
Terms for subject Environment containing Common | all forms | exact matches only
Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on a Common Procedure for the Exchange of Information on the Quality of Surface Water in the CommunityAusschuss zur Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt im Bereich gemeinsames Verfahren zum Informationsaustausch über die Qualität des Oberflächenwassers in der Gemeinschaft
common agreement A system of law established by following earlier judicial decisions and customs, rather than statutory or legislatively enacted lawGemeinsame Regeln
common agreementGemeinsame Regeln
common agricultural policy The set of regulations and practices adopted by member countries of the European Community that consolidates efforts in promoting or ensuring reasonable pricing, fair standards of living, stable markets, increased farm productivity and methods for dealing with food supply or surplusGemeinsame Agrarpolitik
common and coordinated policies and measuresgemeinsame und koordinierte Politiken und Massnahmen
common assessment proceduregemeinsames Bewertungsverfahren
common batagur, river terrapin, tuntongBatagur-Schildkrote
common birdsfoot-trefoilHornschotenklee (Lotus corniculatus)
common but differentiated responsibilityPrinzip einer gemeinsamen, aber abgestuften Verantwortung
common but differentiated responsibilitygemeinsame, aber unterschiedliche Verantwortlichkeit
common but differentiated responsibilityGrundsatz der gemeinsamen, aber differenzierten Verantwortung
common commercial policy The set of uniform trade principles or practices established by an European Community customs union, which implements common tariff rates, tariff and trade agreements with non-member countries, import and export policies, and export promotionGemeinsame Handelspolitik
common commercial policygemeinsame Handelspolitik (Wirtschaftspolitik)
common Community label for CFC-free productsgemeinsames EG-Kennzeichen für Erzeugnisse ohne Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoffe
common foxWaldfuchs (Cerdocyon thous)
common heathergewöhnliche Heide (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, Calluna vulgaris Hull., Calluna vulgaris)
common langurHulman (Semnopithecus entellus)
common lungwortEchtes Lungenkraut (Pulmonaria officinalis)
common nomenclature for environmental parametersgemeinschaftliche Nomenklatur für Umweltparameter
common pool resourceAllmenderessource
common pool resourceAllmendegut
common poppyKlatschmohn (Papaver Rhaeas Lin., Papaver rhoeas)
common reed buntingRohrammer (Emberiza schoeniclus)
common ringed ploverSandregenpfeifer (Charadrius hiaticula)
common rosefinchKarmingimpel (Carpodacus erythrinus)
common sampling plot techniqueProbeflächenmethodik
common spotted cuscusTüpfelkuskus (Phalanger maculatus, Spilocuscus maculatus)
common stonechatSchwarzkehlchen (Saxicola torquata)
common tariff policy A course of action adopted and pursued by member countries, in which it is agreed to impose a system of duties or tax charges on imports from non-member countriesGemeinsamer Zolltarifpolitik
common tariff policyGemeinsamer Zolltarifpolitik
common toolsgemeinsames Instrumentarium
common zorroWaldfuchs (Cerdocyon thous)
principle of common but differentiated responsibilityGrundsatz der gemeinsamen, aber differenzierten Verantwortung
principle of common but differentiated responsibilityPrinzip einer gemeinsamen, aber abgestuften Verantwortung
principle of common but differentiated responsibilitygemeinsame, aber unterschiedliche Verantwortlichkeit
principle of the common heritage of mankindGrundsatz des gemeinsamen Erbes der Menschheit