
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Exchange | all forms | exact matches only
asynchronous data exchangeasynchroner Datenaustausch (A style of processing where an application posts a request for an event to occur and then continues without waiting for the event. A separate service will recognize the request and take responsibility for ensuring that the event occurs)
Cached Exchange ModeExchange-Cache-Modus (A feature that lets a Microsoft Outlook user who has a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account work offline, either by choice or due to a connection problem. A copy of the user's mailbox is stored on their computer and is frequently updated from the mail server. Any changes that are made while a connection to the server is not available are synchronized automatically when a connection becomes available)
CRM-Exchange E-mail RouterCRM-Exchange-E-Mail-Router (A software component that provides an interface between the Microsoft CRM system and Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003)
currency exchangeWährungsumrechnung (The process of restating foreign currency accounts of subsidiaries into equivalent currency (usually the reporting currency of the parent company), in order to prepare consolidated financial statements in the native currency of the parent company)
Drawing Exchange FormatFormat für den Austausch von Zeichnungen (A computer-aided design file format originally developed by Autodesk; for use with the AutoCAD program to facilitate transfer of graphics files between different applications)
Dynamic Data Exchangedynamischer Datenaustausch (An interprocess communication method that allows two or more applications running simultaneously to exchange data and commands)
dynamic data exchange channelDDE-Kanal (An active link between Microsoft Windows programs over which data can be exchanged)
dynamic data exchange conversationDDE-Verbindung (The interaction between two applications that are communicating and exchanging data through special functions and code known as dynamic data exchange (DDE))
exchange adjustmentKursregulierung (The process of recalculating an account balance to reflect a change in the exchange rate for transactions in foreign currencies. The transaction gain or loss is considered unrealized if the adjustment is calculated for reporting purposes alone, and realized if the debt is paid or the revenue is received)
Exchange admin centerExchange Admin Center (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
Exchange Administration CenterExchange-Verwaltungskonsole (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
Exchange administratorExchange-Administrator (The administrator account with privileges to administer Exchange services)
Exchange by PhoneExchange per Telefon (A feature that allows a Unified Messaging-enabled user to access their Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox over the telephone. Users can navigate through their mailboxes using telephone-key or Speech input)
Exchange Conferencing ServicesExchange-Konferenzdienste (A service that allows users to meet in virtual rooms on a server running Exchange)
Exchange Control PanelExchange-Systemsteuerung (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
Exchange Fast AccessExchange-Schnellzugriff (A feature that enables Exchange users to see new email messages and up-to-date calendar items as soon as they open Outlook, without waiting for it to finish synchronizing)
Exchange hybrid deploymentExchange – hybride Bereitstellung, Exchange-Hybridbereitstellung (A connection established between on-premises and cloud email systems that not only allows users to use email from either location with the same set of credentials, but provides a richer management experience)
Exchange Management ConsoleExchange-Verwaltungskonsole (The Exchange 2007 graphical user interface (GUI) from which administrators can perform tasks to configure and manage Exchange servers. The Exchange Management Console is based on Windows Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0)
Exchange Management ShellExchange-Verwaltungsshell (A command-line interface and associated command-line plug-ins for Exchange Server that enable automation of administrative tasks. The Exchange Management Shell is built on Windows PowerShell technology, formerly codenamed Monad)
Exchange Organization Administrators roleExchange-Organisations-Administratorrolle (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have full access to all Exchange properties and objects in the Exchange organization)
Exchange Publishing Attachment BlockingAnlagensperre für Exchange-Veröffentlichungen (A feature that enables the user to configure whether or not mail attachments should be blocked)
Exchange Publishing Rule WizardAssistent für Exchange-Veröffentlichungsregeln (A wizard that helps you publish an Exchange Server, making mail in any of the following formats available to clients: OWA, Outlook RPC/HTTPS, OMA, and Exchange ActiveSync)
exchange rateWechselkurs (The value of one exchange currency unit relative to another exchange currency unit)
