
Terms for subject Nuclear physics containing Form | all forms | exact matches only
atom form factorAtomstreufaktor
atom form factorAtomformfaktor
atom form factoratomarer Streufaktor
atom form factorAtomfaktor
atomic form factoratomarer Streufaktor (atomic scattering factor divided by the atomic number)
atomic form factorAtomstreufaktor (atomic scattering factor divided by the atomic number)
atomic form factorAtomformfaktor (atomic scattering factor divided by the atomic number)
atomic form factorAtomfaktor (atomic scattering factor divided by the atomic number)
average energy required to form an ion pairmittlerer Energieaufwand zur Bildung eines Ionenpaares (in einem Material)
interim storage in liquid formZwischenlagerung in flüssiger Form
radioactive material in special formStoff in besonderer Form
radioactive material in special formradioaktiver Stoff in besonderer Form
mean energy required to form an ion pairmittlerer Energieaufwand zur Bildung eines Ionenpaares (in einem Material)
special form radioactive materialStoff in besonderer Form
special form radioactive materialradioaktiver Stoff in besonderer Form
zirconium in the form of foilZirkonium in Form von Folien