinkrankheit
Hand's syndromeCholesterinspeicherkrankheit
Hand's syndromeLipoidgranulomatose
Hand's syndromeLipoidhistiozytose
Hand's syndromeHSC-Syndrom
Hand's syndromeHand-Schüller-Christiansches Syndrom
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseHand-Krankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseMorbus Schüller-Hand-Christian
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseHand-Schüller-Christiansches Syndrom
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseCholesterinspeicherkrankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseLipoidgranulomatose
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseLipoidhistiozytose
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseHSC-Syndrom
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseCholesterinkrankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseSchüller-Hand-Christian-Krankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseSchüller-Krankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian diseaseHand-Schüller-Christiansche Krankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndromeCholesterinkrankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndromeCholesterinspeicherkrankheit
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndromeHSC-Syndrom
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndromeLipoidgranulomatose
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndromeLipoidhistiozytose
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndromeHand-Schüller-Christiansches Syndrom
hand splintsHandschiene
hand-straddling splintHandspreizschiene
hand trephineHandbohrapparat
Herbst artificial handHerbst Hand
Hirsch artificial handHirsch Hand
Huefner artificial handHuefner-Hand
joints of the handHandgelenk
Klingert hand prosthesisKlinger Hand
Krukenberg's handKrukenbergarm
lead handBleiplattenhand
lead handBleihand
little digit of handKleinfinger (digitus manus minimus, digitus manus quintus)
lobster-claw handSpalthand
malleable hand splintbiegsame Handschiene
Marinesco's succulent handTatzenhand
Marinesco's succulent handSafthand
middle digit of handMittelfinger (digitus tertius manus, digitus medius manus)
middle phalanx of handFingermittelphalanx (phalanx media digitorum manus, phalanx media manus)
middle phalanx of handFingermittelglied (phalanx media digitorum manus, phalanx media manus)
monkey handAffenhand
mouth-and-hand synkinesiaSaundersches Zeichen
muscle abductor digiti quinti of handKleinfingerabzieher
muscle abductor digiti quinti of handMuskel abductor digiti minimi manus
muscle extensor digiti quinti proprius of handKleinfingerstrecker
muscle extensor digiti quinti proprius of handMuskel extensor digiti quinti manus proprius
muscle extensor digitorum communis of handgemeinsamer Fingerstrecker
muscle extensor digitorum communis of handMuskel extensor digitorum manus communis
muscle flexor digiti quinti brevis of handkurzer Kleinfingerbeuger
muscle flexor digiti quinti brevis of handMuskel flexor digiti quinti manus brevis
muscle flexor digitorum sublimis superficialis of handoberflächlicher Fingerbeuger
muscle flexor digitorum sublimis superficialis of handMuskel flexor digitorum manus superficialis
muscle opponens digiti quinti of handKleinfingergegensteller
muscle opponens digiti quinti of handMuskel opponens digiti quinti manus
navicular bone of handKahnbein (os scaphoideum)
obstetrician’s handGeburtshelferhand
occupational hand crampBerufshandkrampf
opera-glass handTrophopathia myelodysplastica
opera-glass handOperaglashand
palm of the handVola manus
palm of the handPalma manus
palm of the handHandteller
phalanges of digits of handFingerglieder (phalanges digitorum manus, ossa digitorum manus)
phalanges of digits of handFingerknochen (phalanges digitorum manus, ossa digitorum manus)
phantom handPhantomhand
phocomelous handRobbenhand
phocomelous handFlossenhand
phocomelous handSeehundhand
phocomelous handphokomele Hand
pneumatic handpneumatische Hand
power of hand-pressureHanddruckkraft
preacher's handPredigerhand
preacher’s handPredigerhand
proximal phalanx of handFingergrundphalanx (phalanx proximalis digitorum manus, phalanx proximalis manus)
proximal phalanx of handFingergrundglied (phalanx proximalis digitorum manus, phalanx proximalis manus)
raw beef hands and feetAkrodynie
raw beef hands and feetAkrodynie-Syndrom
raw beef hands and feetChomel-Krankheit
raw beef hands and feetErythrödem
raw beef hands and feetFeer-Krankheit
raw beef hands and feetFeer Neurose
raw beef hands and feetFeer-Syndrom
raw beef hands and feetPolyneuropathie
raw beef hands and feetRaw beef hands and feet
raw beef hands and feetRosa-Krankheit
raw beef hands and feetTrophodermatoneurose
raw beef hands and feetSelter-Shift-Feer-Krankheit
raw beef hands and feetDermatopolyneuritis
raw beef hands and feetPink disease
raw beef hands and feetvegetative Neuropathie des Kleinkindes
right hand lengthrechte Handlänge
shoulder-hand syndromeSteinbroker-Syndrom
shoulder-hand syndromeSchulter-Hand-Syndrom
shoulder-hand syndromeSchulter-Arm-Syndrom
skeleton handKnochenhand
skeleton handSkelethand
spade handSchlägelhand
split handSpalthand
third digit of handMittelfinger (digitus tertius manus, digitus medius manus)
tremor of handsHändezittern (tremor manuum)
trench handSchützengrabenhand
trench handerfrorene Hand
triangular hand bandageInvolucrum manus
trident handDreizackhand
trident handDreizackenhand
trident handRadspeichenhand
volar region of the handPalma manus
volar region of the handVolargegend
washerwoman's handWaschfrauenhand
washerwomen's handsWaschhände
washerwomen's handsWaschfrauenhände
work handArbeitshand
writing handPillendreherhaltung
writing handSchreibfederstellung