exchange rateKurs (The rate at which the currency of one country or region can be traded against that of another country or region)
exchange rate adjustmentWechselkursregulierung (A modification to a converted monetary amount when the exchange rate between the quotation unit and the base unit change)
exchange rate typeWechselkurstyp (A classification that groups exchange rates)
Exchange Recipient Administrators roleExchange-Empfänger-Administratorrolle (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have permissions to modify any Exchange property on an Active Directory user, contact, group, dynamic distribution group, or public folder object)
Exchange serverExchange-Server (A server that has Microsoft Exchange Server installed)
Exchange Server Administrators roleExchange-Server-Administratorrolle (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have access to only local server Exchange configuration data, either in Active Directory or on the physical computer on which Active Directory is installed)
Exchange Server connectorExchange Server-Connector (A Configuration Manager technology that connects to Exchange Server to discover and manage mobile devices)
Exchange servicesExchange-Dienste (Exchange-specific services that run on a server that has Microsoft Exchange Server installed)
Exchange storeExchange-Informationsspeicher (A storage platform that provides a single repository for managing multiple types of unstructured information in one infrastructure. The Exchange store combines the features and functionality of the file system, the Web, and a collaboration server (such as Microsoft Exchange) through a single, URL-addressable location for storing, accessing, and managing information, as well as building and running applications. The Exchange store is also known as the Web Storage System)
Exchange System ManagerExchange-System-Manager (A collection of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins that Microsoft Exchange provides)
Exchange View-Only Administrators roleExchange-Administratorrolle mit Leserechten (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have read-only access to the entire Exchange organization tree in the Active Directory configuration container, and read-only access to all Windows domain containers that have Exchange recipients)
Exchange Web ServicesExchange-Webdienste (A set of features that provides a programming interface for accessing Microsoft Exchange data through the Client Access server role by using Web services)
fixed exchange ratefester Wechselkurs (An exchange rate that pegs one currency's value to another currency's value)
Internet Key ExchangeInternetschlüsselaustausch (A protocol that establishes the security association and shared keys necessary for computers to communicate by using Internet Protocol security (IPsec))
Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet ExchangeIPX/SPX, Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (Transport protocols used in Novell NetWare networks, which together correspond to the combination of TCP and IP in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Windows implements IPX through NWLink)
key exchangeSchlüsselaustausch (Confidential exchange of secret keys online, which is commonly done with public key cryptography)
mail exchange recordMX-Eintrag (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) specifying how Internet e-mail should be routed using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Each MX record contains a preference and a host name, so that the collection of MX records for a given domain name point to the servers that should receive e-mail for that domain, and their priority relative to each other)
Microsoft Exchange Key Management ServerMicrosoft Exchange-Schlüsselverwaltungsserver (The Exchange computer on which the Key Management Service has been installed. There can be one Key Management Server per administrative group)
Microsoft Exchange On-PremisesMicrosoft Exchange lokal (The top level node of the Exchange Management Console, which allows you to manage your on-premises deployments of Exchange)
Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging ServiceMicrosoft Exchange Unified Messaging-Dienst (A service that implements Unified Messaging (UM) capabilities for UM-enabled users)
Microsoft Project ExchangeMicrosoft Project-Austauschdateiformat (A record-based ASCII text format that is used to import data into Project)
Private Branch ExchangeNebenstellenanlage (A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers)
Private Branch ExchangeNebenstellenanlage (A private telephone network in an organization. Individual telephone numbers or extension numbers are supported, and calls are automatically routed to them. Users can call each other using extensions. They can also place calls to outside numbers)
protested bill of exchangeprotestierter Wechsel (A drawn bill of exchange that a customer has refused to pay)
synchronous data exchangesynchroner Datenaustausch (A style of processing where an application requests that an event occurs and waits for the event to complete, so that the application is certain of the result of its request before it proceeds)