
Terms containing CA | all forms | exact matches only
fin., ITaccession CABeitrittsausgleichsbetrag
chem.Ca ClO2CaClO2
chem.Ca CN2Kalziumcyanid
chem.Ca ClO2Kalziumhypochlorit
industr., construct., chem.Ca H2PO22Kalziumhypophosphit
agric.Ca HPO42Calciumphosphat
health., chem.Ca-antagonistKalziumantagonist
med.ca-125 antigenKarzinom-assoziiertes Antigen mit besonderer Spezifität für das Ovarialkarzinom
med.ca-15-3 antigenKarzinom-assoziiertes Antigen mit besonderer Spezifität für das Mamakarzinom
econ., BrEca'cannyabsichtliche Arbeitsverzögerung
econ., BrEca'canny"Bummelstreik" (zur Durchsetzung von sozialen oder Lohnforderungen)
econ., BrEca'cannyArbeite-langsam-Bewegung
econ.ca'cannydie Arbeit verlangsamen
econ.ca'cannylangsam arbeiten
gen.ca'cannyäußerste Vorsicht
comp., MSCA certificateZertifizierungsstellenzertifikat (A certificate that identifies the certification authority (CA) that issues server and client authentication certificates to the servers and clients that request these certificates)
comp., MSCA certificateZS-Zertifikat (A certificate that identifies the certification authority (CA) that issues server and client authentication certificates to the servers and clients that request these certificates)
comp., MSCA compromiseZS-Kompromittierung, Kompromittierung der Zertifizierungsstelle (A situation in which it is known or suspected that the CA's private key or other aspects of the CA validated in the certificate have been revealed)
nucl.phys., med.Ca-DTPACa-DTPA (a radiopharmaceutical)
nucl.phys., med.Ca-DTPACalciumchelat der Diäthylentriaminpentaessigsäure (a radiopharmaceutical)
nucl.phys., med.Ca-DTPAKalziumchelat der Diäthylentriaminpentaessigsäure (a radiopharmaceutical)
nucl.phys., med.Ca-DTPAKalziumchelat der Diethylentriaminpentaessigsäure (a radiopharmaceutical)
nucl.phys., med.Ca-DTPACalciumchelat der Diethylentriaminpentaessigsäure (a radiopharmaceutical)
comp., MSCA hierarchyZS-Hierarchie (A hierarchy in which the roles of the certification authority are separated into one root CA and one or more subordinate CAs)
chem.Ca SCN2.3H2OKalziumrhodanid
chem.Ca SCN2.3H2OCaSCN2.3H2O
chem.Ca MnO42.5H2OKalziumpermanganat
chem.Ca MnO42.5H2OCaMnO42.5H2O
comp., MSCA nameZS-Name (The name of the certifying authority)
comp., MSCA nameZertifizierungsstellenname (The name of the certifying authority)
agric., food.ind.CA storageLagerung in kontrollierter Atmosphäre
agric., food.ind.CA storageGaslagerung
agric., food.ind.CA storageCA-Lagerung
ITCA-unitEinheit zur Aktivierung von Verbindungen
inf.comme ci comme caso lala
commun.CSMA/CACSMA mit Kollisionsbehebung
chem.cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca-saltsCyclohexylsulfamidsäure und ihre Na-und Ca-Salze
chem.cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca-saltsE952
comp., MSenterprise CAUnternehmens-ZS (A computer service that issues digital certificates that can only be used inside a business or organization)
comp., MSintermediate CAZwischen-ZS (A certification authority that has the ability to issue the intermediate certificates needed to certify the subject identified by the end certificate)
comp., MSissuing CAausstellende CA (In a public key infrastructure hierarchy, the certification authority that that issues certificates to users and computers)
agric.lime water Ca OH2Kalkwasser
agric.lime water Ca OH2CaOH2
nucl.phys., unit.meas.pCi/g CapCi/g Ca (use 1 SU = 0.037 Bq)
nucl.phys., unit.meas.pCi/g CaSunshine-Einheit (use 1 SU = 0.037 Bq)
nucl.phys., unit.meas.pCi/g CaPicocurie 90Sr pro Gramm Ca (use 1 SU = 0.037 Bq)
nucl.phys., unit.meas.pCi/g CaStrontiumeinheit (use 1 SU = 0.037 Bq)
nucl.phys., unit.meas.picocurie 90Sr per gramme CapCi/g Ca
nucl.phys., unit.meas.picocurie 90Sr per gramme CaSunshine-Einheit
nucl.phys., unit.meas.picocurie 90Sr per gramme CaPicocurie 90Sr pro Gramm Ca
nucl.phys., unit.meas.picocurie 90Sr per gramme CaStrontiumeinheit
comp., MSroot CAStamm-CA (The most trusted certification authority (CA), which is at the top of a certification hierarchy. The root CA has a self-signed certificate)
comp., MSstand-alone CAeigenständige ZS (A certification authority (CA) that is not integrated with Active Directory)
comp., MSsubordinate CAuntergeordnete ZS (In a public key infrastructure (PKI) hierarchy, any certification authority that is not the root CA)
coal.supply of the Ca-compoundsZugabe der Ca-Verbindungen
comp., MStrusted root CAvertrauenswürdige Stamm-CA (A root certification authority that appears in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities console of the Windows operating systems and is trusted by the operating system)
tech.valve caVentilschutzkappe